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the immigration thread.

luke skywalker

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Immigration (people re-locating for new work & new lifestyles W/O Permission). R-usual behavior is exhibiting anger towards the sameness in all of us - some have penis, some have vagina, some don't , some got both.



The immigration we face here is interfering with the Legal & Illegal world. Legally it seems to work, but certain people say "no, leave." Illegally, it can produce better substances since I am sick of Schwagg. However, illegally, it is causing More Gun Issues over territories. My cocern is the deaths.


I have no problem with new people here. I like it.




Now, If One was to Follow America in Essence all citizens are pure legal. An example - No one goes o ver the speed limit. your duty as a Legal citizen is personally forcing yourself to legal(good) behavior. " I never go over 40 mph because i Make sure." If all were this then cops duties would fade. To me, life of legality feels paranoid. But, if it worked , we'd all be honest working bees whom accept a chain of power (the government and its citizens) . For 12ozprophet, No walls would exist without permission of the walls owner.


The rallies-

I was not convinced by the immigration raly. why? that day i read Bush would not speak our anthem in spanish. the GOV seemed content - no worry . It was more of a demonstration of little to nothing? I may be wrong . Either way, i shamed by not attending.


It is quite ignorant of you If you cannot accept other languages spoken around you. It makes you angry because you cannot understand. Why not learn ?


B10, if you are New World Order then Your writing is not compatible. How would a new english speaker understand you? Its his/her duty to learn your style, but its yours to help be comprehensible, in style.



Yeah dude. Marijuana is the key to enlightening and destroying intelligence. Maybe, our brain is the only key and marijuana is just something to enjoy or to shun completely. Mr.lucifers plant to trick us.

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one day i plan on moving back to the country i will build an Eco friendly underground home with the use of modern technology i could use solar panels to create my own energy , i will grow my own food source and raise the animals i need to create the every day things i need you see there is work to be done on a farm that work in turn pays for your life but you work for no one but yourself with the use of modern technology the balance could benefit more then you thought..........you see one day life as you know it will make a drastic change and you want to be prepared for it that is why you must become aware of your capabilities as a human being we were given a chance to come this far lets not destroy it with ignorance......


that sounds like exactly what I want to do. Eventually I want to move to a country where I can buy a house without having to pay property taxes. Live off the land, raise my own animals, have huge solar panels for electricity and sell my excess energy back to the local power company. Sounds like we can do it together B1ON1X (B1ON1X is a female) Only thing is you'll have to learn how to live in harmony with my other wives but we can make it happen.

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that sounds like exactly what I want to do. Eventually I want to move to a country where I can buy a house without having to pay property taxes. Live off the land' date=' raise my own animals, have huge solar panels for electricity and sell my excess energy back to the local power company. Sounds like we can do it together B1ON1X (B1ON1X is a female) Only thing is you'll have to learn how to live in harmony with my other wives but we can make it happen.[/quote']


i'd rather be alone meaning me without you and your other wives ..........but its nice to know that you feel the same way about country living..

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That's how Dawood asks someone on a date: "Hey want to move to a remote place in a third world country and live totally off the grid homesteading style with my other 12 wives? I want to recycle your graywater baby."


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as far as that tangent above


isn't it the crisis that is occuring over gasoline prices going up about $1 per gallon that has thrown society into a tailspin?

are people really that blind to how dependent our society is on business and corporate structure?

much less shit like mass-produced food, factory farming, and the automobile?


i can't help but be reminded of fight club

when pitt is blabbering about wearing animal skins and hunting for food

this is what it'd be like if we really did only depend on sunlight and water for survival.

[and at the end, blowing all debt record up to create "total chaos"

and the movie makes an excelllent point.]


we aren't only talking about survivalist types like angel

(who might actually make out ok if society imploded)

we are talking about society on the whole

which is utterly co-dependent


on another note, that comment dawood made about his "other wives" made my stomach turn acrid

(whether he is joking or not..puke)

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I just don't buy the 'dependence' argument no matter what spin is put on it. As with many things it's sort of semantic with me but I'm big on semantics. We invented different words to mean different things and in this case the only argument I will even entertain hinges on the word 'reliance'.


We rely on these things, we don't depend on them. These words are NOT synonyms. Yes, life would be radically different without these things but their disappearance would hardly mean the extinction of the human race.


Nobody ever got sent to rehab because of a 'chemical reliancy'.

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again, to make a generalization, i'm talking about society on the whole


my mother, and several of my neighbors are utterly dependent upon 'things' for their very survival.


i'm just making a completely off topic argument here for no reason.


i'm ok with disagreeing on this one

but it is a fundamental reason why i despise society.

we are not the hunter-gatherers of days long past

society has morphed into a demanding beast constantly in need of 'stuff'


ok, back to immigration?

