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house raids


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just practice somebody elses name like some cholo name like, "Ese smiley loco" and write it all over your room. They can say you tag, but they can't say that the writer they are trying to get is you or have seen that name up lol.


And yes, be prepared for them to take your computer.


Also, scribing the shit out of buses will end up to people following you home.

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10 kids house's raided in milwaukee..........http://www.todaystmj4.com/news/local/5282776.html


omggg cry me a fucken river pussy bitches in milwaukee thank god my town isnt that soft


*edit* sorry for the double post btw :D

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Probably not the best information to say on a public forum.


shit is on youtube and was on the news.







they will raid anyone as long as a judge will give the warrant, you could be all city or all school, if the d.a. wants you and can get a warrant he will.


they will most likely knock and just place you under arrest, and then search your place and make sure to make a mess because they are douch bags.


i have friends and crew members who have been raided, if you suspect you are going to be raided or are tipped off from some one in the court system who was say asked for a testimony or to cut a deal then take all of your graff related stuff, canvases markers, all art supplies and leave them at a friends house untill you feel if you are safe.


if they raid your house and find nothing, they will most likely let you go free, but they will still be monitoring you, but most likely the judge will not re issue the warrant again as it would be considered a waist of the courts time, graffiti isnt a big deal crime they got better shit to deal with.


also since this is "the yard" most of you people reading are children/youth if the police raid you they will most likely only check your room (as happened with the case of one of my crew members) so try stashing your stuff else where in your house where they would not suspect, say keep your paint in the rafters of your garage and your black book hidden in a regular book shelf some where else in your house.


but the bottom line is, don't have it come down to avoiding a raid it is something you can prevent to begin with. paint only with a very small group of friends and keep it amongst yourselves, there is a much greater feeling of satisfaction overhearing people talk about "you" then there is with people knowing you.


stay up and stay safe, and know your rights.

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  • 1 year later...

for the australians, when you get done gtf lie to the court or whatever and say when you were painting that your were in possesion of weapons to have a warrant to raid your house

and if you have been mentioned beforehandm getting snitched or whatever they raid your house and take everything and use it against you if you say your not guilty

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  • 4 weeks later...

my pad got raided i woke up with a gun in my face they arrested me in my boxers tore my house up had alotta of evidence on me they gave me 4 counts of felony vandalism and i did a couple months in county and im still paying fines to this day .....just be careful to the other writers you talk to cus there will always be a snitch......187 on snitchs

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Best way to make sure a raid does not get you arse fucked by the law is to keep your house clean.

By that i mean keep all sketches and flicks at another location. That's not you're girls house or your mum's panty draw. Give it all to a trusted friend (who doesn't write!) to look after. Graff books, mags and paint is ok, that won't prove shit.


Always wear gloves, wipe finger prints off your cans and don't tell everyone what you write. Don't give your phone number out but if you do then get them to store is under your real name and not your tag. Also talk in code on MSN, e-mail and SMS. None of this "lets go hit a yard tonight. I've got loads of paint. Meet at mine about 7pm?" shit. Delete all dodgy messages ASAP. Downloading a file shredder for your computer is good aswell, because all hitting the delete button does is delete's the link to the file stored not the actuall data file. They available online for nothing.


I know it all seem's over the top but if the cops can't find any real evidence they can't build a case. I know prolific writers who have been busted but no charge's brought against them as the police had nothing to use.


Also be polite to the police, they may be cunts but that's their job. Just stroke their ego and the whole ordeal will be far easier.


Good luck!

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1 Destroy or Damage Property. Crimes Act 1900 195(1)(a)

2 Enter inclosed land not presc premises w/o. Inclosed Lands Protection Act 1901 4(1)(b)

3 Possess graffiti implement with intent to damage or deface. Graffiti Control Act 2008 5(1)

4 Go onto, into or remain on, in running lines etc. Rail Safety (offences) Regulation 2008 41(1)(b)

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