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Hackers, cyberpunks, and technophilosophy


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No i bought the actual hardcopy.. I have so many back issues somewhere.. from about 95- 00 or 01.. along with thud and blacklisted411..

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im sure you know by now cause Mac OS 10 has been around for more than a few years now and brings the same scripting capabilities to the Mac OS as Linux or to be specific Free BSD. which we all know is a much more sofisticated operating system than windows.



Basically, discussions on all things relevant to the topic's sentiment. I'd like to post more in here and so should others.


For instance, I was thinking a bit about how Apple is now using Intel processors. This could mean that there will be a future for non-propietary hardware for the Apple OS. Hence, the two differing technologies and code for "Apple machines" and "PC machines" will merge and Windows will have literal competition on PC hardware. Apple II's were the original hacking machines, because they allowed bare-bones programming, which is why so many of the great, older game programmers such as Richard "Lord British" Garriot and John Carmack, started on Apple II's.


Macintosh computers, on the other hand, are not known for their easy-to-program abilities. It means less viruses, but it also means less non-cosmetic flexibility. Perhaps, this merging of technology will enable this flexibility while using a Mac-OS, so that it intergrates and interacts with Windows OS much like Linux users can script bugs and programs for Windows.

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IMHO i havent read this whole thread but for those of you who have the impression that a hacker is someone who sits around and cracks software and develops virusus all day - your wrong.


a hacker is someone who knows their (or many) OS in and out and can write code in may different languages to leverage it. have ever you reverse engineered the boot process of your OS and know how to make changes to it? do you know many standard protocols and how to write software to use them? are you familiar with the file system and what different kinds of files/inodes are and what makes them different, per file system? are you familiar with different types of encyrption or encodings? do you know what big endian vs. little endian is? are you familiar with the shell???? different shells? window managers?? etc.


...then you might be a hacker :)


you may also know many different things about programming and computer science in general but that might not make you a hacker, that makes you an engineer :)

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that would be captain hackerson from hacktonia?


hacking implies many different things. not just what you listed.

some of what you listed would fall into the category of crackers.

what i think of when i think "hacker" is "tinkerer".

whether it be code, shell scripting, etc.


crypto is a whole different story. i don't know why you brought it into hacking.

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good point. but listing everything would be a waste of time :).


the word "tinkerer" in a good description. true, the ecryption and encoding stuff is more on the engineering side of things but it doesnt imply being a cracker. those are just some of the things that came to mind and that i work with everyday.


that would be captain hackerson from hacktonia?


hacking implies many different things. not just what you listed.

some of what you listed would fall into the category of crackers.

what i think of when i think "hacker" is "tinkerer".

whether it be code, shell scripting, etc.


crypto is a whole different story. i don't know why you brought it into hacking.

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what kind of technologies are you using nowadays?? OS's, Window Managers??


for OS's i like:

Centos Linux, Mac OSX (to play with), Windows XP


Window Managers:

Fluxbox, Blackbox, Gnome, Explorer


Technologies (some of these might be old news but i use em daily):




PHP (my weapon of choice), Java, C, I hate Perl!, ActionScript, Javascript



ZSH... all day!!!!!!!, Bash

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for OS's:

knoppix, nubuntu, ubuntu, xp pro


windows managers:

i use explorer primarily. have used blackbox. i think it's great, but it doesn't serve me

any purpose other than aesthetics.



html, css, flizzash






i like aston and darkstep (explorer replacements for the rest of you folk)

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i run Blackbox on my win XP boxes, Fluxbox on Linux which is dope cause each window can be tabbed and placed in other window even if they are totally different apps.


(Not a Mac vs. PC dicussion) I like Aqua, its cute, but its slow unless you have kick ass box and video card. it also, within recent versions, has just got some of the little things about browsing that i've liked about Explorer for a long time. Expose is dope tho.


anyone using windows with Explorer as the shell/window manager you should check out the M$ powertoys, they give you stuff like desktop pagers and alt-tab replacements. http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/downloads/powertoys/xppowertoys.mspx


dont get me wrong, i not a M$ fan at all :)

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im sure you know by now cause Mac OS 10 has been around for more than a few years now and brings the same scripting capabilities to the Mac OS as Linux or to be specific Free BSD. which we all know is a much more sofisticated operating system than windows.



Well, how many years did it take them to develop that functionality in OS 10? The rest of the hacking world has left them behind.

