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why did the wtc's collapse? conclusive proof


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i like when people assume that they know what others think.


there are too many holes in the theory? there are too many holes in the official story (stories. the NIST has 5 official version of what happened).


what makes me think i'm so special? i don't. i am no different than any other walking, talking, breathing, human being.


what am i going to do about it? tell people about the holes in the offical story. let them decide for themselves.


the united states is far different now than it was before september 11th, 2001. any fool can see that. do you read?

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there you are, saying what you think that i think.



of course airplanes crashed into the towers and the pentagon. of course they did. i have my doubts on what type of airplane actually hit the pentagon, but that is a side issue.


why would the government try and blow up the twin towers instead of a decent target? hahaa. ask the fbi why they gave the terrorists who tried to blow it up in '93 live explosives, the van, and instructions on where to park. ask the government about rex 84, northwoods, etc.

they know. i'm sure they'd tell you if you just explained that you are a perfect american citizen who does not criticize any of their actions. i'm sure they would. you can start with your state senator and work your way up from there.


i don't preach to anyone, either. i try to inform the masses in any way i can. i try not to be intrusive about it. at first, i wasn't. i'd argue wiht someone like you all day.



by not questioning this, i'd dare tosay you are not a patriot at all. our founding fathers did not set up this government to be like it is at this moment in history.


"A free people [claim] their rights as derived from the laws of nature, and not as the gift of their chief magistrate." --Thomas Jefferson: Rights of British America, 1774. ME 1:209, Papers 1:134

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last questions before my head explodes.



why did this shit have to be so complicated?

wouldnt someone have seen the explosives being planted?

and why wouldnt the main people who thought this up just chosed to random idiots to actually fly a plane into the towers? and dont say they couldnt of found people to do it becuase they could.

AND how has not 1 person involved in this shit fessed up?

AAAAAAAAAANNNNDDDDDD dont you see something wrong with the fact what you say is true isnt believed by more than 3/4's of the us?



look, you';ve got to stop being so sarcastic. people have stuff to tell you. i'm being more than accomodating with information. just settle down and discuss this like a person. deep breaths, ok?


why did it have to be so complicated? there are alot of reasons. if you know how military/govt calssification works, it's alot easier to understand (sort of. red tape is red tape, though). alot of things by themselves don't make up a classified operation or paper. it's alot of things together that make it top secret, (etc. there are higher levels of secrecy than just top secret.) when you compartmentalize things, alot of people can be working towards one common goal and have no idea what exactly is going on in the overall of the project.


wouldn't someone have seen explosives being planted? yes. except for one thing. the wtc's were closed down for a couple of days prior to the 11th of 01. there were witnesses that have come forward. maintenance crew people. people who would have seen strange things did see strange things.


random idiots being chosen? they did choose random idiots. it is my belief that these guys thought it was only a drill. they had no idea that they were the patsies for a huge crime.

there's alot of evidence that suggests these guys were in pretty deep with the u.s. govt prior to september 11th. (see: pensacola naval air station, etc)



how could one person not fess up? there have been alot of high level govt employees and former employees coming forward. where have you been?



3/4's of the u.s. people do not believe the official story. fact.

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btw. even if this stupid theory was true.....what the fuck you gonna do about it?


u see,u saying even if it was true,u are doubting,people who found the truth about 911 are not doubting thats why their existance disturbs you.


and its not a personal thing,this here is not arrogance,its something people should know and who knows this and what they "would do" when they find out it's spread it around.


check the facts.

its a damn inside job wherever u look to...

its not a matter of believing anyone,berify it yourself and you will see.



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thats bullshit.

there is no way that is true



are you the type of person who puts up impeach bush signs along the highway (just wondering)



no, it's not bullshit. there have been numerous polls that are very scientoific.


do i put up anti-bush signs along a highway? nope. never done that. is that surprising?




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if u find an offical site such as..... .org or one of the others post it. you cant trust that stuff

think how many people who dont participate think 911 actually happened.


consider this. if a pro bush person was walking along the street or got a phone call asking him/her what they thought of bush dont you think there would be a bigger percentage of people who dont participate in the poll? i would have to say the people that think that 911 wasnt what it really was would be more likely to voice their opinions? what about someone who lost a family member because of 911, you think they would participate in a poll that is asking if you think that the goverment killed their family member? i dont think they would.


i want to see offical evidence.

i have never heard of that website... you think it would be wise to just accept what one website says as the truth?


another thing to think about is that if the goverment is lying to you, how do you know the stuff that is preeching "the truth" isnt just made up?


