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Scary Movies ---> obscure ones...


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Ahhh. This is my topic.

You guys are weird. Theres so much that isnt really "obscure" but got left out.


Lets start with "Henry: A portrait of a serial killer". Its based on the life of Henry Lee Lucas, a real life serial killer. He is played by Michael Rooker. This movie is distrubing in so many ways. Its pretty much a how too for serial killers. Its gritty and filthy. Theres no real good looking or polished actors. Everyone is flawed or forgetable, which makes it more creepy. It could be next door. Henry had a partner for a time : Otis Toole(who was the killer who killed Adam Walsh in the eighties and thus the reason for Americas Most Wanted), and Henry also has a comon law wife for a time, Frieda Becy Powel, who was Otis' cousin I believe.

This is not a party flick. Best believe its on my top 100 films to see before you die list though.


Next. The Serpent and The Rainbow. Based on evets that happened in Haiti. Zombie powder, Crazy Voo Doo, and one of the most painfull scenes to watch if you are a male. Good Movie.


Blood Sucking Freaks. The Holy Grail of b/c movies. Watch out for the torurous midget Ralfus.


If you want the end all be all of the Exorcist series, do two things.

1. Reaslise there are four movis in the franchise. The prequel, the original, the heretic, and legion.

2. Forget the prequel and The Heretic(pt 2)

The only good Exorcist movies are the one William Petter Blatty wrote himself, which is the original masterpiece, and Legion. Technically Legion is called part three. how this happened is the studo sold the rights to make some shitty cheap part two and Blatty was so angry with it he wrote a proper novel for a part two and made the movie. Its phenomonal. With great performances by Brad Dourif as the Gemini Killer, and George C. Scott as William F. Kinderman. AMAZING. DO NOT DISPUTE.


Shocker is a funny movie. Decent Slasher era flick. Horace Pinker is a good slasher movie bad guy. Bonus points for when he eats the cops lip.


The First Power. Not really creepy at all, but some exellent scenes. Lou Diamond Phillips trudges through this movie like he actually knows how to act, but we all know he cant. The Villian Patrick Channing, played by creepy Jeff Kober is awesome. best jump off a building long camera shot, and bonus points for the trying to chop people up with a fan yanked out of the ceiling.


Children of the Corn one work AMAZING. dont watch any of the sequels.


Whomever said Event Horizon gets a hug from me. I LOVE THAT MOVIE. I watch it like once a month. LOVE IT LOVE IT. "It's coming.." "What is?" "The dark....inside......."

Awesome. Triple bonus points for Sam Niel playing awesomely evil "Dr. Weir"


The original Hills Have Eyes is awesome.


THE ORIGINAL Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Its not obscure, its just awesome. Suck it.


The Mouth of Madness is awesome.


There are so many good b movies that haven't even been released on dvd. Get a vcr and go find a place that still rents them and you should be able to find some amazing shit.


One of those "Last House on the Left type movies has a woman fellating a goat hoof sticking out of some Satanist's pants. Then he puts a power drill through her head. AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Ok, I like scary movies... I would really like if someone could recommend some to me...


I know in that Silent Hill thread someone recommended "Shutter"... I am currently acquiring it... legally cough... cough...


Anyhow, I would like some other scary moves, preferrably ones that are not crappy, and not ones that are about


some jackass dude that kills people, I like ghost stories, or aliens, or whatever... so, with that, I rely on the faithful


12oz members whose knowledge of diverse subjects spread further and wider (splash!!) than any one person's alone...


Thank you, and have a good day.






p.s. subtitled movies are fine.

Oh snap son, you listened. Shutter is good, trust me. If you like that movie I'll drop a list of some other shits that I have seen. And if for some reason when you are playing the movie subtitles don't show up, download the subtitles off some website. I'm sure you know all about that though.


And remember, a big screen tv, complete darkness in the room, and having it ridiculously loud makes scary movies a lot better. Really.



