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Racism At Work


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thanks guys, for both the amusment *lens on point as could be expected* as well as the advice, i'm 'suspended' today to 'gather ones self and address concerns if any towards legal counter action' in other words, i'm lookin for dirty grimey case-winning bastards who want a few nickle and dimes so i can keep my job...good fuckin times. i'm reading a few online books about both lawsuits, criminal counter charges and blah blah and measures i cna take to assure my place, and not be terminated or charged against, so far getting 50/50 negative/positive feedback. good stuff and by all means fuel the fire to this thread, make it an on-going thread period i say. there's too many pussies in this world for this thread to be closed.....true story!

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this company legal advisor is bullshit. she is a lawyer, or a wanna be lawyer. lawyers get paid to lie for their clients. fuck anything she has to say.

under the constitution, everyone has the right to defend themself. if your defense is that there was an ongoing, joking air amongst all of you employees, of which she often took part in, then how can your witnessess, who will attest to this, be inadmissable? if your defense was that you didnt say anything at all, and she is flat out making it up, and you had witnesses that would attest to that, would they also be inadmissable? what kind of defense would that possibly leave you? none. this legal advisor is talking out their ass.


i gotta go to target and buy some stuff, but seriously, i dont know. this shit is retarded. i would just approach the woman, or the legal people, apologise, say it was a misunderstanding, you never meant to hurt anyones feelings, and you'd like it all to be dropped. if however they are not willing to drop it, you have witnesses who will testify on your behalf as to the frequent topics of conversation amongst you all, her initial racist comments, that were not at all said with the slightest bit of jest, and the courts can decide. she'll lose.

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filtyh grimey dirtbagg with briefcase. HIRED! fucker is not new to these types of civil/work-related incident type of cases. apparently he has a good history with this shit, and he's willing to work my case for FREE if it doesn't go to trial, if it does, and i come out on top, there'll be a counter suit wich we discussed percentages (good stuff)since : He's previously dealt with an identical case, 2 years ago, with the SAME korean-irish woman....apparently he's seeing a pattern that screams 'red flagg' he says my chances are 90% it won't go to trial, if it does, we're lookin to make some LOOT ..... fuck yes bitches. holla at a soon-to-be-ballin 'filthy spic'

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same woman. as in, the woman/accountant from my work place, is the SAME woman who at this moment, is making this, her 10th incident where she's trying to charge someone with harassment/racism/law suit. as in she had previously on 9 other times, at previous jobs, accused someone of something and tried to get some cash outta it. she's won NO cases so far.

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same woman. as in, the woman/accountant from my work place, is the SAME woman who at this moment, is making this, her 10th incident where she's trying to charge someone with harassment/racism/law suit. as in she had previously on 9 other times, at previous jobs, accused someone of something and tried to get some cash outta it. she's won NO cases so far.


if this is her 10th case and she's won none, then you should feel comfortable because she probably won't win this one either. is there a reason why she does this? does she appear to have mental problems? is she looking for some kind of get-rich-quick scheme?


her mixed heritage has caused her to have an identity crisis.

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this wont even go to trial. the second your offices legal advisor hears tht this is her 10th potential trial, they'll squash that shit with a quickness. the last thing they want is a counter suit, or even the expense of a lawsuit that a judge is going to throw out the second it hit's his desk.

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yeah seeking is probably right. i'm involved in some shit right now involving myself and a family member, versus a couple other family members. basically they want money out of us. and our lawyers are telling us it probably won't go to trial. we're supposed to go to a mediation meeting in about a week and the mediator is expected to resolve it there.


point being is that the courts are tied up, and they hate taking shit to trial. especially over some trivial shit like the woman pulling the race card. my situation seems far more bigger than yours and they're saying my stuff won't go to trial. the courts have their hands full and like avoiding trivial cases as much as possible.

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yea dats the symbols opposite notice it goes the wrong way. It means peace and shit.


try telling that to an angry black guy with a shank in his hand.



"No no, you've got it all wrong....in eastern religion the swastika is....wait, hey, what are you...."


::stab stab stab stab stab stab stab::

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