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  1. Allow me to respond... Am to TOO for real. Why do liberals keep saying that my site is "satire"? I don't even know what that means but it sounds french and so I take offense!! "How's come everyone underestimates the republicants?" I don't know, but this time they misunderestimated me! "How come when you want to smoke weed or fund social programs for the indigent then you're a 'Liberal' but when you want to invade a sovereign nation or kill a bunch of your own countrymen because of their political views then you're 'Conservative'?" I know tell me about it!! George Bush and Dick Cheney are not really all that conservative, they are main stream moderates! If you disagree, then you just might end up in some "Black Site" prison in the soviet block being tortured for the rest of your life, so you might as well agree that we are moderates. "they even mock the majority of conservatives on there." I will NEVER mock a Republican... would you mock Jesus? It's basically the same thing! Liberal Ass Kicker Liberals Must Die.com
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