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PETA won't let people have dogs as pets anyway so we don't need their help... What China needs is Jonas Salk or whoever made the Rabies vaccine and a truckload of those little aluminum tags shaped like doggie bones or hearts (which they are probably making already)...


It really isn't so difficult, cell derived vaccines for rabies have been available for at least 25 years, effectively treating both pre- and post-exposure.

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Not exactly, it is always fatal for the animal, usually they are too far along for effective tratment when the signs really start to show. It's also, sadly, a generally accepted fact that treating them costs more than their value...


For humans though, there is fully a treatment for rabies, both before and AFTER contraction. It used to be a series of shots administered abdominally, this was a prehistoric treatment using what is called a 'nerve tissue' vaccine. As I said before, there is a newer and better 'cell derived' vaccine, except 'newer' is just a relative word because it's been on the market for a quarter of a century.


These 'cell derived' vaccines can also be included in various food stuffs and intentionally spread around outside to immunize wild animals but I don't know about how effective that is. I know that there are communities and states and countries that do it though.

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I know this kid who became a vegetarian after he started dating this girl that is a vegan. They adopted this greyhound from the local track. We're almost positive they are feeding it vegetarian dog food. I think that's pretty fucked up. I understand the choice of not eating meat, but we're omnivores and have been eating meat since before we were big, hairy apes. Dogs are carnivores! Forcing an animal to do such a thing is inhumane, I think.

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I don't know, I guess that theoretically you could develop a vegetable based dog food that would carry all the vitamins and nutriens deemed essential for healthy growth and life. Still, I think there are some basic animal protiens that can only be gotten from actual meat, I don't think they can be lab cultivated or replicated so, I wonder if they aren't seriously impacting the long term health of their pet...


Aside from that, the self-righteousness of making that sort of decision for an animal seems pretty arrogant and suggests that there may also be some other forms of neglect going on. It's a sad situation.


Not really the bright side but, I heard those ex-racing dogs only live until they are about 6 or 7 years old. The 'training' and diet they get in preperation for becoming a race dog basically wears out their little hearts in an amazingly short time.

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Yeah, the whole story behind race dogs is sad. I've seen pictures of this dog on his Myspace, since this kid has become the biggest flake ever I haven't seen him in a while. It looks really emaciated, even for a greyhound.


His girlfriend is one of the types who literally would not kill a bug. I had a discussion with her about what she would do if her house or apartment was infested with cockroaches, termites, ants, etc. She said she wouldn't do anything to kill them, not even hire an exterminator. The dog is also being kept in a studio loft apartment in the city and supposedly they keep it in a pen at night because "it's the only way it can sleep", which I think is cruel enough.

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people don't use common sense. that's the problem. Once they let stupid fester in them, that's it...compound ignorance and dog clubbing in the streets.

I'd kill the mess out of a cockroach in my house or even a rabid dog who wandered into my living room, I'd club em with my keyboard if I had to, but if I saw a stray dog in the street and I was eating a 99 cent McChicken (which I eat rarely, only in a pinch) I'd probably break him off a peice.


Kindness where kindness is needed and harshness where harshness is needed.


It's disgusting the way they kill the meat in America. I was at a slaughterhouse one time killing a sheep (with a knife so the blood pumped fully out) and I saw this dude walk up to a trailer and shoot this cow in the head....All the blood in that cow stays in and that's exactly how the meat companies want it, full of blood so it's heavier when weighed.


If you want good meat go to the local Halal spot if you live near one.

They slaughter the animal the old way (with a sharp knife) then hang it so that all the blood drips out. mmmm, good protein.

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  • 3 weeks later...

From once a great empire as china, inventor of so many weapons including rockets, the first to master time itself creating the world's first 24 hour clock, we now see their people resorting to sticks and clubs as their means to kill people's dogs? Oh how the mighty have fallen.


Then again they did recently invent the "mobile execution bus"



I don't know how they plan to use this thing, but i see no harm in adding spikes to the front.

