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^^^^watch out man this thread is strictly serious motorcycle bzns, any attempt at humor will get you tampons.


some1 u mad



Actually youre right this thread is strictly about motorcycles. Get the fuck out or I'll get someone to ban you. You might not know this but I'm kind of a big deal around here...people know me...

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alright man out of respect for soup ill drop this cause clearly your letting this whole thing get a to your head. but just to clear things up i was making a MOTORCYCLE joke in a motorcycle thread. your prob one of those guys that doesnt wave back while riding cause your just too freaking important.


heres some bike pics for the waste of a post.







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I've never crashed a bike as a result of braking so I really can't say, especially on a sportster. But I figure on a bike like that you want at LEAST a rear brake. Fronts are still like 80% of your stopping power so be careful either way.


And ABS is great in every instance except: on a track; at full lean; when you want to stop faster than non-ABS brakes.

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The second your rear tire stops you lose all control fyi. Say you are riding in rain and you are going around a corner and your rear tire loses traction and slides out from under you. Instead of slamming on the rear brake locking it up and you high siding your bike, you hold on the throttle keeping the rear tire spinning without traction until you straighten out. If you let off the throttle or hit the brake you are done you've lost control and the ability to save yourself from any and all trouble.


I did this same thing 2 years ago in the rain all the way sideways.


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went to the shop to pick my bike up tonight (been getting hard tailed).

where the fuck do i begin?...


get there and immediately notice the belt is rubbing against the battery box.

dude pulls out a grinder, in the dark, in the parking lot, and starts cutting away at it. i have to keep pointing out that there are sharp points.

he hits the fucking belt. ugh.

finally loosens the axle and drops the belt, moves the battery, cleans it up ok, but its still pretty close. he swears its fine.

takes it for a test run. half way around the block shreds the brand new belt. wtf.


thing was such a fucking jack job, i cant even believe a shop is putting their name on it.

slag on everything. 5 minutes with a flap disc would have fixed it all, but nope.

fender doesnt even come fucking close to lining up straight. it's almost touching one side of the tire, with an inch and a half on the other side. WTF? how do you not notice that?

sissy bar mounting system is so shitty looking, i cant even believe they thought it might fly. fender is mounted under the seat with bungs NH and cotter pins. only one pin was installed, the other popped out on the first ride.

rear exhaust was only held on by one bolt.

seat wobbles because the mount is so shitty. also, it's not stretched as i asked for.

seat angle almost makes you slide off.

all my eletrical shit was just ziptied under the seat. fucking fuses rubbing against the jugs?! are you kidding? dude PROMISED me he'd have a box or some kind of solution for it. yeah right.


gotta go up and have a talk with the owner tomorrow. although the owner probably isnt much better.

most the stuff thats wrong i can fix myself with my harbour freight grinder, but if i wanted to have to do that, i wouldnt have taken it to a shop in the first place.



anyway, just wanted to complain.

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havent paid yet. deposit, thats it.

they were working under a tight deadline, so i wasnt expecting perfection, but there isnt a single thing i even feel is acceptable. absolutely nothing was done correctly. there isnt a single thing that i, doing shit myself in my garage with a fluxcore welder and a angle grinder, would have been happy with. its really a fucking mess. big problem is that i need it to ship out in two days, cause im moving so there's not a lot of time to fix shit right now. we'll see.

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word hope the owner isnt too much of an idiot and helps you out.


while the dropping bikes convo is still fresh can someone pitch in on their theory of what happened to make these tits beef it?




i looked passed the helmet thing but the shoes shes wearing made me look twice, are those heels or flip flops or something? at first my theory is that she dropped it while either slowing down to a stop or stopped with those things on but what the hell would make the rear go up that high

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