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Watching "Jesus's Son" & "The Devil's Rejects" all week...


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i think that the 2 rob zombie films are definitley throwbacks to the cheesey nature/ cheesy gore/ cheesy storylines of the horror films of the 70s. rob zombie definitely throws in a psychidelic-lsd overtone into them though.


they are definitely not scary movies but funny horror films. theres a huge difference between films like "wolfs creek" and "devils rejects." 1 is an obvious joke complete with hilarious lines and 1 is trying to be this film of the olden horror days. its comparing apples and oranges.

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so there can never be a middle ground huh?



'no, it's like comparing apples and oranges'


'yes, they are all the same.'


you're a complete moron

but at least you have let me in on the secret of what kind of guy watches these movies all week

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i was trying to do a comparitive critique of the two, already ascertaining they are in the same "genre" yet two completely different things. every book in the fiction section is not the same story, yet people may get mauled in both books.


you said 1 film was way better but its not a fair comparison bc they are ultimately 2 dift things. (read up on some alfred korztbski and his theories of general semantics. its really interesting stuff, though some is way out there.)


the middle ground is the horror genre and people getting killed. im not sure what else is the same besides that. as "the.crooked" said and i stated already...

"i think that the 2 rob zombie films are definitley throwbacks to the cheesey nature/ cheesy gore/ cheesy storylines of the horror films of the 70s. rob zombie definitely throws in a psychidelic-lsd overtone into them though."




"campy 70's grind horror vs. shockhouse contemporary horror."


do you disagree with these 2 observations, sir?

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and if you didnt get my sarcasm online in the same sentence you took "they are all the same out of," youd see i completely wrote, "but you are a mod, so you are right. all horror movies are the same. youve given me a light. thanks dad!" and missed the obvious and dumb sarcasm, sorry it went over your head.

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"Korzybski rallied against the Aristotelian notion of either/or, explaining how such a division is impossible" you can't make total divisions between subjective/objective, intellectual/instinctive, as elements of both are always present. Korzybski stressed the idea that 'a word is not the thing it stands for. Words mean what you make them mean. A chair is a chair but the word 'chair' is just a word.' When a word is too general, like 'fascist,' communist,' 'humanist,' 'moralist,' it has little or no meaning, he insisted."


if you are insistent on knowing the type of person i am it is like this, not a name calling person such as yourself (who called me the awesome word, "moron") who must belittle others so as to feel superior about themselves. but if you need that for your self-esteem...YOU GO GIRL!!!

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