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anybody ever sever a nupple. Ridin my bike in the park after work i failed to notice a set of 6 steps and well i skinned the shit on my nepple on the crossbar. 2 hours later i would gladly trade a swift kick to the nutsicles in exchange for my noople. I cant wear a shirt at all. My nupple is sore as shit. I just took a fistful of Watson 357. Im alarmed that im going to fall asleep and probably going to roll on my stomach and wake up in pain.



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i remember when i was young, i attempted to do a handle bar spin on my bike, and like since i had brakes, the wire stopped the rotation mid way. anyway, the end of one side of my handle bar (w/ no grip covernig it) jabbed straight into my right nipple. shit was swole, cut, bruised, and overly sensitive for a long time.

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