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seffiks: i found a link for sample 250mw laser diodes.

they send you one for free.

if you look on the instructables site and read down the comments for the article,

you'll see someone posted a link and the part number to request a sample.

ordered mine, now i order the house (the lens is important)

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restart and F8 it into safemode, then virus scan. also, spyware scan.
OK, he is doing this, and apparently it goes to load and then it goes to windows recovery. He says if he boots normally it goes to a blue screen and says windows has detected a problem and has been shut down to prevent further damage.

He says every time he goes to do anything it goes to the same screen, even after clicking boot to safe mode.

The idiot is still running Norton (even after I told him to switch to avast!!), so could this be a cause for it not wantting to boot properly?

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OK, he is doing this, and apparently it goes to load and then it goes to windows recovery. He says if he boots normally it goes to a blue screen and says windows has detected a problem and has been shut down to prevent further damage.

He says every time he goes to do anything it goes to the same screen, even after clicking boot to safe mode.

The idiot is still running Norton (even after I told him to switch to avast!!), so could this be a cause for it not wantting to boot properly?




probably a virus. tell him to stop going to recover and check safe mode.

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tell that motherfucker thats what he gets for using norton ( and tell his ass to press the key that gets him to safemode ( if he can't figure out what key to press just turn the computer on bring it up to the windows screen/login and pull the fucking plug from the wall or the switch the surge protector off and turn the computer baCK ON that will cause the computer to prompt you to come up in safemode

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Ahh yes, that is what I should do, but he would expect me to do it for free I reckon.



tell him if he takes it to a repair shop they will find his huge porn stash ( and tell him you will get rid of the viruses for a charge and will not worry about his gay sexual fetishes with farm animals

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