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Guest R@ndomH3ro



Thats why I stick to whats safe.............




























Death Metal


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ABC: if you lived in London, you wo uld fucking hate this band. They're being hailed as part of what's become known as 'new rave'. Lots of kids running around in tight yellow jeans, high tops and fluoro clothes trying to speak like theyre from the 'ghetto' because it's 'jokes'. Seriously, you would fucking hate it. There are entire clubs devoted to this kinda shite playing klaxons, shitdisco, etc on a loop. It's become an excuse for loads of kids who were too young when rave was actually around, when raves were big fucking e-fests in a field off a motorway with 10000 people dancing to oldskool jungle, to 15 and 16 year old tweenie girls saying they're going 'raving', which means a big indie fag scenecore art hipster party somewhewre in hoxton ( the san francisco of london). The music on the other hand is fucking appalling, apart from perhaps golden skans. if you lived in england you would be subjected to this generic shite 247, it is merely average british indie music with a few bleeps and bloops over the top. Saying that, considering what you must be subjected to in the US, it probably sounds like nothing you've ever heard before..

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ABC: if you lived in London, you wo uld fucking hate this band. They're being hailed as part of what's become known as 'new rave'. Lots of kids running around in tight yellow jeans, high tops and fluoro clothes trying to speak like theyre from the 'ghetto' because it's 'jokes'. Seriously, you would fucking hate it. There are entire clubs devoted to this kinda shite playing klaxons, shitdisco, etc on a loop. It's become an excuse for loads of kids who were too young when rave was actually around, when raves were big fucking e-fests in a field off a motorway with 10000 people dancing to oldskool jungle, to 15 and 16 year old tweenie girls saying they're going 'raving', which means a big indie fag scenecore art hipster party somewhewre in hoxton ( the san francisco of london). The music on the other hand is fucking appalling, apart from perhaps golden skans. if you lived in england you would be subjected to this generic shite 247, it is merely average british indie music with a few bleeps and bloops over the top. Saying that, considering what you must be subjected to in the US, it probably sounds like nothing you've ever heard before..


Thank fuck someone actually wrote this. I was seriously considering wasting my first post condemning the shit covers of good 90s hardcore (e.g. the bouncer). People were all over this last summer. I'm fed up of trendy wankers in tight jeans and nike track tops striding around like they're all edgy and alternative... About as bad as the posh trust-fund bastards who seem to develop an unnatural attraction to drum n bass as soon as they get to Uni.

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Most intelligent people choose what to listen to based on what they like, not on the people that like it.


exactly. i don't care about the "scene" or london or whatever the fuck. let's put it in terms you pea brains can understand:


graffiti is played the fuck out, and 99% of people who do graffiti have no idea what good graffiti looks like, or how to act like a normal human being with a brain.


does this stop me from doing graffiti? no. i just avoid 99% of the people that also do graffiti and get on with my life.


there is tons of shit i like that's either too cool, or not cool enough. i don't give a fuck. i don't care how these fools dress, or who goes to their shows. they made a good album. it makes me dance like a fool around my apartment. that's all that fucking matters

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Its not just the scene. The music is bollocks. Sub-standard Indie pop with some bleeps and whistles added. I'm all for good guitar music, and good rave music at that... Just don't like all this 'new rave' shit. Fair enough, though, not hatin on you if you like the stuff, just that if you lived in the UK and had it shoved down your throat in ever trendy bar and club then you may get a bit fed up with it.

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for the death metal: If they all didn't dress the same, wear the same stupid makeup and make the same pretentious BROOTAL album covers maybe I'd give bands like that some more respect.




black dahlia murder played the 2k5 ozzfest tour with briefs and corpse paint, now that's brootal

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so what you're saying is I should start going to value vilage and buying anything thats neon or early 90s raver-ish to sell on ebay when the trend hits here?

thanks for the tip.


I think calling it one of the most innovative pop records of recent history is going a bit far, but I like the album. ditto for the Knife.

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so what you're saying is I should start going to value vilage and buying anything thats neon or early 90s raver-ish to sell on ebay when the trend hits here?

thanks for the tip.


