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Misinformation: Iran requires badges for Jews and Christians


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I was about to say, people jump on Dawood so easily on this section of 12oz. He's Muslim and he's giving his viewpoint. You don't have to agree with it and you can argue it, but don't be dicks about it just because you don't like the religion or religion in general. We got dozens of athiests, "Christians", Jews, "I don't give a fuck"s, etc on here but very few who don't fit those catagories. It's not right to treat someone like that. He's not screaming Jihad and he's not taking a piss on Jesus Christ. Granted, I don't agree with some of the things you're saying, Dawood, but I see where you're coming from. He's on here giving us his side of the story, not making attacks, so you all oughta stop throwing those first stones.

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"all freedom loving american men and women should go out and buy guns and protect themselves.

guns are the answer."


exactly. it always comes back to this.


go ahead...say something symbols.


i know you are waiting for me to get caught up in some argument

but i OWN A GUN

it's not registered to me

i've shot it plenty of times.

i've fired plenty of rifles, including automatic ones.


i can still think they are fucked if i want.

once you've been shot at guns aren't as fucking great



for me, guns are going to be the answer when i kill myself

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dawood is so judgemental even muslims don't escape his critique

he jumps on everyone else's beliefs as not valid because for him, islam is the answer for everything


i've realized this also makes him think he's better than the rest of us

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Not really, I don't see him jumping on everyone else's beliefs, at least not blatently. It's sort of a by default thing, where Islam is the one true faith, it does suggest the notion that it is superior, but I also see him talk about how they accept other religions as believing in the same thing, only with different messangers. You know, he may be the only Muslim on this board that talks openly about it in these threads, but there's about a billion more that believe the same thing regarding that religion. And you look at Christianity or Judiasm and you could say the same thing, there are people on here who say the same things he does about their respective beliefs or lack of. I'm not saying don't disagree or argue, I just don't like people jumping into these conversations and calling people names because of what they say, regardless of the content, when it's unjustified. At least not in this section of 12oz which is supposed to provide a forum for somewhat more mature conversations than on Channel Zero.

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fuck sand niggers...all those dirty fucking muslims islam preaching fucks...


check out the ap:

BAGHDAD, Iraq - An Iraqi tennis coach and two of his players were shot to death this week in Baghdad because they were wearing shorts, authorities said Saturday, reporting the latest in a series of recent attacks attributed to Islamic extremists.


"Wearing shorts by youth are prohibited because it violates the principals of Islamic religion when showing forbidden parts of the body. Also women should wear the veil," the leaflets said.


and I thought the niggers selling dope on my block were bad...shiiittt...I got it made compared to living with a bunch of dirty sand niggers....yeah fuck emmm...and if you dont like it then fuck u to....

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yeah why dont you go hang out with some of you "Islam" buddies in the dirty sand...maybe kill some woman for not wearing a veil, or shit plant a road side bomb on some young soldier...hey blow up a fucking bus you know...now thats some good company bro...at least you'd be around your own kind and ya could talk all about how islam is the center of the universe and you could wash up and pray to god you know...right after you curse all the infidels...you sick fucking bastards...

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yeah why dont you go hang out with some of you "Islam" buddies in the dirty sand...maybe kill some woman for not wearing a veil' date=' or shit plant a road side bomb on some young soldier...hey blow up a fucking bus you know...now thats some good company bro...at least you'd be around your own kind and ya could talk all about how islam is the center of the universe and you could wash up and pray to god you know...right after you curse all the infidels...you sick fucking bastards...[/quote']


Soaker has clearly opted out of -not just an education- but any education beyond that of the third grade.

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" i know you are waiting for me to get caught up in some argument

but i OWN A GUN

it's not registered to me

i've shot it plenty of times.

i've fired plenty of rifles, including automatic ones.


i can still think they are fucked if i want.

once you've been shot at guns aren't as fucking great



for me, guns are going to be the answer when i kill myself"



no no, i wasnt referring to that and trying to bait you, i was just making a reference to...

how you always say i always resort back to guns no matter what subject is on the table.


