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marlboro country (virginia)


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u kall that wild style ... that's funk at most .... foo has can controll but wack styles u kant lie he BITESSS sooo hard ... fuck that im all for progression and part of that is bitin but u put ur own spin on it he juss str8 up mocks styles ... that's lame


aest2 = commercial


I wouldn't be suprised if he started because he played marc eckos contents under pressure and was like oooo wowwww that's kool I wanna do that

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ha yeah I got tags flares non stops watever .... fuck slaps though that aint graff wtf writin on stickers and slappin them up that takes no skill that is toy shit in my eyes bombin piecin anything that has to do with paint .... rollers all that is graff I mean if I kome off as a toy then I guess that's how I kome off but I aint ... I aint revok or saber but I got cancontrol ill try n post somepix .... where im from other writers are really open to other graff artist I didn't noe if I start askin bout va graff I would be branded as a pig ... but I guess that's the way it is out here ... if I kant post pix throw me ur email n ill send em ... late


im right there with you bro







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wild style or not... you can't wake up one day and just do that; it takes skill. same with "mocking styles," wack as it is. aest2 may be a complete sellout but he knows what he's doing, as sad as that is. i do agree with you on how stealing peoples' styles is fucked... that's not what i'm backing aest up for (if you can call it backing up), though... the dude doesn't seem to be deserving a whole lot of respect right now, evidently...

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dude serious if u look outside the v.a graff culture andlook into the west coast styles east and over sea's ud noe that he don't have shit compared to most im pretty sure givin the right paint spot and time I would burnnnnnn him and most would too ... elk,sigh,phone,hersey, the only cats out here I give mad props to I mighthave forgotten a few but maybe kuz I aint been round here long enuff

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I can't believe we're continuing to feed this kid's ego with replies...Think we could get back on topic? I'm here to see what's running in my old home, not argue about who's a sell-out or not. Aest2 deserves respect regardless of whether he's corporate. If there's anyone who needs to be called out, its paintbucket for talking shit in a place he's new to. As he said, that's my opinion. Let's keep to the flicks, people.

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