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marc ecko, still fake

Mayor Bill Campbell

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i find it hard to believe that this doesn't have it's own thread already. i tried a few searches and wasn't able to find a thread dedicated to this bullshit, so if there is, my apologies.


peep the movies from the site below and discuss.




after viewing the movies make sure you click on the "legal disclaimer" link at the bottom.

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Re: mark ecko, still a dick riding sucker keeping wiggers dipped since 92.


Him 'tagging' air force one. This guy is way too political and bullshit listenting to his interview made me sick, its graff you cunt and all this anti vandalism pro art bullshit, fuck that guy, graffiti doesnt like you!

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Re: mark ecko, still a dick riding sucker keeping wiggers dipped since 92.


the whole time i was watching his stupid 'freedom of expression' speech bullshit, i wasn't listening to a word he said, i just watched as he only blinked with one eye! he is an alien sent from mars here to eat our brains!!!!!



oh, and if you didn't know already, the video is staged. he didn't tag a plane. in fact, he's never tagged anything.

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Re: mark ecko, still a dick riding sucker keeping wiggers dipped since 92.


the whole time i was watching his stupid 'freedom of expression' speech bullshit' date=' i wasn't listening to a word he said, i just watched as [b']he only blinked with one eye! he is an alien sent from mars here to eat our brains!!!!![/b]




Yeah I noticed that. From now on I will call him Mark Gecko.

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Re: mark ecko, still a dick riding sucker keeping wiggers dipped since 92.


saw it and for a second thought he had pulled something off that was seriously hardcore. then i saw the interview and was like 'um, what the fuck is he talking about - week watery politics. then i read the disclaimer - dick.

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Re: mark ecko, still a dick riding sucker keeping wiggers dipped since 92.


man i know im going to be flamed for this one, but i gots mad respect for that dude. Show me any other mofo who company makes 600million dollars a year and still has the nutz to put some shit like that out there!? so hes not out hanging from the rails, but he has put cans in the hands of half of the kinds in iowa who would never have thought twice before it...


i know mad writers who owe that dude their livelyhood. they couldnt do shit with their lives til he put em to work.



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Re: mark ecko, still a dick riding sucker keeping wiggers dipped since 92.


man i know im going to be flamed for this one, but i gots mad respect for that dude. Show me any other mofo who company makes 600million dollars a year and still has the nutz to put some shit like that out there!? so hes not out hanging from the rails, but he has put cans in the hands of half of the kinds in iowa who would never have thought twice before it...


i know mad writers who owe that dude their livelyhood. they couldnt do shit with their lives til he put em to work.




these are the same reasons i don't have any respect for dude.

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Re: mark ecko, still a dick riding sucker keeping wiggers dipped since 92.


i dunno.


im not skurred of a little press... im of the thought id like to see everyone out there writing on sum shit. i give markers away like candy. id like to see people challenge themselves and us and the system... the way i see it, the more suckrs out there writing, the better we look...


then again, i get paid by a major corporation dumps mad cash to set up graff and hip-hop shows... so maybe im the wrong one to ask...

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Re: mark ecko, still a dick riding sucker keeping wiggers dipped since 92.


man i know im going to be flamed for this one, but i gots mad respect for that dude. Show me any other mofo who company makes 600million dollars a year and still has the nutz to put some shit like that out there!? so hes not out hanging from the rails, but he has put cans in the hands of half of the kinds in iowa who would never have thought twice before it...


i know mad writers who owe that dude their livelyhood. they couldnt do shit with their lives til he put em to work.




you obviously didn't read the dislcaimer. it's fake.

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Re: mark ecko, still a dick riding sucker keeping wiggers dipped since 92.




you must not have heard about IBMs 'free adveritising for us' campaign

when they used stencils to do IBM graffiti in SF



Sony has also utilized graffiti in their quest for free advertising.


this isn't creative manipulation or resourcefulness, or even "putting themselves out there"

it's a blatant rape of the graffiti subculture













weak sauce.

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Re: mark ecko, still a dick riding sucker keeping wiggers dipped since 92.


man i know im going to be flamed for this one, but i gots mad respect for that dude. Show me any other mofo who company makes 600million dollars a year and still has the nutz to put some shit like that out there!? so hes not out hanging from the rails, but he has put cans in the hands of half of the kinds in iowa who would never have thought twice before it...


i know mad writers who owe that dude their livelyhood. they couldnt do shit with their lives til he put em to work.




What a load of bull shit! The exact reason everyone thinks hes a huge duche (and still growing) is for that reason. Ecko is making it look like every writers out there trying to spread a bull shit political message. And the fact that because of his video game a bunch of little kids are gonna go runnin' around crossin' out good shit because they think it gives them rep.


So in conclusion Mark Ecko is a poser asshole and i hope the sweat shop worker who make his clothes choke him.


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Re: mark ecko, still a dick riding sucker keeping wiggers dipped since 92.




you must not have heard about IBMs 'free adveritising for us' campaign

when they used stencils to do IBM graffiti in SF



Sony has also utilized graffiti in their quest for free advertising.


this isn't creative manipulation or resourcefulness, or even "putting themselves out there"

it's a blatant rape of the graffiti subculture






weak sauce.



oh no, i am quite familiar with that campaign. makes me want to vomit just like it does most of you too... we had them too down here in la... thats not exclusively an SF deal. But corporations have been trying to coop the graff thing for as long as i can remember... even HUMMER has jumped on it...


i guess i dont see Mark in the same way... I see his use of graffiti more as a marketing strategy than a takeover... im not saying i dig it. no way... gay as hell... but i dont feel manipulated by it. I dont feel like he is trying to pull one over on me... hes just trying to identify his brand with graff...