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  • 3 weeks later...

thats sad lens...Since you lost your job you have been wicked dark... I cant wait till you move to japan then i will search to find your posts and be enlightened once again....


I amfucking knuckled right now...sarinac variety pack...


If you move i am coming to japan so you can tour me around...

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me and the woman have considered moving to china to study but its shit like this that makes you think twice. in beijing during the sars stint, droves of pet owners moved to shanghai because they were essentially slaughtering all animals in that area and putting hundreds of people into quarantine. if you happened to live in one of thoughs humongo megalopolis apartment complexes and one fool winds up with a head cold the whole complex gets put into lock down. no one can leave or enter for a certain period of time. the chinese dont usually place the same restrictments on westerners as they do their own people. so if you were there for school during the sars outbreak they did allow all the students to either go home or remain in lockdown in their dorms.


i read this article when it came out but what both the articles posted failed to mention is that a % of thoughs dogs killed for rabies actually had their shots. people scrambled to get their dogs inoculated or pull out their rabies certificates only to watch the death squads club their healthy dogs to a pulp.


i have a japanese akita and all i'm saying is that if someone tries to club my dog to death im unhooking his collar and clubbing them. you'll see a pic of me and my dog attacking small chinese dudes with sticks and the headline will read white guy with rabies goes cujo on small chinese village.


also the articles keep on saying yunnan province in shanghai. i checked a map and yunnan is not even fucking close to shanghai?? im not familiar with how the chinese map out their provinces since the country is so damn big but yunnan on the maps im looking at is way south east bordering burma. shanghai is south of beijing on the the east coast. hmm seems fishy like hey look at the barbaric chinese. this is happening in shanghai a modern city! when really its in some backwater village way the fuck out in the countryside. but who knows there very well might be a few yunnans.

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also the articles keep on saying yunnan province in shanghai. i checked a map and yunnan is not even fucking close to shanghai?? im not familiar with how the chinese map out their provinces since the country is so damn big but yunnan on the maps im looking at is way south east bordering burma. shanghai is south of beijing on the the east coast. hmm seems fishy like hey look at the barbaric chinese. this is happening in shanghai a modern city! when really its in some backwater village way the fuck out in the countryside. but who knows there very well might be a few yunnans.


OK, the second article doesn't mention Yunnan at all. More importantly, I'm gonna have to question your understanding of geography and the compass.


The article not only clearly states that the Yunnan province is in the southwest (and NEVER suggests that Yunnan is "in Shanghai") but if you double check your map work I'm sure you'll find that 'Burma' is over there too, on the way to India (don't be suprised if they call it Myanmar)... Southeastern China mostly touches the ocean and then Vietnam. Yes, Shanghai is over there on the eastern side but I don't see how that's relevant.


I can't remember where I got it, but the article quotes the Shanghai Daily, a Chinese newspaper. I think I got it from the Mumbai Mirror (an Indian paper) but I could have gotten it from Xinhua Online (a Chinese paper)...


Anyway, I don't really get where you think a Chinese newspaper is saying 'Hey look at the barbaric Chinese' because I don't think the Chinese government puts up with that sort of dissent. As far as the rest of the world, um... yeah, look at the barbaric Chinese. It's not like it's fiction, shit happened and is happening by word of Chinese papers.


btw, I want a Russian Akita, or maybe a Spanish Akita, possibly even a French Akita but I would never, NEVER have a JAPANESE Akita!

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whoa there smart... i wasnt calling out the validity of your article. now after rereading the way the bold text was on the first line made me think shanghai - 50,000 dead. i see its reporting from shanghai. i wasnt throwing out conspiracy theories. i just woke up when i posted that. sorry the caffeine didnt kick in yet. i live in the region i'm aware of where shanghai is. and why never a japanese akita? american akitas are too big and german shepard looking. i have no clue what the hell a french akita or a spanish akitas is. also why are you so grumpy?

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