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We as human beings, controllers of our own destiny, have found it a Godsend to rescue ourselves by recusing from the responsibility of self-government. To imply that a government based system which truly has no backing besides that which it has inculcated upon our minds is to say that all men brought up in this system bow to only one thing and one thing truly, the system. Through POWER, DECEPTION, & GREED authority is playing the role of chaos control yet the powers that be know that chaos is never controlled, and to control chaos with chaos is absolute absurdity. In these days of consumerism as opposed to the days of common sense, I pray for my people, the ones who truly see, with both eyes, and hear with both hearts. Your mentality, when left to be ruled by another, usually ends as a their mentality, regardless of how much you. Ask yourself this, what is your name. Not the name your parents gave, not the name some system or court gave, not even the name applied on your birth certificate. What is your name.... To be honest many have not even the slightest idea. Identity, the id, the idem, if you haven't made one up for yourself regardless of how ludicrous it may it shows but one thing, another persons label of your ID is more valuable than your own. Birth Certificates are like dock papers, you are the boat, and in the sea of life the controller is the Government. What is your name?



To the powers invested in life and in us, I have spoken.




ps copy a dictionary, both handed.

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well, im not killer or anything, but if you want to exchange hit me up in the pm. I just like writing new things besides my name, good practice. had trouble with the last one, LOVE1 the first three letters are horrible for me, and i cant seem to change them around much without making them look like a different letter. pawn, i still owe you one as well. havent forgot. anyone else? pm me

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For Decyferon...had trouble with your name. I did 10 or so rough sketches of your name and didn't like any of them. I did a rough sketch on the bus today and finished it when i got home....i'm content with this one.



amazing mate, knew you would pull of a killer sketch cheers

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