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suburban graff

test from brookyn

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Yeah, it is whack. You fuck off. You must be a little kid, or else you would have moved to or drive to a city and do your graff there.


i love livin n a little city... i like to step out my back door and see wildlife in my backyard... i like the peace and quite..... so no, i ain't gonna move.... but, i also get up every chance i get...


seems to me, there's too many damn people in this game that think you have to be a wannabe gangbanger hip hop listenin fool to be a writer.... anything else is just toy..... but lemme tell ya, fuck that.... i'm a industrial music listenin, white trash piece of shit straight from the trailer park.... and damn if it don't give me a bit of an edge over the played out shit i see all the damn time when i travel up to the city... and yea, i said played out shit.... look long enough, and you'll realize that there's only a few writers anymore that really push the lines..... i aint sayin that i'm one of em, but i aint even tryin to bite on all the other shit i see, like a lot of the writers i've seen do...


oh, did you not fuckin read the part in my post where i said i do travel.... the exact thing i said was "my job has me travelin all over this state, to every bumfucked small town and large city on the map. every place i go i've gotten up"...... perhaps you've huffed too many fumes and your brain's too fukked to let you accually read somethin. instead, you just like talkin out your ass without the information......



i see that you tried to cleverly dance around my question of why can't the logic of going 'allcity' apply to a state.............. someone here, why don't you answer with a real response, instead of just trying to raise your hackles and act like the big dog on the block.

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i've been bombing the burbs for hella days. easy as fuck to get caught, but easy as fuck to get up too... there are tons of fellow writters were i live, and we all fuckin know each other. hella places to bomb too... creeks, rails, dumps... etc. just gotta fuckin look ya feel?

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I have a bunch of friends in the suburbs who write and kill shit. Do you have a car? If not borrow mom's mini van after you google earthed the local major highway and made note of every single bridge that is over train tracks in a 20 mile radius. 90% of the time you will have found a good piece spot if you can find a place to park that's within walking distance from the bridge. There's no point in bombing the shit out of your town cause you're just going to heat up your own spot. If you still want to bomb, go a few towns over, go back to the city for the night or just hit a small select of really dope spots in your own town. Living the suburbs you can't except to stay a bomber but you certainly can learn to burn

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or just tag and bomb shit till you get good enough to go to the city without being considered a toy by a majority of writers

basically get good can control and go thru your toy stage before wasting space in the city..









omg thatd be the shit

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i live in a population of 5000 and i agree w/ everyone else, i just dont bother.. i only live here 4 months out of the year so i just draw, make stickers, chill out.. bombing shit at 3am may be easy in a suburb or small town because there is litterally no one around, but once you get that word out that your a writer you've pretty much fucked yourself over. keep your mouth shut


i wait till i get back to the city

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im in the burbs outside of chicago... just takin a walk tkaing tags is wierd... they got that bullshit neighborhood watch and everyone wants to be a hero... i still get up but barley take flicks cause if i gotta run i dont wanna break my shit... besides that theres a freight spot right behind my apartments and a highway spot... its kinda hot now but its still chill a lil bit.... and stuff does get buffed quick that just makes me want to get out even more though...

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im in the burbs outside of chicago... just takin a walk tkaing tags is wierd... they got that bullshit neighborhood watch and everyone wants to be a hero... i still get up but barley take flicks cause if i gotta run i dont wanna break my shit... besides that theres a freight spot right behind my apartments and a highway spot... its kinda hot now but its still chill a lil bit.... and stuff does get buffed quick that just makes me want to get out even more though...


i deff. dont live in the burbs, but we have a rascist neigborhood patrol. they actually came up to me and said "You looked out of place" wtf? so i straight up vandalize, not bomb, but vandalize anything patrol related. it just feels good:D

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yeah im stuck in the burbs too.


i actually like hitting this area better, less writers but enough to keep it interesting.


over passes work well.


you can usually find a near by freight yard.


hella lot of semis

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I live in the suburbs about half an hour outside boston. The scene here is hot you can't walk around with a backpack afterdark without a cop asking if you have paint.


Cop- "Hey kid what you got in the bag?"

Writer- "Nothin"

Cop- "Ya got paint in there?"

Writer- "No, you can look if you want."

Cop- "Well I just want to know if you have paint because that's all I really care about."


He actually didn't have anything in his bag either. I just find it hillarious that the cop says all he really cares about is busting kids for graff.


But yeah I live in a somewhat suburban place. There are a ton of writers around here.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I live in the 'rich kid area' of my city, we don't really have suburbs, the closest thing is my area of the city. I just drive downtown or where some of my friends live (around downtown). Well, I guess we do have an an actual suburb, like 5-10 minutes out of the city, if I lived out there, I'd still just drive in and hit up the downtown. There is a truck stop in that suburb though, with like 20-40 trucks in there at any time. I'm surprised no one's sneaking around there at night hitting up the trucks. Suppose those cross-country truckers are a bit crazy though, so I'd be cautious.

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