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"In what surely comes as a complete and utter surprise to everyone here, a new calculation shows that only one percent of web pages contain pornography. While the calculations were performed using data forced from Google's and Microsoft's search indices by the government, they will help the American Civil Liberties Union to keep enforcement of the Children's Online Protection Act of 1998 banned. A loss for business privacy has become a victory for free speech, even though netizens lose a beloved old proverb."



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"According to this article, Microsoft is only a few lines of code away from becoming the greenest company on Earth." From the article: "Redmond should issue a software upgrade to every computer running Microsoft Windows worldwide to adjust each machine's energy-saving settings for maximum efficiency." The author figures that the upgrade would affect 100 million computers and that the power cost savings could hit $7 billion per year. CO2 emissions would be cut by 45 million tons. But what about the impact on computing?

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I upgraded to Diskeeper 2007 and its seems dope, with some nice new features..anybody has some ways of going past that little activation problem?


also, sef and casek, is it recommended that i run automatic defragmentation or not?







mindvapors: no, they don't fight. they just crawl around looking all abstract.

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eff that, i really like Diskeeper more than this one, i just wanna bypass the activation...


diskeeper is excellent. only thing i don't like is giving away the ram to a resident program.


yeah, schedule it for once every 2 weeks or once a month.


you're HD will last alot longer...unless you have a nearby computer store that sells hard drive fans (enclosure with one or two fans mounted inside it).

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This isn't a computer question, but a gadget question I think a lot of you guys can help me out with.


My verizon wireless account finally ended, and I signed up for T-Mobile (don't ask, family plan, not my choice.)


So far, all those phones that I've seen from them are fucking garbage.


I then started looking at the Sidekick3, having never had a sidekick.


Also they have it in LTD LRG production, which looks pretty fucking sweet.




I was stoked reading about it on the product page, mp3 player / ringtones, aim, etc etc.


Problem is that it has a 350 dollar price tag.


I've read that it is IMPOSSIBLE to make your on ringtones, and you MUST pay for them.


I've also heard that these things don't have alarm clocks/ calculators.


So my question is, anyone have a sidekick? Worth the price?


Have you found a way around the MP3 ringtone shit?


Is there a motherfucking alarm clock / calc?


These 2 things are deal breakers to me.


Thanks in advance.

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I read that the company that makes them, DANGER, made it


quote = IMPOSSIBLE to make your own ringtones.


Granted, I don't have the knowledge to figure out the OS, but I'm sure that SOMEONE that knows what;s up knows how to do it.


I just can't believe that in 2006 a 350 dollar phone still restricts the user so much.


They SHOULD be more like PC's and be completely open to what the user wants to do with it.


I understand that downloadable content is big money for service providers,


but this is fucking rediculess.


Eventually phones will be open to user customization because of public demand/outcry at being nickle and dime raped due to RESTRICTIONS, not product capability.


I just haven't bought at phone in a long time, and am completely surprised (well no at all actually...) how unfair to customers providers are.

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Guest R@ndomH3ro

RINGTONE MAKER you can make your own ringtones....load them up to a server and then the server will push it to your phone via WAP....so unless they got some secret spy shit on your phone...you can make your own ringtones.



RINGTONE maker can be downloaded via Torrents

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