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Grizzled Motherfuckers appreciation thread.

King Of Hell

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If Einstien was a mountain man he would have been sex symbol for women everywhere.


Einstein slept around quite a bit. In fact, he made his wife sign a contract of some sorts. She had to live by certain things if she were to remain his wife, and one of these things was not interfering with his other lady friends.

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i dont really care about what other men look like but i do have to agree that all these kids these days look and act like little bitchs.. that included all these thugged out black kids too, wearing shirts that look like dresses, wanting really shiney things (just like a bitch). man the fuck up... i hate emo and the kids who listen and look it more than anything tho

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people who want all aanimal testing banned really don't understand science

you could effectively shut down research on every major disease you can think of by banning all animal testing. we couldn't generate antibodies without rabbits. there is literally no other way for us, and without those antibodies, we'd have a damn hard time proving our hypotheses


it's one of those things that sounds really good until you understand the scope and depth of the reprecussions

unless you don't give a shit at all about people or yourself of course


I oppose it in principle, but I regard it as a necessary evil...I know you're a scientist, and I wouldn't say, "Oh no, Symbols, you're so wrong..." because you aren't. A lot of good has come out of animal testing.


Jainism teaches people to practice "Ahimsa", which is the practice of respecting other living beings by not killing them or causing them misery. I also think that there's no possible way to practice perfect Ahimsa, you have to kill SOMETHING in order to eat, and not be miserable, and to therefore survive...some studies have proven plants have some kind of sentinent qualities, so vegans aren't doing it right, either, I imagine...both theories have holes in them that you could point out.


I also choose to believe that some day, science will find a way to not have to perform animal tests, if the will to do so is there. I'm not totally compassionate, either...but, I do the best I can, and when I say I don't support animal testing, I'm thinking more about things like cosmetics and air fresheners...if it has a legitimate purpose, I feel bad, and wonder why progress for the improvement of the human condition has to come at such a cost. But, it does, so I accept it and hope for change.


And, I still don't like PETA, so there's where we have common ground.


Okay, back to work.

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Einstein slept around quite a bit. In fact' date=' he made his wife sign a contract of some sorts. She had to live by certain things if she were to remain his wife, and one of these things was not interfering with his other lady friends.[/quote']



Ha,ha,ha, That's genius!

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Fuck all these white cornbread crackaz.





Sitting Bull



Crazy Horse (Even had a strip joint named after him double bonus points)



Pancho Villa



Emiliano Zapata



Subcomandante Marcos of the EZLN


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