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  1. alotta flics in this thread...thanks for sharin.
  2. anker.


    ...same shit. And 7 votes to keep funding them...really?
  3. anker.


    The 4th video is supposed to be released within the hour...lets see what wholesome family fun they'd like to help with next.
  4. anker.


    story isnt geting too much press yet... wonder why.
  5. bump for the title... down will be here end of this month. 3rd time seein em!
  6. ...since when was the goverment about controlling people?
  7. PISH POSH!...... EVERYONE knows the quickening is what happens when one immortal decapitates another immortal...There can be only one. GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT
  8. I think it all depends on the subject matter. As long as he's not trying to brainwash the little bastards, its good PR... and like dude above said, he loves photo-ops. Plus, Obama is so fuckin cool... (like in a clinton, i'm down with the youth kinda way)... so this is a chance for him to plant his seed in the youngn's. so to speak.
  9. anker.

    veg verge.

    yes...just yes. In the US, Snickers ingredients are: milk chocolate (sugar, cocoa butter, chocolate, skimmed milk, lactose, milkfat, soy lecithin, artificial flavor), peanuts, corn syrup, sugar, skim milk, butter, milkfat, partially hydrogenated soybean oil, lactose, salt, egg whites and artificial flavor. Me crying over cows in cramped spaces.... or me gnoshing on a snickers bar?....um...snickers wins. totally.
  10. I heard today that studies have shown "symptoms" of global warming may actually be due to ocean cycles/the moons gravitational pull and all that jazz. Does that mean the earth is emo?
  11. anker.

    veg verge.

    ...plus, its really cool to be a vegetarian. And, you get to talk down to waiters, like they should JUST KNOW that you dont eat meat.... But, you cant use the whole "animal cruelty" reason unless you go all out vegan. Then you're just half assing it.
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