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Movie Anti-Recommendation Thread


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And personally, I hate:




Thanks for institutionalizing product placement, Mr. Spielberg.




Considering how Caddyshack is one of the greatest comedies of all time and is basically pure pleasure in video form, Caddyshack 2 is the anti-Caddyshack.

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The best part of this movie are the scenes where Bruce Campell "frightens" all the extras that are hostages in the ski lodge restraunt. Their reactions are some of the most forced expressions in cinematic history.




I'll say this, if you get a chance to watch this at a midnight showing with the 3-D glasses at a sell-out crowd, take it, because it'll be the funniest bad movie experience next to Rocky Horror night.

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Righters arrnt faggots u know' date=' i dont think there is one graffer who is gay![/quote']


Sorry, I have to agree with Fermentor on that..

New jacks are the worst when it comes to nut-hugging.


And actually, there are a few gay writers, and probably

10 times as many closeted ones..Most of them are probably

backpack-hardcore-hip-hop types...

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it was on tv yesterday. one of the most retarded pieces of shit i've ever seen. lucky afl was there to save me half an hour into it. too bad the lions lost, though.


i actually just read the tv guide and it's a "comedy"...


uhh, yeh...

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Guest R@ndomH3ro




Any Movie with Bruce "Dont Call Me Ash" Campbell is an instant classic.



Also, how come n00bs are always the ones that get most offeneded about saying writers are fags? Maybe they got something to hide.....

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I think this movie is good. It is certainly a very strange sequel to Gremlins 1' date=' but I think they people who were making it were just into having a good time with entertaining concepts and visuals. [/quote']



this movie is the shit. scaree as fuck, too.


its funny you say that makros because i watched a few minutes with the audio commentary on and the director described the prompt for the plotline as telling the writer "to write whatever they wanted and theyll call it gremlins 2"


i fucking hate audio commentaries, but just a sidenote.

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It was so ridiculous because of the level that they took the "we don't give a fuck if it's bad and doesn't make sense, we'll just make fun of it within the movie" to such an extreme. I just feel that Gremlins is such a good film that pulls off the mixture of horror and comedy so that the film is actually real scary (more so for the younger audience, but there is a feeling of dread) and really funny at the same time. It's like they knew that there was no way they could make a decent sequel so they decided to make the worst one possible but on a huge budget. It was funny when they projectionist came downstairs when the film "breaks" and says "All they keep wanting to see is Snow White and the Seven Dwarves!"



Also, the vegatable Gremlin and the female Gremlin literally make me want to vomit they are so fucking repulsive.

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  • 7 months later...
  • 8 months later...




Stay the fuck away from this piece of crap "zombie" film that is nothing more than Skinemax quality soft-core with a bit of zombies thrown in. Absolutely terrible and a waste of time. We started fast forwarding after about 15 minutes, then outright skipping whole scenes, then we just turned it off. If I hadn't rented it, I would have stuck it in the microwave.

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