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Did they find Noah's Ark?


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If this turns out to actually be Noah's Ark' date=' I will personally fuck two of each and every species of animal in the world.[/quote']



Co-signed. Fuck it, if this turns out to be the ark. I'll fuck the corpse of Jesus.


Wow it was the size of an aircraft carrier. That's certainly big enough to house 2 of every species on the planet, and carry food for all of them.


And aren't they in essence proving God DOESN'T exist. Aren't people supposed to believe in him based on faith, and doesn't proof deny faith? I'll say it once and I'll say it again, God does not exist, I'm sorry if I'm fucking with your deeply held beliefs. But it's just not happeneing like you guys think it is...


There is something there, there are quantam physics and string theory and all kinds of neat stuff you guys will have tons of fun for years trying to figure out. Multiple dimensions and universes. The fact that everything is made up of atoms. and even where it looks like nothing there there are still things there. Everysingle piece of matter is connected to every other piece of matter in the universe. Is that not exciting to you? One summer in Washington DC a group of a couple hundred people collectively meditated and it brought the crime rate down 25%. They weren't praying, they were fucking meditating. Not cool? Everything is so fucking interesting and fun to learn, and you're still trying to figure out if you're going to heaven.




Give up this God shit, it's played out. I'm going to enjoy my life. You guys need to figure out to enjoy the fuck out of yours.

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Heres something I found online to give you guys a better idea of the proportions...


Genesis 6:15 in the Bible tells us Noah's Ark was at least 135 meters long (300 cubits), 22.5 meters wide (50 cubits), and 13.5 meters high (30 cubits). It could have been larger because several larger-sized cubits were used. But the 45-centimeter (18-inch) cubit is long enough to show the enormous size of the Ark.


A cubit was the length of a man's arm from fingertips to elbow


Noah's Ark was three stories high (Genesis 6:16). This made its total deck area equivalent to the area of about 36 lawn tennis courts. The average size of animal is about the size of an adult sheep. From this, scientists have calculated that the Ark could have held about 522 railroad stock cars full of sheep-sized animals. This is eight freight trains with 65 carriages on each!


Remember too that not every creature had to go on the Ark. Fish and other sea creatures didn't go on, and they account for a very large percentage of the world's animals. It was only land-dwelling, air-breathing animals that went on the Ark — and even many of them are very small, such as spiders, worms, beetles, etc.


When we realize that not every shade of butterfly, snake, kangaroo, or whatever had to go on board — just major “kinds” — we find that there might have been only about 35,000 animals on board.


So the question is not so much how did they all fit, but what did Noah use all the left-over room for?


To answer thier question: food and living quarters.

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Cool discovery, provided it can be verified by someone else. I am suspending judgement on all points until then, however.

Really, this right here sums up everything wrong with the artical & expedition:

"I can't imagine what it could be if it is not the Ark," said Arch Bonnema of the Bible Archaeology Search and Exploration (B.A.S.E) Institute, a Christian archeology organization dedicated to looking for biblical artifacts.


Of course you can't imagine what else it might be. Your paycheck from BIBLE Archaeology depends on that.

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Yeah, if you watch Discovery and the History channels, you would know they find Atlantis, The Ark, and various other mythological things about once a quarter. The Chinese Atlantis was interesting. I thought this thing was on Mt. Ararat? Or in Turkey?

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flood myths are based on the a true geological event: the end of the last ice age. As glaciers melted and receded, they sometimes formed huge ice dams that held lakes back. When those ice dams melted, humungous ass water flows came down the valleys. Plus the sea level was hundreds of feet lower. The black sea was also much lower, and as sea levels rose, it eventually broke through the bosphorus straits and flooded the land around the black sea. Civilation was just arising on the fertile rivers fed by the melting glaciers: euphrates, ganges indus etc..



Similar thing happened here in America: the Missoula floods:



http://www.nwcreation.net/articles/missoulaflood.htm (actually from a religious persepective, but good overview)



these were witnessed by native-americans and the events were recorded in Indian myths and in place names...




cool thought eh?

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