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Wood carving/sculpting?


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Has anyone ever worked with wood as far as carving/sculpting/burning etc..?


I have a few ideas I would like to play with and I want to see if anyone has any tips or experience with it.


and let me get it out of the way now before someone else does:


"He said wood...."



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I've done a bit of woodcarving. Mostly plugs for ears and such. I know they make all types of crazy tools, but i make pretty much whatever I like starting with a small saw, then some dremel and x-acto knife work, then sandpaper in various diminishing grits. For polishing, there's a variety of things you can do. I prefer not to treat or disturb the wood in any way, so I usually smooth it out by flat scraping with a semi-dull x-acto blade, then hit it with some denim or leather to get that last bit of shine. A light rub of olive oil usually brings out the natural luster of the woodgrain. Alternately, you can shine it up rubbing it with clear wax, then polishing it off with a rag.


Your first move is to buy a Dremel. It takes most of the pain and suffering out of sanding and carving. You can get one for about $50. A good quality set of x-acto blades is key, and various grits of sandpaper. I usually stop a 220. Anything smaller doesn't do anything for wood.

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yeah i knew a dremel was going to be an essential investment.


thanks for the tips people!


and yeah X-clan was always a bad ass rap group, and i'm white and saying that...haha.


that had that ill albino guy who was always just chillin, and that girl isis who was kind of dope.

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shop class...made a well, burned it with a torch...also built one of them lil wooden race cars with a rocket in back. other than that...nadda. my pops on the other hand would get the calendars that you find in them lil taquerias and cut them out. he would get a piece of wood and make a nice beveld frame, mount the picture and then add a pot leaf off on the side for a finishing touch. oh, then he would add a clear coat over the whole thing. this was back in the 70s.


pictures like this...



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yeah i actually worked for this guy one summer that built wooden sculptures. instead of taking one piece of wood and carving it though he'd take a lot of differant pieces of wood and then glue them together... he had some crazy ones like TV JESUS that he came up with on an acid trip back in the 80's... dude was a character. he also built stone walls. too bad i don't have any flicks of his work some of it was really cool..

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hmm well i think he just used elmer's wood glue, but i could be wrong. i know that he was having me put some old broken ones back together and re-waxing/oiling all the pieces that shit was a pain, but i was getting paid 10 bucks an hour to listen to classic rock so i didn't give a shit.. what are you thinking to make?

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