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SanDisk V-Mate™ Video Memory Card Recorder




SanDisk's new V-Mate video flash card recorder. Think of it as a VCR that uses flash media like SD Cards instead of video tapes. Just hook the V-Mate up to your cable box, satellite box or DVD player and you can record and download content to SDs, MMC,s MMCPlus cards, Memory Stick Pros & Duos and more. Then you can just stick those flash bits into your media player, cell phone or whatever else it is that you tote around to watch media during your off-minutes. It's even capable of generating a 640-by-480 resolution image, which means you could play it back on a laptop and not feel that image was too small. Last good thing is that it only costs $129.


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hydro if you want to keep az, check your router and make sure its allowing the port number you are using if you are using random ports stop and just use 1 port best port is between 63000 and 64000 pick one add it to the enable in the router /let it in yer firewall also



need help opening ports on yer router go here http://www.portforward.com/ locate the router/modem you are using and it will explain set by step on how to do it

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thanks man, i appreciate the help. i figured i had to just adjust the router, but i don't like to fuck w/ it because it was such a bitch to set up properly. its the roomies, who is computer dumb, so it took a bit to get it going.


and yet some more questions:


why's utorrent better? why would i switch?


i heard azureus was shit cuz its java based, but i don't know why.


i'm just curious. i like to know the reaqson behind shit, you know?

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oh sorry i missed it...


I get the music files from album trader no problemo bob. But then I tried getting torrents for Cubase and shit just doesnt work... I get an .exe file and try to go to extract or just open it and shit doesnt work... I get an error unknow file type...or something...

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Some1 if you're getting music files that are .exe then you're pretty fucked.




haha. i laughed at his statement and wasnt going to say anything.





No I have gotten a could things for Cubase SX which is Studio Recording software that have been .exe



Thanks for helping me with what the deal is bitches...

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Do-it-Yourself Phishing Kit Found Online

Anti-Fraud monitors discover a kit that eases normally difficult phishing attacks on bank and e-commerce websites.


The kit--said to have a user-friendly interface designed to help the nontechnical criminal--automates the programming needed to pull off a normally tricky man-in the middle attack on websites such as banks or e-commerce sites.





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