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ok' date=' back to immigration?[/quote']


I cool with that but I get my closing too... I'm gonna have to invoke a little personal knowledge about you and how much you love your family, in this case your mother.


Worst case scenario, what ever the cause, all these things disappear overnight. I know you aren't gonna let your mother starve due to lack of Stouffer's frozen meals or a car or whatever. In that case she would depend on you (and your extended family) to help her find new sources for items/services upon which she used to rely.



OK, I'm done.

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i see where you're going.


naw dude, i'm talking MEDICAL shit that keeps people ALIVE


(and not only her, but some of my neighbors are real fucked up

there's a lot of people out there who would die tomorrow if Merck/ Eli Lily/whomever stopped making their meds, their medical supply shit, etc)


stuff that i would not be able to make for her or get for her if the suppliers stopped producing it

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well, you have me there as far as the drugs/machines etc... but, in the past, those people would have already expired. I mean, at a certain point, medically enhanced longevity demands a price (dependency) but it's sort of robbing Peter to pay Paul...

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in the future after the next 3 wars we will have gone back in time in the way we live our lifestyles we will become farmers we will cultivate the land that is left for us and we will live a lifestyle much like indigenous tribes we will be dependant on each other that every man for himself mentality will go to shyt and anyone who wants to go to war again will be obliterated on the spot the technology will exist but the usage of the that technology will drop and it will only be used for more advanced purposes computers will still exist and we will continue to use them but our form of living will change and people will not have the health care system we have now it will not exist if your sick and its deadly ur going to die when its ur time your gone and there will be nothing u can do about it this is what i see and becasue of this there will be a demand on herbal medicines and becasue of that marijuana will be legalized only because people will have worse things to fear like where they will get fresh water and keeping an eye on their water and food supply people will work for credits to obtain what they need and want there will be no currency everything will be some form of trade its either u work for what u need or u go without and if ur useless to a tribe you will be asked to leave and someone with a better work ethic will take your place but everyone will have a job anyways that's my vision there's more but im done for right now....

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Less than 100 years ago we were still a farm based society. The family farm has been the backbone of society for thousands and thousands of years. The industrial revolution of course changed all this into an even more hierarchial economy. Now we have huge amounts of wealth amassed by a very few elite. When shit does hit the fan we are going to have a hard time reverting back to our agrarian ways because most of the land now is owned by massive corpofarms and we are stacked up on top of each other in dirty cities like a prison without bars. Not to mention farming has become largely a lost art. It's the same shit in mexico. The zapatistias successfully stopped the raiding and pillaging of their land by corpo/government interests, and as such they have managed to maintain the way of life that has sustained them for millenia. Unfortunately for the rest of mexico they are finding themselves having to cross a blazing desert to illegally enter a country that has absorbed much of their own indigenous wealth.

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The zapatistias successfully stopped the raiding and pillaging of their land by corpo/government interests' date=' and as such they have managed to maintain the way of life that has sustained them for millenia. .[/quote']



yes....im so glad you mentioned this ...:)

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while i consider myself somewhat leaning toward agrarian principles (perhaps coming from a different direction most on here) its good to know what industrialization has done to america. a big pet peeve of the left is the "poor." the capitalist system was great in lifting america out of poverty. the statistics are amazing. what is "poor" today? alot of the poor today now have cell phones, cars, and central air conditioning and other things of this sort. consider the rural americans in the early part of the century. 1% of families owned cars back in the early part of this century, now over 90% own cars.


the problem might be what the proper definition of poor is. my great grandfather lived on a farm in virginia. he was a southern baptist and worked hard his whole life. he told me they didnt know they were poor until the government had to come and tell them. they had food to eat and friends and family. my great grandmother on the other side of my family lived without electricty until the 1950's. she lived in a one room log house until she was married. 5 of my cousins still own a 100 acre farm with a small farm house, with no indoor bathroom that just got electricity in the 1970's. in today's world if you dont have 3 cars and cable tv you are poor. agrarian life just seems to go against the war on poverty principles most people on the left have.

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True, the definition of poverty should be clarified. Before the industrial revolution, if you had 20 head of cattle, you were a rich man, now if you have millions of dollars, you are a rich man.

I think the point I'm trying to make is that it was easier to become rich before, since all you had to do was work hard. Now you can work hard your whole life and still die poor.

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and when i said society today doesn't understand the nature of sacrifice, people wanted to argue with me.

ok, maybe it was just kabar.


let's not forget in this discussion on poverty, it's a relative thing


it is easy to look at 'poor' people in our society and judge them because they are mad they only have one tv and no car...when they do get food stamps and welfare and are obviously able to survive


what the fuck does that even matter though, when the 'rich' in our society have more money than they could ever spend in their lifetime

and the gap just keeps on widening.


i am probably on eof those 'lefties' that some of you love to hate


but it isn't poverty that really bothers me

it's the widening gap between classes

and the reinforcement of said gap by our government



doesn't this nicely bring us full circle.

because hell, if we compare 'poor' here with 'poor' in mexico

is it any surprise they are literally dying to get here?

