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I've reverte dbakc to my old ways of bvein a compleet scumbag to women


The chick i fuckjec Friday, I have yet to return her phonecall


This chicked I wa spsoisned to chill with the other night, picked her up today and after the dirnking commences she starts beggin me to fuck her, which I definately don't want to do (a friend of mine had fucked her before, and hes a grimey bastard). So IU promise to fuckj hegr after she tops me off, then bpromise not to nut in her mouyth....so after I nut in her mouth she expects the next step and I straight up twell her "Yo are you fuckin crazy? Cgris has been inside you, I wouldnt' fuck you for a million dollars" hahaha. Then to top it all off, when I dropped her off home she tried to hug me and I told her to get the fuck out y car


Fuck bitches.

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I've reverte dbakc to my old ways of bvein a compleet scumbag to women


The chick i fuckjec Friday, I have yet to return her phonecall


This chicked I wa spsoisned to chill with the other night, picked her up today and after the dirnking commences she starts beggin me to fuck her, which I definately don't want to do (a friend of mine had fucked her before, and hes a grimey bastard). So IU promise to fuckj hegr after she tops me off, then bpromise not to nut in her mouyth....so after I nut in her mouth she expects the next step and I straight up twell her "Yo are you fuckin crazy? Cgris has been inside you, I wouldnt' fuck you for a million dollars" hahaha. Then to top it all off, when I dropped her off home she tried to hug me and I told her to get the fuck out y car


Fuck bitches.







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It's interesting

It takes a while for alcohol to hit me all of a sudden

like many minutes

I don't get it, and now when it hits it's like BAM!

kinda sucks kinda strange

and here I thought I was building tolerance


tricky tricky

bhangra sounds pretty majestic under an influence

makes me want to got back to balkan land


and I just might


that's all i got team alpo

Alpo doesn't register quite as quickly as alco

nahmean fuck I can't wait to get drunk friday

happy belated hump day guys

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I'm experimenting right now.


Taking a shot of Captain Morgan every 5 minutes. But after 4 shots I decided that 10 minute intervals would be better.


I wat to see how much time this takes me to get drunk, I am now starting to feel a buzz. But at 12:42 am (PST) I shall be taking my 7th shot. I think I might go to 10.

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After the drama of the other thread in which your name was mentioned, I was thinking you would go the whole bottle.


But anyway, keep us informed of the number of shots and the amount of time...


We used to shoot shots of Turkey in between quarters of NBA Hangtime on the N64, with the clock speed turned right up to maximum. I dunno how quick those minutes ticked over, but after 4 or 5 games you were rather toasted.

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Team Alco always has waiting arms for people in need.

One day I plan on going thru this thread and reading what I wrote whilist I was in all kinds of fucked up moods/situations/dramas and I am going to have a shot and laugh about it.


Keep on powering those shots down mate!!

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Hahah, thats my man AyeBee!!


You are back in the game son!!


Team Alco whoop!!


I'm just really mad at women right now...the ex told me the other night she doesn't care about me, doesn't give a fuck what I do, or what happens to me, and that she doesn't love me anymore. I know she was only sayin shit to hurt me, but it worked


Now the rest of the females will suffer haha

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You look rather fucked in that last pic EBPH!! Now this page is in the spirit of the thread!!

I had to go and watch Transformers, and not get my drunk on, as that is tomorrow night for a chicks from uni's 26th. Should be rather eventful as a friend of hers I tapped a while back is gonna be there, and I know that she is gonna try to take drunken advantage of me.


And fuck ex's AB, fuck em. People even get mad at me for mentioning mine, so from now on I don't have any exs anymore (unless some crazy bumps my thread from ages ago)

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I'm just really mad at women right now...the ex told me the other night she doesn't care about me, doesn't give a fuck what I do, or what happens to me, and that she doesn't love me anymore. I know she was only sayin shit to hurt me, but it worked


Now the rest of the females will suffer haha



Remember Ayebee it aint sex unless theres blood and always use protection...








































to cover all bases I bring the following...


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