I liked the Excorcism of Emily Rose.



Shutter isn't the type of movie that will change your perspective on anything, it's not on that geek shit. It's just a very good movie and I pray to god they don't remake it like they did with "The Ring" and so on.

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Story: A young couple –Tun, a photographer, and his girlfriend Jane- are driving home from a party late at night. They have a hit-and-run accident: after they mow down a young woman, Tun urges Jane to drive away from the scene. Soon, however, strange light patterns and faces start appearing on his photos, scary dreams haunt him, ghostly presences are felt around him and Jane, and they start investigating the ‘ghost photos’ phenomena and history of the girl who seems to be behind the haunting. Of course they are not chosen randomly: it turns out that the ghost is attached in a very peculiar way to one of them…


Review: Just as you might suspect from the above synopsis, SHUTTER is yet another addition to the still-growing body of RINGU-induced works dealing with (or should I say: exploiting?) the motif of a long-black-haired female ghost prone on one kind of vengeance or another – usually by popping out of various technological devices such as TVs, video tapes, cell phones or, as in this case – cameras and photographs. OK, it was scary the first time around. But after a dozen films with black hairs emerging from the water surface or female ghosts crawling closer and closer towards a petrified protagonist, do you still shiver - or do you yawn?

^Fuck this Review.













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"SHUTTER is not exactly yawn-inducing thanks to a solid pace and occasionally energetic direction. There are inspired shots, like a single take of a man’s suicide over a high-rise’s balcony (simply but effectively staged, and explained in the additional features on the disc), or a stroboscopic scene in which Tun uses the camera’s flash to find his way in a suddenly darkened room. The hit-and-run is also well edited, and has a nice… uh, impact. The film’s culmination involves a solid suspense on the fire escape ladders chase, and the very end has a nice touch of macabre romance which reminded me, in a way, of the end of HAUTE TENSION (a far superior film to SHUTTER by any standard, and strongly recommended!).


The film’s main gimmick ar the ‘ghost photos’, a phenomenon that you can read about in any publication devoted to the supernatural. The directors use the allegedly real photos (credited at the end of the film) which show the blurry faces gawking behind their living relatives. The concept is at the same time silly and potentially spooky: the problem is, spooky photos have already been done to death in the past 30 years, ever since THE OMEN; and the original RINGU has reminded us of that as well. Imperfections of the eye and the secrets hidden in the grainy images were suitable bases for films ranging from Antonioni’s artsy BLOW OUT to some great movies by Dario (DEEP RED) Argento and Brian (DRESSED TO KILL) de Palma. The two directors of SHUTTER are not visionaries like those authors, but merely competent purveyors of the tried-and-true tricks: their use of photography is far from revolutionary in either formal (visual) or thematic sense, but it serves the purpose of a decent, unambitious, moderately effective piece of entertainment. The amount of scare achieved by the film depends strictly on the viewer’s cinematic experience and exposure to similar Asian (and other) flicks from recent years. The ghost photos would seem much scarier if you haven’t seen them in RINGU; the same film has also staged the ultimate ghost-crawl-toward-you, but the one in SHUTTER is passable as well (though not as good as the one in A TALE OF TWO SISTERS); the black haired head emerging from the water would be more effective if you haven’t seen RINGU or DARK WATER; the upside-down ceiling-walking ghost will be even scarier without THE GRUDGE and ONE MISSED CALL, while the ghost hovering next to a running car may be familiar to those who saw JU-ON 2; and of course, the whole ‘they are around us’ gimmick (from the film’s tagline) has already been exploited by THE EYE…


Other than the whole photo angle, SHUTTER is curious for having a protagonist who turns out to be one of the most despicable main characters in any recent film I can remember other than BAD SANTA (although even the latter attains a redemption at the end!). The amount of his sleazy, whiny cowardice and irresponsibility has to be seen to be believed! But don’t worry: he gets his just desserts! Some reviewers have stressed a big twist at the end; I won’t spoil it for you, but I’ll reassure that it’s not of the tired ‘they’ve-been-dead-all-along’ varitey. Besides, it’s not such a big twist after all. The overhyped reviews elsewhere on the net may make you expect something more than a tolerable, watchable nothing-special Asian ghost flick with slick visuals that SHUTTER is, so – be warned. Don’t believe the hype until it’s the KFCC hype!"


