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I have a HP computer, and the thing requres like 2 different cables for some reason, which I had never seen prior to getting this. However, the monitor came with an install disk, that it said I had to run for optimisation and also said "Failure to installl this program could result in malfunction of your computer"


I dont know why it said that.

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I have a HP computer, and the thing requres like 2 different cables for some reason, which I had never seen prior to getting this. However, the monitor came with an install disk, that it said I had to run for optimisation and also said "Failure to installl this program could result in malfunction of your computer"


I dont know why it said that.



not sure, either. i don't like HP's for a number of reasons.

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Eneco, claims to have invented a solid state energy conversion chip which they claim will be able to convert heat directly into electricity or reach temperatures of -200 C when given an electrical current. While such a device could revolutionize many aspects of computing I'll keep my skeptic hat on for the time being.

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I am also wondering why when using my gmail account my computer trips out a little and the gmail window freezes, especially when I am using the chat feature.


Could this have anythign to do with using IE?? Or should I switch to Firefox?


switch to firefox regardless of any problems you're having. firefox is teh shit...

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Symantec on Wednesday released the public beta of its bundled security suite of software known as Norton 360. The service combines software to protect against viruses, spyware and fraud, as well as data backup and restoration and computer tune-up tools.


The final version is scheduled to be available by March 2007, Symantec said. No price has been released yet for the subscription service. Norton 360 was originally scheduled to be released in September, but was delayed in May, around the time Microsoft launched its Windows Live OneCare service.

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Replace the Playstation 3 Hd with a bigger one


That did not take long. Gamersreports published an article that explains how to replace the existing Playstation 3 hard drive which is either 20 Gb or 60 Gb with a bigger one. All you need is a bigger 2,5mm SATA drive which replaces the orginal hard drive. You can even use faster hard drives that run with 7200 rpm instead of 5400 rpm.


You also need some screwdrivers to open the Playstation 3, please note that opening the PS3 will void the warranty.


* The first step is to find the HDD Bay on your Playstation 3. It is located on the left side of the console, and it is marked with HDD. Easy enough. Use your flat head screwdriver to pop off the plastic cover. You now have access to the actual HDD caddy.



  • The first step is to find the HDD Bay on your Playstation 3. It is located on the left side of the console, and it is marked with HDD. Easy enough. Use your flat head screwdriver to pop off the plastic cover. You now have access to the actual HDD caddy.

  • The next step is to remove the blue screw that holds the HDD caddy in place using the Phillips head screwdriver. Once you have done so, flip up the metal handle that is on the front of the caddy, and slide the HDD towards the FRONT of the Playstation 3 to dislodge it. Once you have done so you can remove the HDD tray.
  • Once you have access to the tray outside the PS3, you can take out the 4 screws which hold the original Playstation 3 HDD in place, and swap in your new 2.5MM SATA Notebook HDD.
  • Once the new HDD is secured in the HDD caddy, you need to place the caddy back inside the PS3 unit, and slide it toward the REAR of the console to lock it in place. Once you have done so, the final step is to use your Phillips head screwdriver to replace the blue screw which anchors the HDD caddy to the Playstation 3. Pop on the plastic cover, and boot up the console.
  • As soon as you boot up the console, the PS3 will detect that the HDD is not formatted, and it will ask you if you would like to format. You must select yes twice, because they want you to be sure that you realize you will be destroying all the data. Of course, you pick yes.
  • Once the HDD is formatted, which takes less than 2 minutes, the unit will ask you to reboot. Once you have done so, you can do into the settings menu option in the PS3 OS. Then choose system settings, and then finally system information. There you will see a display of the HDD space on your console. If you have done everything correctly, you will see that the HDD space now reflects the amount of space on the replacement drive. Keep in mind, about 15 to 20 GB of space will be taken up by the PS3 for system use, so do not be alarmed when the HDD space measurement comes up short.
  • To answer your question before you ask, the only thing that gets erased is game saves. Your network ID info, your console settings, and even the 1.10 update all remain in place when you do this HDD swap. Neat eh?

Please note that this text has been directly taken from the GamersReports website, please note that they also added pictures to the article, so pay them a visit. (page 1, page 2)

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The Wii Error Code Database tries to collect information about every error code (and other errors) that gamers encounter when they play the Nintendo Wii. Some of the most common errors include problems to play a game, a black screen although the Wii is connected and errors after updating the system.


