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Why Do Women Have MSN Messenger?


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Seriously. I don't Get It.


Have you ever noticed that most of your Female Contanct always have their Status set to Away, Busy, On the Phone Etc, etc????


This is what I did one day that got me in trouble. . . . .


I made a Female Group and put them all in there, all of them having a Status of not being on the comp.


Then I decided to IM each one of them.


I was like, "Hey, what sup, What are you doing?"


FOR REALZ! All of them were Like "Nothing, just here Bored"




So Pretty Much I was in a Huge Chatroom with all of them. All of them Talking, all windows Flashing, The desktop all Underneath them windows, A HUGE MESS!


Not to mention the stupid Sound Effects. I had my headphones on, Thank GOD For the MUTE Button.


So Ladies, Why do You Have a Messenger again?

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i have a particular female contact on AIM, and i'd log on, and she had a screen name, but she also had a secondary screen name that she'd log on to. i asked her what the other name was for, and she said it was so she could log on, but not be seen under her first name, because a guy she was semi-dating that had her as a contact, and apparently she didn't want him to think she was a loser by seeing her on AIM on a saturday night. from fridays-sundays, she'd be on her secondary name. i think she had to be on the internet 15 hours a day. because no matter what time of the day i came home or logged on, she'd be on. i thought that was insecure and childish so i rarely talk to her anymore. she's unemployed, dropped out of college, and is 22 and lives with her mom. but has all of these high priorities she wants in a man "makes good money, college degree, knowledgable, etc."

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Thats stupid...I make up fake screennames to make fun of my friends...


There was this dude who came to a show that was snorting grenadine through a straw. He was talking my bassists ear off the dude said he was chemically imbalanced and off his meds told him his whole life story. I think he wanted my bassists nuts because the whole night would not leave him alone cock blocked him on every girl my bassist was spitting game on. The dudes name was Eric Regalbeauty.


I made EricRegalbeauty screen name and would sit there and harrass my bassist...I laughed untill I got drunk and told him that I was the screen name then he laughed and then the fun was over because he knewd I dids it...

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About the screen name, they also do that. They have Multiple Names and multiple Hotmail accounts. WHY?


Same thing with myspace. They dont like their layout and they end up deleting their account, rather then to go and just delete the layout code.

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hispanics love msn messenger. i worked at a children's hospital and 90% of the guests, inpatients, and family were hispanic. i worked at the internet center and they'd all ask me in spanish how to start up msn messenger. everyday.


that's all the input i can give on people that use msn messenger. other than that, i don't know of anything relating to people using msn messenger.

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hispanics love msn messenger. i worked at a children's hospital and 90% of the guests, inpatients, and family were hispanic. i worked at the internet center and they'd all ask me in spanish how to start up msn messenger. everyday.


that's all the input i can give on people that use msn messenger. other than that, i don't know of anything relating to people using msn messenger.


I had to switch to MSN Messenger here in PR. Nobody on this island, and I mean NOBODY, uses AIM.

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