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argument vs. decrying someones entire belief system is a bit different. My grandfather is muslim, and I have to say a lot of what Dawood says is not incorrect. Nor is his representation of the faith so limited. Like fermentor said before me, he even accepts its connections to the other two associated religions. And he was right earlier in stating that people are misinterpreting its dogma in today's time. Fanatacism is fanatacism is fanatacism. People will take literal construals of dogmatic texts until the day humanity is finished. And those people will always represent the darker and more fucked up side of a religion.


I read an interesting article the other day about the phrase "the christian right." It was written by a roman catholic who felt that the politicization of the word christian was blasphemous. He, instead, suggested the use of the word "christianism." Essentially the argument is that such an extreme and vague representation of the religion for a specific agenda does not effectively represent the social diaspora that lies within. Also that such an attempt to do so is disrespectful to the religion and to the people who adhere to it.


I think the same thing is happening with people's conceptions of Dawood's islam. Most are taking it to be "islamism," if you will. I mean that in so much as Dawood presents his personal take on Islam. Albeit he sometimes speaks in the general, what one must realize is that he only represents his thoughts. Which are most of the time at contention with the commonly percieved notions of Islamic fanatical dogma. Dawoods blind faith is nothing to scoff at. If anything it is rather hopeful to see someone who is focusing on the benevolent and rather cool teachings Islam has to offer. Not once has he said kill the infidels. He has only defended his position from the dogmatic and scriptural bases he knows.



O, and man with the answers, read this book. Zero, the history of a dangerous concept. It outlines the progression of the void and the infinite throughout societies. Not only as a numerical concept and its mathematic implications but also as a spiritual and philosophical ideal. Good book. It's absolutely amazing the way that math works around the oddities of zero. Or, conversely, how hard it makes it.

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Re: Iran requires badges for Jews and Christians



What- a Jewish Journalist can’t TAG like the rest? Cheers


No you can't - but I think your stickers were great.


But lets all breathe for a moment - the article was called out as bullshit and I think everyone should try to site sources here. It's a pet peeve of mine, but really, you can figure out how real an article is if you can check out the site.


I'm reading The Irresistable Revolution about a Christian guy who is in Kensington by choice (a slum in Philly) - and its exactly what would turn everyones opinions around here. The guy takes Jesus literally, he sleeps with homeless people, moved on a shoe string budget to live with Mother Teresa in Calcutta and is nothing like Christians as we think of them - and I'm sure it works that way with all religions. If we practive what was preached by the figures in our religions, the world would be easy and better.



Successful indeed are the believers

Who are humble in their prayers,

and who shun vain conversation,

and who are payers of the poor-due,

and who guard their modesty.


Qur'an 23.1-5


Be yourself, but speak your truth with your pride detached...

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Re: Iran requires badges for Jews and Christians


just out of curiosity' date=' why does the article state that 'Iranian expat's in Canada' confirmed the law was passed? Why would they confirm the story?[/quote']



Ah look. I was all over this being a sketchy from the get go.

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Re: Iran requires badges for Jews and Christians


No you can't - but I think your stickers were great.


Successful indeed are the believers

Who are humble in their prayers,

and who shun vain conversation,

and who are payers of the poor-due,

and who guard their modesty.


Qur'an 23.1-5


Be yourself, but speak your truth with your pride detached...


Ummm, Okay so I have been exposed –I can’t TAG. But anyway I was extremely impressed with your quote from the Qur'an:

Successful indeed are the believers

Who are humble in their prayers,

and who shun vain conversation,

and who are payers of the poor-due,

and who guard their modesty.


Qur'an 23.1-5

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I'm not sure how the british use wicked, but I know where I'm from white people use the word wicked as an adjective to describe something as being "very". Like, wicked cool, man.


I don't think many other ethnic groups there use the word that way and I don't even think people say that anymore, But in the 80's that's how they rolled.

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