YOU WILL NEVER CONVINCE ME and im sure that isnt a huge deal to you, or maybe it is....

but i would have to see the members of the goverment confess infront of my own eyes to believe it.


i guess we will have to agree to disagree


do you live in the us?



there have been many zogby polls. the results posted on that page are from one such poll.


you're completely wrong about .org's, etc. that just means not for profit.



a majority of 9/11 surivors (widows, etc) question the official story.


how do i know what is said about 9/11 being covered up is truth? i research. i don't ;listen

to bologny theories.


i don't want to convince you. i'm only sharing what i know with you. i can point you at many different reference points, but it is up to you to read them. i can't summarize everything (i've probably already summarized more than a few times here)


if you're open to the information, which i think you are, then i can provide it for you from offical sites (govt, etc).

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i found something i had seen long ago,its a game from 1995,its called iluminati...its a card game,all of you who think conspiracies are theories,u know,check it out,i got a lot of coincidences for u all.


http://www.rinf.com/news/jun-05/16b.html a page with some description,but the other picture is way better...



^this is some cards of the game,u can see wtc 1 and 2 and pentagon,read around...

remember this was 1995


just to add a little bit fun to the whole thing...:D :P




please dont ask me about this,i dont know a lot,just do some research like u do when u want to find something u like.




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off topic but: I racked the whole illuminati card set back in I think 96. nobody ever wanted to play it and I wound up giving it away two years later.


that being said...quoting illuminati/nwo sites on here probably wont help your case much.


what u talking about ese?,my case?

i showed you something weird,u see the 2 towers u see the pentagon and the rest,for you is coincidence,i dont want to insult you,but dont make a fool out of yourself.you have two eyes that see,use them.


im not talking about the game,all im saying is "wow what a coincidence! look people!"




just to try to make u see there is a problem around you,its not something personal,i dont know why u people think its all a personal show off,maybe its the graffiti that pumps your ego to the extreme,or the intoxication that empties your mind,control it please.



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do you really think that the coincidence of what those cards shows is somthing signifigant enough that I'd be making a fool of myself not to recognize? its trivial.

the game is based around the illuminati/nwo theories, and those scenarios play out through the course of the game. the things that involves are fairly self-explanitory. collapse of government/commerce. religious wars, that sort of thing. the pentagon is military headquarters, so that makes sense. the trade centre was eerily right on the mark, but keep in mind that 93 bombing definately put the towers in peoples minds as the sort of place that would be targeted.


shit, the guy who made the damn game would probably be the first to poke fun at the 9/11 conspiracy theorists...he was making fun of the whole illuminati/nwo thing when he made the game.


the only point I was trying to make is that if you want to sway anybody over to your side of the discussion, citing people that are big Illuminati/NWO believers isnt going to help you out much, as they are pretty far "out there", nothing personal, dont know where you're getting that from.

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3/4's. that is more than half.


since I seem to be back here again I may as well take issue with this while I'm here. Heres a description of the Angus Reid poll he's sourcing.

Polling Data


When it comes to what they knew prior to September 11th, 2001, about possible terrorist attacks against the United States, do you think members of the Bush Administration are telling the truth, are mostly telling the truth but hiding something, or are they mostly lying?


Oct. 2006


May 2002


Telling the truth






Hiding something






Mostly lying






Not sure






Source: The New York Times / CBS News

Methodology: Telephone interviews with 983 American adults, conducted from Oct. 5 to Oct. 8, 2006. Margin of error is 4 per cent.



really this just proves that people have suspicions regarding the intelligence and actions pre 9-11. these numbers seem to reflect what you hear from people. but you cant say that based on this poll these people believe 9/11 was a conspiracy or anything of that nature.

I know thats not directly what you're saying casek, but I got the impression that you were asserting that 3/4rds of the population has doubts about 9/11. And you cant make that assertion based on this poll

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the game was created on 1995!

making fun of conspiracies?

u are making fun of yourself by denying all the signs around you that show u what it is.

after all,im not trying to reach people like you,because even if i show u a video of bush confesing u will not accept it because it is better to live in a fake world,because if u know the truth you will have to change and you cannot leave your desires and that will destroy you.