If you know of an error or fix that is not listed on this page use the contact form to help others finding a solution


Wii Error code 32002 and 52030




Try changing your channel on the router to 11 or 1. For Linksys WRT54G routers enter the ip address of the router (default is enter password and user name (default is admin/admin) then click wireless tab, now select a different wireless channel from the drop down box. Fix is not guaranteed to work for all consoles. source


Wii Error code 51130




As for the errors with connecting, I experienced error 51330 when I was trying to connect- I just clicked "Try Again" 3-4 times, and it worked. Why? I don't know. But I didn't know why it wasn't working originally, so go figure.source


Wii Error code 110210, 110211, 110212 and 110213


The error appears after updating the Wii using WiiConnect. The error message that appears reads "Error Code: 110213 There is a problem with the WiiConnect24 service. Please try again later."



Nintendo asks that you call them at (800) 255-3700. The gamer who encountered the error 110213 was told that this was an hardware error and that he would receive a new system. The only thing that is not working is WiiConnect24 which means you will be able to play all games but not be able to upgrade the Wii.


Currently, Nintendo has two options in place to resolve the problem. If you do not have any data saved to your system that is important to keep, then you can contact Nintendo customer service and they will ship a new console to you in 3-4 business days. However, if you do have important data saved to your system, then things get a little trickier. Data like game saves and Miis are not disastrous to lose, but Virtual Console data is. While Virtual Console games are re-downloadable should you delete them, the data saved on your console regarding which games you have downloaded is tied to your system. In this situation, option #2 is the way to go.


Option #2 requires that Nintendo send you a shipping label which should take 4-10 business days. Once you receive the shipping label, you can use it to send the console to Nintendo for repairs, after which they will send it back to you. Sadly, this process takes 8-12 business days, meaning that if you choose option #2, you will be Wii-less for a good long while. source


Unverified Fix


If you reformat the disk the system might be able to connect to Wiiconnect24 again. (taken from the comments from the link above)


One Gamer reported that a manual reboot did help to complete the update. (taken from the comments from the link above)


Wii Error Code 220602


DNS propagation issues - Error 220602



Change your Wifi router to channel 1 or 11, Move your Wii nearer to your Wifi router or Change your DNS servers - swap the secondary and primary one round - this may fix it. source

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ok even the screensaver is stalling.. how would i fix this or be better getting it done in a shop?



ahh, ok. that brings things more into focus.


first, the spyware:


spyware blaster to block spyware



spybot to get rid of it





install, update, run.




waht kind of antivirus does it have? if it's norton, get rid of it.

go with avg free or something.




install, update, run.




then to defragment it:


powerdefrag because it's fast an efficient.





do that junk and report back.

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k thanks


its not connected to the net so i downloading them to my computer and then bringing them to the laptop by usb key so be a min..



whats the worse case if this doesnt work?



here's the thing, they will work. nothing is wrong with that laptop. since you told me that the screensaver is also choppy, i've been able to reasonably assume that it's probably not really a big deal. just gotta get some of the junk off of that laptop. it could very well be infested with spyware. that is something that will drag a computer down so far it looks like it's on the edge of breaking. slowness, choppy graphics, etc.


one more thing, what model of a dell is that? you need to update your videocard drivers.


http://www.dell.com will be of much help in that. there are probably a few thigns that need to be done to that as far as updates for its hardware.


give me some more dirt on that shit and i'll see if i can lead you directly to the goods.

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its a Dell LATITUDE D600

intel pentium M processor 1400Mhz

1.40GHz, 512mb of Ram




i havent really used anything on the computer it just stalled playing music and teh screensaver stalled.. i was just going on what she says is happening i just got it deleted all the useless crap off it like programs etc that she doesnt need so i could clear up space on it.. im doing the above as we speak (or type)

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My system is fucked yet another time, when i try to play dvd's i get this from kerio:

Technical details about the intrusion attempt:


Target application: C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe

Description: Windows Media Player

File version: 11.0.5721.5145 (WMP_11.061018-2006)

Product name: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System

Product version: 11.0.5721.5145

Created: 2005/4/27, 22:00:57

Modified: 2006/10/18, 20:46:20

Accessed: 2006/11/24, 19:25:53


Address of invalid instruction: 0x02DCBE35


I thought it could be some malshit so i jumped on safemode and run:

Search and Destroy, Spysweeper and Avast! all with full updated def's

Here's the avast log:




Also, when i open photoshop and premiere they lag really badly and half the times they

dont open at all. This is quite serious for my work. Please help.


Here's a hijackthis log:


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hey, could i have some help in the setting up of a keylogger on my friend's comp? like, just send them a "game" or something and then when they open it the keylogger puts itself onto their computer, logs the keystrokes, i.m. convos etc and sends them back to me.


i found this thing called eLogger (http://sourceforge.net/projects/elogger), downloaded it, but have no idea what i'm doing.


any help would be awesome, cheers.

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