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Re: mark ecko, still a dick riding sucker keeping wiggers dipped since 92.


What a load of bull shit! The exact reason everyone thinks hes a huge duche (and still growing) is for that reason. Ecko is making it look like every writers out there trying to spread a bull shit political message. And the fact that because of his video game a bunch of little kids are gonna go runnin' around crossin' out good shit because they think it gives them rep.


So in conclusion Mark Ecko is a poser asshole and i hope the sweat shop worker who make his clothes choke him.




...and some of us are in it with a political/social message.

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around my area about a billion kids just started getting up withe usuall i have no idea what graff is, im a fucking retard, and i want to ruin it for every one else deal. i live in a suburban town and now that all these kids are writing gay shit all over the place. me and other kids that actrully are looking to get better and know what were doing are getting in trouble because of them, they dont even write they just made big squiggly lines and wrote stupid shit all over the back of this building on a major road and a bunch of trailors. and i beleive that they got the idea from that fucking retarded game. and that whole thing with the still free on the plane is a joke. that guy needs to go fuck him self and learn that he is selling out a entire culture and graffiti will never be the same because of him.

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"I never really got past the 8 ft ceiling in my parents garage."

What a douche. I hope this marketing scheme completely backfires on him. I don't think he had a clue what he was trying to stand for. What could he possibly be getting at if he does not condone vandalism but believes that the possession of spray paint and markers should be allowed under our constitutional right to 'free speech'? I also loved his mannerisms, body movements, etc. It seemed very hip hop.

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i think there are 3 of them planes.


i dont wear ecko gear


i do respect mark ecko tho because he is rich and he has fed plenty of niggas who paid real dues in the graffiti game. i guess when your old and mature enough you can really respect just that without even bringing up whether you think dude is corney or a sell out or whatever. if mark ecko said here is 50 gees to do graphix for this video game and you turn it down on principal, then you are either already rich or the dumbest motherfucket on the palnet....seriously.

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wow, he made a name and makes money out of it, yet his political... trippa,, graff is art, sex is art, art is wat it is and thats it, you can put your art where u want it, fuck any random shit like this... ive never rocked ecko and never will. from my impression of him recently, releasing a game and all, im not to impressed, seems like shits coming from everywhere but his ass.................

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i do respect mark ecko tho because he is rich and he has fed plenty of niggas who paid real dues in the graffiti game. i guess when your old and mature enough you can really respect just that without even bringing up whether you think dude is corney or a sell out or whatever. if mark ecko said here is 50 gees to do graphix for this video game and you turn it down on principal, then you are either already rich or the dumbest motherfucket on the palnet....seriously.


50 g's to do the graphics or 50 g's to stand there with some sort of motion sensors on you for a few hours so the real animators can capture body movements and language....did the 50 g's cover the sound bites too?


it's kind of reminds me of the dorky rich kid in high school trying to fit in by buying all the beer for the party....


i'm not trying to knock anyone's hustle... get that money... but i really don't think money has anything to do the reason i think he's a douche bag.

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Who givves a fuck about Marc Echo. The point is he is a faggot. Yes i know he makes alot of money a year and he probably wipes his own ass with paper money, but it still shows that he is a fuckin loser who is just ruining the graff scene for all of us. And yes i know he was once a respected writer and i respect him for his art, but i think his a complete dickhead as a hole.

Il say this once and il say it again. He probably went to air traffic control or someshit and asked them "Hey broske, can i put a tag on one of your planes just for a flick? Dont worry broske, ill pay good money and ill clean up that ugly tag with my own cash and chemicals once i have taken a flick"

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Re: mark ecko, still a dick riding sucker keeping wiggers dipped since 92.



this isn't creative manipulation or resourcefulness, or even "putting themselves out there"

it's a blatant rape of the graffiti subculture




well said.


Fuck Mark Ecko, worst fucken thing to happen to graffiti in a long while.

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fuckit am not down on the fact that he aint a real graff head and he didnt pay no dues but... you can hate the hustle. then nigga made the right moves and he banked...

and on the vid well that shit is nothing but a marketiing strategy... i work in the airport and when the plane touches ground you cant even drive inside the airport... plus if you get close enough they willl shoot your ass

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there were a couple pictures floating around a while ago. he literally never got past the level of 'toy who tags the local dairy queen'. he was nothing. i do respect him for atleast admitting that, but everything else...psshhh. dude needs to 'defend' graffiti, cause it's his way to be a part of it. he's 'sticking up' for the youth so he can lay some claim to graff. meanwhile, the people who are actually painting graffiti don't give a fuck abotu him. still he has to keep up the facade though, otherwise it falls to shit. of course retards and wiggers in kansas will never know the truth and think he's really on some street shit, but it doesnt matter. money speaks louder than words and nobody gives a fuck what writers really think.


as for dude 'ruining' graff. i dont know what some of yall are doing differently than me, but dude really makes no difference at all to my life. the kids he inspires don't even exist to me. i guess maybe if you're still in that zone where you're all souped up on meeting writers, and being all 'graffiti' and shit it might be annoying, but when you avoid the world and just handle your shit, it's almost like he doesnt even exist.

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