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IMHO i havent read this whole thread but for those of you who have the impression that a hacker is someone who sits around and cracks software and develops virusus all day - your wrong.


a hacker is someone who knows their (or many) OS in and out and can write code in may different languages to leverage it. have ever you reverse engineered the boot process of your OS and know how to make changes to it? do you know many standard protocols and how to write software to use them? are you familiar with the file system and what different kinds of files/inodes are and what makes them different, per file system? are you familiar with different types of encyrption or encodings? do you know what big endian vs. little endian is? are you familiar with the shell???? different shells? window managers?? etc.


...then you might be a hacker :)


you may also know many different things about programming and computer science in general but that might not make you a hacker, that makes you an engineer :)




You should have read the whole thread because it's been mentioned since post #1.

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Technology of the Beast



"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." -- Revelation 13:16-17


One of the fun things about watching technology march by like a parade -- one where all the bands get smaller and rounder as time goes on -- is seeing new interpretations of the Bible based on the latest advances. Early last century, the Mark of the Beast was your Social Security card, which presumably was encoded into the Computer Punch Card of the Beast and fed into Satan's Mainframe.


After that, the Mark of the Beast was your credit card, and in the '70s the UPC symbol was the new Mark, presumably because of the passage in Revelations stating, "And the mark was placed upon the Wonder Bread, both white and the kind they call wheat, even though it's basically a slightly more tan version of the white stuff."


Now, of course, the Mark of the Beast is RFID chips. It's not enough that they might get your purchases tracked or your identity stolen, they might also get you booked into the Hotel Inferno for all eternity. Thanks, Wal-Mart! Totally worth it for discount cotton balls!


I think Bible believers, followers and/or thumpers are really overlooking the other technological warnings inherent in Revelation. Here are some actual Bible verses, and the cutting-edge technology to which they clearly refer:


"And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind."


This is obviously a reference to file sharing. The "stars" in question are the hard-working entertainers of the world, "falling to earth" because of the "casting" of their works to and fro like figs (figs were the main form of entertainment in the ancient world) by a "mighty wind." A mighty wind? Like a "torrent," perhaps?


"And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains."


Clearly the "hiding" is the anonymity provided by "dens" of personal web spaces like LiveJournal and MySpace. The rocks are friends lists or something, I'm still working that one out. Once the mighty men start joining MySpace, we're screwed. Don't do it, mighty men!


"And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter."


Frankly, I can't think of anyone more bitter than political bloggers. The "waters" are the blogosphere, and Wormwood is probably a misreading of WordPress. They have several of the same letters!


"And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them."


That's pretty much how I feel after a few minutes looking at homemade music videos on YouTube.


"And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle."


Actually, I don't have a technological explanation for this one, I just want to say that it's a pity the phrase "girt about the paps" hasn't remained in common parlance. We should bring it back. It doesn't have to mean anything. If people just randomly shout "girt about the paps!" when they're startled, that will be fine with me.


So, anyway, I hope we've all learned something from this little tour of the end times: Everything is evil, technology eats your soul, and we don't talk about paps enough.


- - -

Born helpless, nude and unable to provide for himself, Lore Sjöberg eventually overcame these handicaps to become a prophet, a profiteer and a prophylactic.

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3 or 4 years after the first release of OS 10, before that fahgetaboutit :lol:


true, it took em a while to get even simple things like tree/shortcut and folder view in one window. and im not saying that their window manager (Carbon, Aqua) is superior or that their UI widgets are better i was just talking about the OS itself. strip away all that stuff and you'll just have that -- the OS. and since BSD-like OS's have all the greate capabilities of ALL scripting and programming languages it make them, IMO, superior to windows.


[^^^quote from above]

(Not a Mac vs. PC dicussion) I like Aqua, its cute, but its slow unless you have kick ass box and video card. it also, within recent versions, has just got some of the little things about browsing that i've liked about Explorer for a long time. Expose is dope tho.



Well, how many years did it take them to develop that functionality in OS 10? The rest of the hacking world has left them behind.
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  • 2 months later...

That was really interesting. Dissolution of cognitive boundaries through the creation of an outward social consciousness.


Also an interesting insight into the own structure of our own cognition. That the web is becoming to represent the same structural theories we have devised about our own brain is no coincidence. There is a qoute from an analytic philosopher that I think belongs here now:



"The totality of meaning is like a field of force whose boundary conditions are that of experience."

-W.V. Quine


In any respect we are creating a new form of life. As we ourselves are collections of cognitive/physical apparatuses thus we are creating newer larger lives as we present collections of ourselves as such existential apparatuses. The contemporary academic literature on metaphor as the basic principal of cognitive/linguistic meaning mixed with cognitive theory of embodied cognition all the way to the dissolution of the delineation between observable and unobservable entites makes for an amazing backdrop to the social acts we are engaging at this precipace of technological and societal change.


If we don't blow everything up in the next couple years it will be interesting to see what happens.

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