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why did the wtc's collapse? conclusive proof


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  • 2 weeks later...

3 reasons 911 was a inside job



1. Norad- dick chenney takes command of Norad a month before 911 when there has never been a vp do that before. Dick orders norad to stand down when he was warned in adequate that planes had been hijacked and does not let commanders do there job. Norad said prior to 911 that thye monitered us air space 24/7 after 911 they said that they would start to moniter us air space wtf


2. thermite- active thermite causing intense fire in the basement of the wtc weeks after collapse


3. free fall speed- never before has a building as tall as wtc 1 2 fall from fire and never at free fall speed, and wtc was built to withstand colliding with 2 planes like the ones that struck it






second plane hitting the towers is fake


1. there is no space for the video to be taken seeing as the only space that had that view was covered by trees and had no way of seeing it


2. news stations reporting it live taped 2 different versions of the explosions

-one should a plane hitting it

- the other different



alex jones

- i think alex jones is there to distract people from the real perportrators and the runners of the NWO ie the vatican,the jesuits, and the zionist

- he screams his ideas on people in ways that makes them scared of him and reinforce the ideas that all conspiracy scientists are crazy

- he uses words that make you think of no one in particular like NWO and global elitest and thus people again think hes crazy


he gives good info but dosent use it right, he only reports half truths, and brags too much



i think if he was a real truther he would be dead by now just like william cooper

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think investors rule the world, thats all of them, because without their money, companies wouldnt do the weird things they do. All hail investors and their philosophies that individually and combined shape our country. Now that i got that off my chest, I think im gonna go invest

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Thats partly true, but dont you think that big time investors have a strong say in what the company does? example. if we expand the north sector it will hurt bill in the south who donates 1 million a year but it will make vern in the north, our 10 million a month investor, twice as rich and twice as likely to invest more... All Im saying is that money talks, and investors fuel these businesses , and without the big investors that pump millions into the companies, they would fail. Theyre too big to succeed on their own

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Thats partly true, but dont you think that big time investors have a strong say in what the company does? example. if we expand the north sector it will hurt bill in the south who donates 1 million a year but it will make vern in the north, our 10 million a month investor, twice as rich and twice as likely to invest more... All Im saying is that money talks, and investors fuel these businesses , and without the big investors that pump millions into the companies, they would fail. Theyre too big to succeed on their own



no. investors are only part of it. a small part. international bankers are truly the rulers of the world.


the people you never hear of...

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Yea that seems to be the train of thought since zeitgeist... idk though, ima keep my ears and eyes open



fuck a zeitgeist. check out "confessions of an economic hitman" or read transcripts from cfr meetings.


again, fucka zeitgesit.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...
Guest Ginger Bread Man

so apparently bin laden WAS responsible for 9/11?




"The delay in your knowing those causes has cost you a lot without any result whatsoever," he said. "This position of yours, combined with some other injustices, pushed us to undertake the events of (Sept. 11)."


WTF is going on here? is yahoo spreading some propaganda?


didnt know where else to put this.

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I think Bin Laden denied the 9/11 attacks at first and now he claims them. He's just another stool pigeon of Bush. They needed a boogieman and now they have one. But the Bush's and the Bin Ladens go way back. No way that Al Queda brought down the twin towers by themselves. The i-beams in those buildings were cut by thermite.


Ive never heard of the I-beams being cut by thermite. how would they have done that with all those people working in there? not hating, just have never heard that.

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You haven't read this thread? The I-beams were cut at 45 degree angles just like in a professional demolition. That's why the world trade center towers pretty much collapsed on their own footprints. It would have been easy for a professional team to do. Just dress up like maintainence workers and go to work. If you think that's fishy try to explain what knocked down tower 7. Nothing! It was demolished. They even said they demolished it on the news. No plane flew into it or nothing. Besides, these buildings were built to withstand a plane crash by the architect. Not only that but look into the insurance plan taken out by the owner of the WTC days before the attack. Or the security team assigned to the towers days before the attack. I could go on and on. But you would do well to read this thread before posting in here again. That's what this thread is about after all.


like I said I dont know about he I-beams being cut, and people say that the building is meant to withstand a plane hitting it? really? a standard 767 weights 205,000 pounds empty, that's no fuel, passangers, food carts, luggage and so forth. now take 205,000 pounds fly it at 350 mph into concrete and steel. nothing on earth would survive that kind of hit. not to mention the thousands of gallons of jet fuel burning at a minimum of 800 degrees Fahrenheit, which would cause the steal to lose half its structural integrity within minutes. Im not saying its not a conspiracy but I just dont believe in the bomb theory or the theory they cut the I-beams. I saw a picture of WTC 7 before the whole conspiracy hype and it looked like it had been scooped out at the bottom.

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I'm an engineering student and have studied the collapse through many different viewpoints as a part of my studies, and always end up at the same conclusion. I think there is more to the story then we have been lead to believe. Now I'm not making any judgments or extrapolating anything from what's out there, everyone has the right to make make their own minds up about it. But it would seem to me, to deny the existence of there being more than a few funky bits of evidence is quite naive.


Something I've learned is that if it doesn't seem to make sense, or doesn't add up, you're generally right.

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like I said I dont know about he I-beams being cut, and people say that the building is meant to withstand a plane hitting it? really? a standard 767 weights 205,000 pounds empty, that's no fuel, passangers, food carts, luggage and so forth. now take 205,000 pounds fly it at 350 mph into concrete and steel. nothing on earth would survive that kind of hit. not to mention the thousands of gallons of jet fuel burning at a minimum of 800 degrees Fahrenheit, which would cause the steal to lose half its structural integrity within minutes. Im not saying its not a conspiracy but I just dont believe in the bomb theory or the theory they cut the I-beams. I saw a picture of WTC 7 before the whole conspiracy hype and it looked like it had been scooped out at the bottom.




You weren't looking at 7.

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maybe not, it look like a sort of triangular building but I dont read up a lot on 9/11. I do think it was a conspiracy but like I said some of the claims are a little ridiculous but it makes sense why they would have done it.



Take a look at some demolition vids on youtube or whatever.

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Ok so I looked into some of the videos and WTC 7 is definitely fishy, I do remember hearing about that on the news that it had been demolished (I guess thats the proper word). Not trying to change the subject but do you have any good links for government-polluted vaccines? cant seem to find one.

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