Oh, part 2 of the review. positive feedback. and they even lists other movies in it in capslock.

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My nember one Satan Ortrayal is Viggo Mortensen in The Prophecy. Its a good movie, and all, but Viggo's parts take the cake....."I Love you more than Jesus" when his chin is dripping with the blood of gabriels heart. amazing.


Lucifer: I can lay your body out and fill your mouth with your mother's feces... or we can talk.

Lucifer: God? God is love. I don't love you.

Gabriel: This war is mine!

Lucifer: Your war is arrogance. That makes it evil. And that's mine.

Gabriel: Lucifer. Sitting in your basement. Sulking about your break up with the boss. You're nothing.

Lucifer: Time to come home, Gabriel.


Lucifer: Y'see, I'm not here to help you and the little bitch because I love you or because I care for you, but because two hells is one hell too many, and I can't have that.

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second? and number one is?




(consider peter stomare in Constantine .....)





and the rest of his work is amazing




FUCK YES! I love this guy, his scene in that movie stole the whole thing. The movie was decent, some disloyalties to the comic and Keanu but it's still good and he just makes it. I could see him as Finn if they ever adapted Neuromancer. Him, Jean Reno, or maybe Steve Buscemi.



KOH: How can you talk about the quality acting in Exorcist III without singling out Jason Miller? It was definitly a good movie and it's a shame that part 2 ever existed because everyone pretty much writes off part 3 because of it.


I just watched the original, Japanese Pulse and it was pretty good. Some creepy, shiver moments and a lot of subtlety. Plus the typical lost-in-translation loose-ends. But good. I hear the American version was complete crap and changed the ghosts into slimy, disfigured things instead of normal people. Probably thanks to Wes Craven, the bastard.


Prince of Darkness, again, needs to be watched if you like horror. Forgotten Carpenter classic.

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FUCK YES! I love this guy, his scene in that movie stole the whole thing. The movie was decent, some disloyalties to the comic and Keanu but it's still good and he just makes it. I could see him as Finn if they ever adapted Neuromancer. Him, Jean Reno, or maybe Steve Buscemi.



KOH: How can you talk about the quality acting in Exorcist III without singling out Jason Miller? It was definitly a good movie and it's a shame that part 2 ever existed because everyone pretty much writes off part 3 because of it.


I just watched the original, Japanese Pulse and it was pretty good. Some creepy, shiver moments and a lot of subtlety. Plus the typical lost-in-translation loose-ends. But good. I hear the American version was complete crap and changed the ghosts into slimy, disfigured things instead of normal people. Probably thanks to Wes Craven, the bastard.


Prince of Darkness, again, needs to be watched if you like horror. Forgotten Carpenter classic.



Jason Miller as Damien Carass is a given i just figured noone would know who he is even though he's in the first one. Its just those scenes...in the isolation chamber that make this movie so amazing. That and Mrs Clalli crawling on the roof.

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the original hills have eyes sucked...

i totally lost interest after 45 minutes...

it was not much longer that it lasted... the film..

the remake was disturbing...


also i have been wanting to check "henry" out ... might just check it out next time along with event horizon...


childs play 1 ruled..

saw it the other day.

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Henry's pretty good, I dunno bout horror film, it's more along the lines of Silence of the Lambs without the melodrama. It's almost an exploitation flick but it's got a little bit more taste which sounds really weird.


I dunno if you want to call Videodrome a horror or science fiction, it's not going to scare you but it will rip your brain out of your skull for a while.

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