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it annoys me how people on the net just assume this when 95% of the time they have absolutely no clue who they're talking to...


It annoys me how people use the fact that its risky to expose tags over the internet to give it large by saying "you dont know who your speaking to" when people say someone could burn them. I don't say what i write over the internet but i dont go round saying that i can burn people that i can't just because no one can prove i can't. But in my opinion its your job to prove you can. Aroe can burn you, and untill you can prove otherwise it stays that way.

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yes he is,

worse than that he's a biter, yeah he can paint crisp etc.

but he has no personal style, no personal funk

basically he robbs them and switches when bored


I don't understand man, who does he bite? I feel like I'm missing out, like there's some kind of hole in the earth... :cool:


I hate all my friends, they all attack sometimes...

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^ to b honest that remark is outdated, maybe a few years ago.. trust i was the first at the que at rinsin NT but you cant deny aroes been pullin out burnas recantly... i somehow dought u cud burn him



What are you talking about you fuckin TWAT!! Recently, Aroe doesnt even paint steel anymore, has hardly done Jack shit since TF. On top of that He's done less than ten tubes in his life anyway!! So stop just guessing cos you obviously dont know!!


Anie paints tubes, Omni paints tubes but that fat cunt just sells out graff with shitty street art fag magazines like graphotism!!


As for the Pannel I personally like it, just hate it when people chat uneducated Bollox!!!

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What are you talking about you fuckin TWAT!! Recently, Aroe doesnt even paint steel anymore, has hardly done Jack shit since TF. On top of that He's done less than ten tubes in his life anyway!! So stop just guessing cos you obviously dont know!!


Anie paints tubes, Omni paints tubes but that fat cunt just sells out graff with shitty street art fag magazines like graphotism!!


As for the Pannel I personally like it, just hate it when people chat uneducated Bollox!!!



can you not read?

did i say anything about his pannels you fukin mug. that brea said something about him not having talent. at the end of the day hes got skils. and im sure more on the world scale know about him over you. so go bak to crying over your keyboard cause thats all you can do:D

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