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Shrinking jeans. How to?

Weapon X

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If they've already been washed, they won't shrink permanently. A hot dryer will help, but they'll stretch out after a couple hours.


When you say "too big", is that a couple sizes too big, or retarded candy raver too big? If it's the the latter, shame on you...throw those out.


Otherwise, you can have them tapered and hemmed at any tailor shop, but probably not on a Sunday. If you have access to a sewing machine, I could explain how it's done...no, it's tricky, and you have to ruin a few pairs of pants to learn the trick. Easy to explain, hard to do.


This reminds me that I'm really glad that I have a sewing machine and know how to alter pants. Even on Sunday.

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If they've already been washed, they won't shrink permanently. A hot dryer will help, but they'll stretch out after a couple hours.


When you say "too big", is that a couple sizes too big, or retarded candy raver too big? If it's the the latter, shame on you...throw those out.


Otherwise, you can have them tapered and hemmed at any tailor shop, but probably not on a Sunday. If you have access to a sewing machine, I could explain how it's done...no, it's tricky, and you have to ruin a few pairs of pants to learn the trick. Easy to explain, hard to do.


This reminds me that I'm really glad that I have a sewing machine and know how to alter pants. Even on Sunday.



Think of a white trash, 19 year old construction worker and you'll get an idea of how big the jeans are. 36 waist, 32 length.


I can't exchange because the person who bought them for me got 'em in Pittsburgh.


They're not so big in the waist and thigh part, though, so this tapering thing sounds like an option. I didn't know you can do that with jeans.


Fuckin' loose fit jeans. wtf.. oh yeah, thanx, dudes.

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You can alter anything made of fabric. I think at least half of the pants I own have been tapered and hemmed, because nobody knows how to make pants that fit right that don't cost a fortune. I found a pair of Diesel jeans that fit a few years ago, and use them as a template sometimes.


My Carhartts took forever to get right. I wear them all the time, though...a few years ago I got sick of all the paint and ink stains, so I took some acrylic paint and fabric medium and painted the fuckers gloss black...I touch them up once in a while, and they look good as new. They've been patched about 30 times, as well.


The baggy jeans thing....that should have died out long ago, but it's still going strong, I don't get it.

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Okay...Cash can wear baggy jeans, but that's it.


Cash, did you ever fix your bag, or should I mail you a buckle?


I still don't get how you did that.


itd be cool if you can send me them youd be saving me a hype throughout the city


give me aminute ill show you exactly how the buckles came off

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Youll notice that theres nothing keep the buckles from sliding off the ends there


well during one of my many hypes one of the buckles came up missing

i still had the other one


but i have since lost it



and me being the obssessive compulsive that i am, i couldnt in my right mind allow one side to be buckled and the other not


i just couldnt

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The baggy jeans thing....that should have died out long ago, but it's still going strong, I don't get it.


It's like this. Baggy jeans look better, are more comfortable, you can actually put shit in your pockets (knife, marker, keys, wallet, mace, cellphone) without them stabbing into your leg and bulging like a mutant 3rd cock. And you don't look like a queereye faggot in baggy jeans. Baggy jeans make alot more sense than that emo spandex shit. I can't beleive the tight pants ever came back. To each their own I guess.

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