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I think the point I'm trying to make is that it was easier to become rich before, since all you had to do was work hard. Now you can work hard your whole life and still die poor.




I would disagree with you here, at least here in America.... in most societies, even today, life is highly stratified by class, which you are born into basically. Europe had serfdom for 2000 years, slavery before that....American Indians practiced slavery... being "rich" in the old days didn't nessecarily mean material wealth. It meant power, pussy, respect etc...



In America, its true, the poorest of the poor here (excluding those with mental/substance abuse/ bad luck problems) have better living standards than some of the rich or middle class of some nations...



In America I think if you work hard you can do good... maybe not rich $$ wise, but rich nonetheless... what is rich? Owning $2 milion 100sqft condo in manhattan or owning 20 acres of scabland in idaho worth 200K?



its all relative I guess

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you know what its so easy for you Americans (which i am myself) to say the shit that you do but boy do you sound so fucken ignorant and narrow minded you people seem to think that our government is doing something good here by getting rid of all these people well it wont be long till your ass is sitting in a jail cell wondering why ur wonderful racist war loving materialistic government is fighting to keep you in there.........we are at war right now your government has decided to get you focused on other topics other then the war they have decided to give birth to a knew form of racism and your dumb asses are okay with it do you want your country to represent a country of racist a country of contradiction is that what you want do you want your country to turn on you and make you a criminal for being who you are because of the pigment of your skin are you fucking kidding me are you saying that you are totally blind to what your government has been doing since the beginning of time this is just like the roman empire except its modernized keep the poor poor and the rich rich fuck what your contribution to this earth is as long as you build me big buildings pick my crops and let me at your women you fucken people dont get that there are natural laws we should go by that since the beginning of time we have been a species that migrated that married into each others tribes all this for one purpose to purify the races to make them one human race free of separatism you people dont get that you are giving birth to a communist country that you are the ancestors of illegals of thieves of greedy materialistic people you dont get that you are only hurting yourself by being ignorant as to what is actually going on here your narrow mind can only fathom whats right in your face and whats being told to you through the media but you cant think for yourself you cant think beyond your local interest yourself you cant think on a global level all you care about are your possessions we would not be in this situation had man not decided he would claim the earth as his settle fence his land in and make people work pumping our earth of her resources for the sake of being a god are you fucking kidding me do you think that your purpose on this earth is for gaining material possessions that you would resort to being a hateful person just for the sake of money ...had our ancestors not gone into Mexico and pumped it of the resources it had and had not killed off its people it would not be in the situation its in now your country the great U S of A created this problem now they will suffer the consequences did you know that your ancestors the same ones that invaded the Mexica Indians actually wiped more then enough of those so called savages then married their wives making most of the population of Mexico your family those are the descendants of the spaniards who killed off the natives ...the people you claim "all we ever wanted was your cervezas (and the land which is now southwest u.s. " well they took more then that u fucking idiot and what they took away was a whole civilization and made it their own and they continue to do this becasue its in their blood fuck the rules right fuck the laws of nature right they want what the Spaniards wanted they want what their ancestors wanted a better life and no not all of them can do it the legal way not all of them have the fucken money they have starving families they need to work they need the work as soon as they can get it so they can support their families those people will have the best work ethic then you will ever have becasue they do it to support their families and not their greed that's why poor people stay poor becasue they work to live and not be rich they do it becasue that's all they know how to do is survive and keep their families taken care of you think your all high and mighty on your pure bred American pompous ass well go fuck yourself you dont know shit about anything I'm an American citizen i am a 4th generation American citizen of a mestizo background my ancestors are Spaniard mostly and i am a registered voter i know damn well immigrants with or without papers pay taxes how the fuck else do you think they have survived they work they pay bills here they buy American goods they pay their fucken taxes so dont even go there i have known illegals who work for a paycheck only to have some of it sent to the government that doesn't want them here they dont get those income checks all that money that illegal immigrants make stays with the system all that money goes to support the war that started this shit they want you to think its this bad but tell me will i see you cleaning a fucking toilet in a titybar for 5 dollars an hr 8 hrs a day 6 days a week with no paid vacation really are you willing to do it becasue if your not i know some illegals who have families to support that could give a fuck less what they look like cleaning a fucken toilet as long as their babies are fed that night so go screw yourself and your narrow minded point of view......



I probably would have read this , except for your complete lack of punctuation and paragraph structure. As is I read one line then got a headache.

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