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those camel wides are pure HELL. in a good way sorta. i'm a non-menthol guy myself, recently been jammin to turkish royals from camel...saw them wides at the local bodega and figured 'fuck it, its gonna be a long day at the job, why not give these a try".. so i bought the pack, took it to work, where i chain smoke a lot since...well, there's no rules here against smoking on the clock. so anyways i light one up..take a drag. shit was dry but nice...second drag..mmmmeh, kinda harsh...3rd and 4th drag go on. i get cotton mouth like a 9yr old in the playground...by the time i put the shit out, i wasn't even gonna attempt to just LOOK at that pack untill several hours later. back to my came turkish jades and royals.

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