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Hoosier Favorite "Real" Artist?


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Originally posted by Milton@Mar 13 2006, 05:35 PM

Steve Austin,

It wasn't like those, it was before the boxes, where he had the more prototypical abstract expressionism thing going. I'm starting to doubt what it was but according to dude his cousin or sister or some shit is an art dealer in NY. Who cares, as long as its not in my living room. Pretensious bastards...


perhaps something like these?










I like the colored squares better. I'd love to have a real Rothko in my house. I stayed in a house in Ibiza that had a real Botero in it. Pretty fucking dope.

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You know how there are those threads that you don't click on for some unknown reason, and then when you do they are always a gold mine???


Hirst: "Mother and child divided" not my faviourite artist, but thoroughly entertaining.




Jake and Dinos Chapman aka The Chapman Brothers...






Joseph Beuys








Anish Kapoor is one if my favourites.






Cornelia Parker, a close famliy friend, but her shit is amazing.




Word Milton, come to london, do some culture... or CUWLCHA!

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chapman brothers is sick...


one of my favorite pieces is hell....


it was destroyed in a fire though.....


here is an article about it...


'Hell' by the Chapman Brothers


by: Mister Savage Monday 15 December 2003



I would like to point one thing out. I am not a big fan of the Chapman brothers. I find most of their work a little dull, or too heavily laden with achingly trendy shock values. But their incredible project, "Hell", had me utterly gob-smacked and massively impressed.


Consisting of eight model landscapes, approximately 3'x5' each, the aptly named installation depicts an incredibly graphic vision of eternal pain with the help of over 5000 miniature people; all of whom are individually hand painted and cast. Characters generally consist of skeletons, naked men and men in Nazi uniform; usually wrapped up in a grim 'what would have happened if the Nazis won' holocaust-style mass execution in the goriest ways possible. The weird thing was that nobody seemed to be the real perpetrators; there were almost as many Nazis being tortured as anyone else. It's so systematic, but there's nobody in charge.


Crucifixions, impaling, burning, gassing, trampling, shooting, hanging - all of it makes for a harrowing image; all done with such care and attention that I couldn't look away. It reminded me of a boys game of toy soldiers gone horribly wrong. But something odd started to happen to me as I looked at this spectacle. I became accustomed to it, finding a morbid sense of humour imprinted throughout the models. There was the man with his head stuck in the railings. The man who looked like a comic book character as he contemplated suicide at the top of a watch-tower. There was a skeleton driving happily around on a motorcycle as others around him were being gutted. And let's not forget the Nazi with a clipboard going about his murderous business, but with no trousers on. It was a labour of love, a two-year mammoth project filled with almost as much absurdity as gore.


The explaination said that it was made in model form because people were becoming desensitised to violence on television. It said that people needed to see gore in 3D to be horrified anymore. I suppose this is true, but I don't think that was the reason. I think this was a lad project. That is, the Chapman brothers, like so many guys, have a love of toy soldiers. They used this to create something thought provoking, intelligent and fascinating. It truly has to be seen to be believed.


In other words, well done you crazy brothers.



pics...the few i could find


















this site has alot of pics from "Hell"


it looks like it would have been amazing to see...and prolly retty freaky... wish I could have seen it

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Jackson -- I've been trying to make it to London for a good three or four years and keep putting it off. Eventually I'll just pony up the money and fly out... Or at least that's what I keep telling myself.


The hell piece looks interesting, I'm going to search for more pictures now...

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Originally posted by SteveAustin@Mar 13 2006, 04:52 PM

The 1958 Rothko oil painting, titled No. 15, sold for $8.96m in May of 2004.




The 1953 painting, "Homage to Matisse," sold for $22.5 million dollars.




I dig Rothko...a lot. Biting happens all the time in the art world...they just call them influences and its all good.

what the FUCK does this stuff mean?

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god way to many


favorite painter




favorite sculptor





favorite draftsmen

gotta be my boy mike



your all sleeping on the classics and talking about modern crap. whoever said they liked rouchenburg deserves to get shot in the face.

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Guest imported_El Mamerro
Originally posted by 26SidedCube@Mar 15 2006, 09:30 AM

I know someone knows what I'm talking about....




I'm sure they do, they're just probably really disappointed that that's your favorite artist.

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Originally posted by El Mamerro+Mar 15 2006, 10:27 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (El Mamerro - Mar 15 2006, 10:27 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-26SidedCube@Mar 15 2006, 09:30 AM

I know someone knows what I'm talking about....

I'm sure they do, they're just probably really disappointed that that's your favorite artist.



Hah. Yeah, dude. Totally my favorite. Such a favorite, in fact, that I don't even know the name of the artist. F'real, brah.



Shouldn't you be out bootlegging Equllibrium somewhere?


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Guest imported_El Mamerro




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