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Because tall REALLY need to know this shit...


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These types of articles i can hardly stand to read. everytime i hear Bush speak on tv or radio even i have to change the channel. he is such a bumbling idiot, never before have i seen a man who holds such a prestigous place in the world absolutely fumble and falter through speaches and one on one conversations with reporters. i don't really care what the fuck party you belong to, the smart thing to do is vote D in 2008. if the democrats take back the house in the midterms maybe that will put the proverbial stick in the wheel of the Bush administration crazy train. fuck

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Yo, you can't say u care about politics then say "Vote Democrat" cuz that's not how to vote. If the next Dem on the ballot happens to be satan than we're fucked, How bout we just vote for the dude with the most common sense and upright personality. How bout we start givin' a shit? How bout we try to make a difference and get people elected who will protect our rights and our people and our territory, how about we don't vote D or R or I, how bout we vote for the guy that's not a dumbass or an asshole... let's elect anyone BUT a POLITICIAN! lol.

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Yo, you can't say u care about politics then say "Vote Democrat" cuz that's not how to vote. If the next Dem on the ballot happens to be satan than we're fucked, How bout we just vote for the dude with the most common sense and upright personality. How bout we start givin' a shit? How bout we try to make a difference and get people elected who will protect our rights and our people and our territory, how about we don't vote D or R or I, how bout we vote for the guy that's not a dumbass or an asshole... let's elect anyone BUT a POLITICIAN! lol.


I used to think like this too. The problem is that the vast majority only know Democrat or Republican, and come election day you only get to chose between them and like one other person that nobody's ever heard of and willl be lucky to get 5% of the vote. It really has gotten so bad that people REALLY need to go for the lesser of the two evils because voting for the third guy is like squandering a vote. Also people really need to be ready to take to the streets and shut shit down if the republicans steal the election again. I'm serious. Look at what's going on in Mexico right now. They had another election fraud and everybody's taking to the streets and shutting shit down, whole sections of the government are refusing to cooperate, and even police departments are on the side of the guy that everyone knows should have won. And he's setting up a side government and refusing to let the other guy do shit.

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