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How come when you want to smoke weed or fund social programs for the indigent then you're a 'Liberal' but when you want to invade a sovereign nation or kill a bunch of your own countrymen because of their political views then you're 'Conservative'?

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I mean just the titles of some of the articles are pure comedy gold...


"Tammy Duckworth: Weak on Terrorism; Looks Like A Foreigner"


the dude's new article uses goole fight to show how cool he thinks george bush is


this dude cant be for real

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Allow me to respond...


Am to TOO for real. Why do liberals keep saying that my site is "satire"? I don't even know what that means but it sounds french and so I take offense!!


"How's come everyone underestimates the republicants?"


I don't know, but this time they misunderestimated me!


"How come when you want to smoke weed or fund social programs for the indigent then you're a 'Liberal' but when you want to invade a sovereign nation or kill a bunch of your own countrymen because of their political views then you're 'Conservative'?"


I know tell me about it!! George Bush and Dick Cheney are not really all that conservative, they are main stream moderates! If you disagree, then you just might end up in some "Black Site" prison in the soviet block being tortured for the rest of your life, so you might as well agree that we are moderates.


"they even mock the majority of conservatives on there."


I will NEVER mock a Republican... would you mock Jesus? It's basically the same thing!


Liberal Ass Kicker

Liberals Must Die.com

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is liberal ass kicker for real?


anyway, i was basing my comment that there is conservative mocking on the site in reguards to this:


"This is terrible!!!


Just a few days ago, my favorite Republican from liberal state of Tennessee (birthplace of modern day Hitler: Al Gore) Bob Corker, ran some great ads that suggest that Harold Ford (who happens to drive a Honda rather than a US made car) really likes to get it on with lots of hot white girls, which I'm pretty sure is against state law in Tennessee (Ford is black).


The ads don't JUST show the hot girls that Ford keeps hooking up with, but they also suggest that Ford is being backed by the porn industry!


I can't fully back up that claim, so all I can say is that I am 100% sure that some people have "reported" that there is a rumor that Ford has been taking money from porn execs.


These ads were doing great with the "traditional southern" crowd.**** You know... the ones whos grandparents had to give up their slaves.**** Typical strong Republican voters.


But now THIS!!!"



maybe i just cant read, but it seems this is a jab at southerners in general. this is typical neo con behavior, if im reading this right. and i hate the left as much as anyone. (also the neo con right)

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check it:


This week, our President had to take time out of his busy schedule defending us from evil-doers, spreading freedom, and making America safer (while cutting taxes), to appear on a TV show in order to stop this nonsense about "Staying the course."


As the President pointed out, the Bush administration and the Republicans have "never been 'stay the course.'"


Got it?? The Democrats liberal media keeps spreading this "Republicans will stay the course" message, and nothing could be further from the truth.


What we have been saying is that we will "Stay A Course." You see the difference? It isn't "Stay The Course", it's "Stay A Course."


Now the course we are staying is constantly changing, as we change our "tactics" and "statageries."


Our first course was to "find the WMDs, and change the middle east into a blooming flower of Democracy".


Then we changed course and headed straight for "Get an Iraqi Government in place and hold some elections."


Then we changed course to "Let's try disbanding the army, and torturing some guys in Abu Ghraib."


After that, we made a swift course change, bearing toward "Let's paint a good picture for the 2004 presidential election"


Since then we have been on the "This isn't a civil war, and we do have a plan, trust us" course.


By constantly changing the course, we are able to confuse the enemy. Not even our own soldiers know what is going on, so you can bet the evil doers are unable to plan against us.


And the world is safer for it!



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is liberal ass kicker for real?


anyway, i was basing my comment that there is conservative mocking on the site in reguards to this:


"This is terrible!!!


Just a few days ago, my favorite Republican from liberal state of Tennessee (birthplace of modern day Hitler: Al Gore) Bob Corker, ran some great ads that suggest that Harold Ford (who happens to drive a Honda rather than a US made car) really likes to get it on with lots of hot white girls, which I'm pretty sure is against state law in Tennessee (Ford is black).


The ads don't JUST show the hot girls that Ford keeps hooking up with, but they also suggest that Ford is being backed by the porn industry!


I can't fully back up that claim, so all I can say is that I am 100% sure that some people have "reported" that there is a rumor that Ford has been taking money from porn execs.


These ads were doing great with the "traditional southern" crowd.**** You know... the ones whos grandparents had to give up their slaves.**** Typical strong Republican voters.


But now THIS!!!"



maybe i just cant read, but it seems this is a jab at southerners in general. this is typical neo con behavior, if im reading this right. and i hate the left as much as anyone. (also the neo con right)


race bating is awesome.

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How come when you want to smoke weed or fund social programs for the indigent then you're a 'Liberal' but when you want to invade a sovereign nation or kill a bunch of your own countrymen because of their political views then you're 'Conservative'?


double speak.


How come Bush keeps complaining about what a hard job he has. In my experience, the people who complain about how hard the job is don't know how to do it right.

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