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ok the mySQL fixed itself... but its doing it again..


how can i open up more connections?




$this->persistency = $persistency;

$this->user = $sqluser;

$this->password = $sqlpassword;

$this->server = $sqlserver;

$this->dbname = $database;


$this->db_connect_id = ($this->persistency) ? mysql_pconnect($this->server, $this->user, $this->password) : mysql_connect($this->server, $this->user, $this->password);


if( $this->db_connect_id )


if( $database != "" )


$this->dbname = $database;

$dbselect = mysql_select_db($this->dbname);


if( !$dbselect )



$this->db_connect_id = $dbselect;




return $this->db_connect_id;




return false;





the stuff in pink is whats pulling up the initial error...



huh ?


Maybe yer host is limiting conenctions...u have left many persistant you will need to close these old ones somehow .

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Guest R@ndomH3ro

What is a good way to make sure a bad driver is gone????


My creative is not connecting and I uninstalled and reinstalled and it still no working.



7Hx, m07h3RfUx0R3r5!!

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My room mate downloaded a CD from bittorrent and his computer is a fucking MESS now.


I've tried all the spyware adaware proggies, but whenever they get to the file it straight freezes.


Norton also crashes.


I also can't get to it through explorer as it makes the system crash when the file is touched.


There's gotta be a way to get rid of it, through DOS maybe?


I've been a mac user for almost 2 years now, so id be lost as a motherfucker toying with DOS again.


Any ideas?


Could I simply get a 3rd party program to delete it? I know exactly where it's at, but I've never seen a virus behave like this.

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My room mate downloaded a CD from bittorrent and his computer is a fucking MESS now.


I've tried all the spyware adaware proggies, but whenever they get to the file it straight freezes.


Norton also crashes.


I also can't get to it through explorer as it makes the system crash when the file is touched.


There's gotta be a way to get rid of it, through DOS maybe?


I've been a mac user for almost 2 years now, so id be lost as a motherfucker toying with DOS again.


Any ideas?


Could I simply get a 3rd party program to delete it? I know exactly where it's at, but I've never seen a virus behave like this.





whoa there tiger! WHOA! WHOA! WHOA!


ok, what you neeeeeed to do is download the following:

google these, i'm too lazy atm.


spyware blaster

spybot search and destroy


avg free (get rid of norton)



install all, update. reboot and press F8 to get to the boot screen.

boot to safe mode. run spybot and then correct all probs. click "immunize"

after it runs its scan and finishes up. run spyware blaster, enable all protection.

run avg antivirus. booyah!




eastbay: umm, you go gorilla.

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The thing is though, did you use them while in safe mode? Safe mode should make it so that file doesn't do its crashing shit when its touched by one of the progs.



you know what? you're the man





thanks for covering that shit on the quickness. i was trying to encourage after school to go ahead and take care of bidness with those proggies.

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