I think calling it one of the most innovative pop records of recent history is going a bit far, but I like the album. ditto for the Knife.


essentially, as fucked as it sounds to say it, yes! do so! although i don't think the trend will hit the us in the same way as it seems to be a firmly british thing. ABC: By all means i'm not saying do not like it, i'm just saying it is not genuinely good music - if you lived over here you get this stuff shoved in your face all the time, and there are must better exponents of the genre anyway rather than klaxons. to prove my point i'll try to get some myspace links for you. this is not meant to be an insult competition i hasten to add!

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Guest R@ndomH3ro

Um....new rave???


That is not new..


ever heard of dance punk...like the Liars,The Faint, or Q and not U's?


UK is behind.

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ABC: By all means i'm not saying do not like it, i'm just saying it is not genuinely good music - if you lived over here you get this stuff shoved in your face all the time, and there are must better exponents of the genre anyway rather than klaxons. to prove my point i'll try to get some myspace links for you. this is not meant to be an insult competition i hasten to add!


mate, i've lived in that part of the world. i would rather be bombarded with klaxons then whatever steps or take that clone is doing their thing right now. pop music in the uk/ireland is terrible

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Guest R@ndomH3ro
i think 'new rave' encompasses the parties and fashion that goes along with it, not just the music



well whatever it is it sounds ghey....but Klaxons are alright, like I said I downloaded this as well and like it.....I'm with ABC who cares what the people look like, as long as there music is rockin fuck it. Some of you are stuck on the MTV ideology.

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I saw this thread a little bit ago the dudes look like fuckin nerds. I dont listen to music by nerds because 90% of the time they are cliche' homosexual faggotry that is trying to replicate something done 30 years ago...and usually its done very badly... this sound like bands I was in when I was in high school. Its not complicated and its not tight. The musicianship is horrible... However, I listened to whats on the myspace and I am not gonna lie its catchy...So mission accomplished I will be downloading the album. I am not gonna pay for it but I will download it...

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Guest R@ndomH3ro
I saw this thread a little bit ago the dudes look like fuckin nerds. I dont listen to music by nerds because 90% of the time they are cliche' homosexual faggotry that is trying to replicate something done 30 years ago...and usually its done very badly... this sound like bands I was in when I was in high school. Its not complicated and its not tight. The musicianship is horrible... However, I listened to whats on the myspace and I am not gonna lie its catchy...So mission accomplished I will be downloading the album. I am not gonna pay for it but I will download it...


Good show...I downloaded them cause the wifey was into Crystal Castles...which have the same record label as Klaxons...I listened to CC and liked them so what the hell...I downloaded Klaxons.



Sneak isnt Death Metal all the time.

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Um....new rave???


That is not new..


ever heard of dance punk...like the Liars,The Faint, or Q and not U's?


UK is behind.


Thank you

and around here in the us they are hyping this new rave thing

klaxons shows have sold out

people are wearing neon

smiley face stickers

niyi/nme dj'ing/dance parties

blah blah blah

It's the same old electro house & dance punk with a few 90's tracks thrown in to call it "rave".


I hope this shit fades soon, but i have a feeling it won't.



back on topic

the video for magick was pretty cool


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Thank you

and around here in the us they are hyping this new rave thing

klaxons shows have sold out

people are wearing neon

smiley face stickers

niyi/nme dj'ing/dance parties

blah blah blah

It's the same old electro house & dance punk with a few 90's tracks thrown in to call it "rave".


I hope this shit fades soon, but i have a feeling it won't.



back on topic

the video for magick was pretty cool



dont forget CASSETTEPLAYA...very slowly starting to trickle into the states...

i havent heard these klaxons, i just seen pictures of em in I-D and shit..

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dont forget CASSETTEPLAYA...very slowly starting to trickle into the states...

i havent heard these klaxons, i just seen pictures of em in I-D and shit..


Yo, I've been looking for anything by CASSETTE PLAYA for a long, long time.


Someone hook it up in the album trader!!!!!!

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watch and learn from the Nu Rave masters! well weapon yeah!


haha only joking what a load of shit. i read that Klaxons created 'Nu Rave' and have already publicly disowned it. probably a wise move!


i think they're okay. i could see myself getting mangled to it at a house party full of wanky students, and thats all that really matters when it comes to 'indie dance' or whatever the fuck they call it...

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Guest R@ndomH3ro

That vid made me want to kill people....



Remember when this shit was called Electroclash.....yeahhhhhh

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