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you obviously havent read anything about the game other than that page you posted. The game involves things like alien controled secret socities running shadow governments and shit. its a total parody of nwo/illuminati nutjobs. If you read what I said you would understand that those two cards arent some "secret warning" of what was going to happen, its a fucking coincidence.


You seem to be viewing this discussion as black or white. just because I dont believe that bush masterminded a conspiracy to destroy the twin towers and gain stronger control of the country, doesnt mean that I think he's some kind of great leader. He's a neocon, evangelical nutcase. He's taken advantage of 9/11 to push his own agenda, and there are definately serious questions to be asked about just what he knew prior to this happening, but he did not plan all these events.


I think you're the one that wants to live in a "fake world" where this shadowy hollywood movie style conspiracy is the truth. the truth is that the worst events are happening under our nose, being pushed through government by playing to peoples fear an ignorance of world events and government. Trying to get people to "see through the looking glass" to this shadowy conspiracy world is a fuck of a lot more fun than trying to get people to think critically about whats being shown in the media, and to undo the social programming that makes people apathetic and unwilling to engage in changing their lives and the world. Thats the truth.

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bush alone didnt do it,inside job doesnt mean all americans,the media does not make something official,accepting conspiracies takes studying evidence and its not for personal gain or fun.

im not debating,that the game is a parody is not true for other people,coincidence? too close,twin towers and pentagon,power of 6,6 years after the game was created it happened...too much coincidences that it all cant be coincident itself.


the game itself have many card names that today are viewed by people like me as tools of these people,not bush alone,a man does not run a country ever.

card names like

empty vee ,you all know what does that tool make people turn into.

girlie magazines

TV Preachers

Big Media, pure lies

Fiendish Fluoridators , flouride on water is harmful

Parent/Teacher Agglomeration


very harmful things to society,and the list goes on.


too much of a coincidence for me,but this is a 911 thread related stuff,it wasnt about the game,just those two cards.



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the game was created on 1995!

making fun of conspiracies?

u are making fun of yourself by denying all the signs around you that show u what it is.

after all,im not trying to reach people like you,because even if i show u a video of bush confesing u will not accept it because it is better to live in a fake world,because if u know the truth you will have to change and you cannot leave your desires and that will destroy you.





let's flip it for a second.


if i showed you a video of bin laden confessing to 9/11, you would not accept it because it is better for you to live in a fake world, because if you knew the truth you would have to change and you cannot leave your desires and that will destroy you.


oh wait, nevermind, there have been at least 2 bin laden video tapes where he confesses to 9/11.


there has also been at least 1 ayman al-zawahiri (2nd in command) tape where he confesses.

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it's safe to say there is someone more off their rocker than lord_casek. Juan Fuentes with the tarot cards and the board games and the dollar-bill-folding and the secret societies and the star alignments and the prophecies and the UFO's and the pink elephants and the cows jumping over the moon -- it never ends with this guy.


i have a serious question though; not trying to be funny. are you currently, or have you been a drug user? are you smoking anything from marijuana to PCP? eating purple pills, shrooms, LSD, X? shooting heroin, snorting coke, etc?

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it's safe to say there is someone more off their rocker than lord_casek. Juan Fuentes with the tarot cards and the board games and the dollar-bill-folding and the secret societies and the star alignments and the prophecies and the UFO's and the pink elephants and the cows jumping over the moon -- it never ends with this guy.


i have a serious question though; not trying to be funny. are you currently, or have you been a drug user? are you smoking anything from marijuana to PCP? eating purple pills, shrooms, LSD, X? shooting heroin, snorting coke, etc?




we've debated over those bin laden tapes. oh yeah. we have. remember?

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we've debated over those bin laden tapes. oh yeah. we have. remember?


yes, you did go on about how his face was blurry and he looked too "chubby" and that it was a double. however i provided a second video which you never did comment on. this video was released to the public just a few days prior to the kerry-bush elections in november '04. it's the video with the tan background. in it, bin laden made references to the elections and also gave out his reasonings why he ordered that the attacks be carried out. he also saw Farenheit 9/11, as he mocked Bush for being concerned with "my pet goat" while his "men" were "carrying out raids in New York & Washington."

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