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Jewish Man Accused of Killing Roommate


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I thought I would jump in and give my 2 cents- not that it matters- but I speak from some experience when it comes to the whole Muslim/Jewish state of affairs- call it what it you will- it is an eccentric situation.


I think Dawood makes a good point here- one that I have talked about for years- having spent about 15 years total in the middle east as a journalist- and covering stories from war to human trafficking- blood diamonds and etc.


Some of the most fascinating times I spent were in Israel / Palestine was simply spent talking to both sides of the equation in small cafes- over tea and hookahs. And- I am not stereotyping- because both Jews and Muslims do the hookah.


My point is – when something bad happens to a Jewish individual – let me tell you- it makes the front page. It doesn’t matter if it is in New York or Israel. It doesn’t matter if the story is referring to a home invasion- or the fact that an orange was stolen from Noah’s fruit stand – or Abraham was mugged on 47th Street – in the heart of the New York Diamond District and 30K in Diamonds were stolen from him.


Something bad happens to a Muslim and I am speaking about something such as: Mohammed Abdul Markhieh lost everything today- because his jewelry store was invaded by rabid foaming at the mouth inbred thieves who broke in- in broad day light- brandishing guns- smashing displays- and stealing all they could get their grubby hands on – the rabid foaming at the mouth inbred thieves beat Mohammed and his oldest son Said Markieh with the butts of their guns before fleeing the scene. Both Mohammed and son are doing well and are in stable condition at Stamps Memorial Hospital where they are surrounded by close family and friends. Unbelievably all of this took place in just minutes insinuating to authorities that this could not have been the first time these rabid foaming at the mouth inbred thieves with grubby hands have struck. Authorities are looking into similar cases that have happened here in Dearborn, MI.


These days- the only time a Muslim makes front page news- is when you see these few choice words: Suicide, Bomb, Road side IED, Gitmo, Orange Jump Suit, Terror, Plane, 9/11, War on Terror- anyway- you get the picture.


Now my point here is two fold.


If -as I stated in the first example- a Jewish individual had been robbed in New York- and it was a New York paper/web site reporting on it- of course it would make the first page.


If the second story relating to Mohammed and his Jewelry store had been reported on in Dearborn, MI by a local reporter – this would have made the front cover- you know why? Dearborn, MI has the largest Arab population in America.


Unfortunately we live in times where you actually have to do your own personal research on who owns what news paper and who owns and operates the web site that which writes and produces the stories we read.


Case in point:


Selected businesses in Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation Media Empire include..


Filmed Entertainment - News Corporation

20th Century Fox

20th Century Fox Espanol

20th Century Fox Home Entertainment

20th Century Fox International

20th Century Fox Television

Blue Sky Studios

Fox Searchlight Pictures

Fox Studios Australia

Fox Studios LA

Fox Studios Baja

Fox Television Studios


Television - News Corporation

Fox Broadcasting Company

Fox Sports Australia

Fox Television Stations




Cable Television - News Corporation

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Fox News Channel

Fox Sports Digital

Fox Sports Enterprises

Fox Sports Espanol

Fox Sports Net

Fox Sports World



National Geographic Channel

SPEED Channel

Stats, Inc


Direct Broadcast & Satellite Television - News Corporation




Sky Italia


Magazines - News Corporation

Inside Out

Donna Hay

News America Marketing

Smart Source

The Weekly Standard



Newspapers - News Corporation

Australasian region Newspapers:

Daily Telegraph

Fiji Times

Gold Coast Bulletin

Herald Sun




NT News

Post Courier

Sunday Herald Sun

Sunday Mail

Sunday Tasmanian

Sunday Territorian

Sunday Times

The Advertiser

The Australian

The Courier Mail

The Mercury

The Sunday Mail

The Sunday Telegraph

Weekly Times

United Kingdom region Newspapers:

News International

News of the World

The Sun

The Sunday Times

The Times

Times Education Supplement

Times Higher Education Supplement

Times Literary Supplement

TSL Education

United States region Newspapers:

New York Post


Books - News Corporation

Harper Collins Publishers

- Australia

- Canada

- Childrens Books

- United States

- United Kingdom

Regan Books



Other Investments - News Corporation

Festival Records

Mushroom Records

National Rugby League - Australia

News Interactive

News Outdoor

Nursery World


And Little Rupert is Jewish to boot! This of course -only inflames the conspiracy theories the ALL media is owned and operated by Jews- as is Hollywood and so on- etc.


Once you are done with your research as to who owns what- you realize that your research took all of 3 minutes- and one Google search because everything under the sun seems to be owned and operated by one person. Little Rupert


Of course I am generalizing here. With the birth of Blogging- it is possible to get some good information- well written and based on something other than “a source.�


However- another point I would like to make- and this goes back to what I think the point of Dawood’s original post was- it does not matter which news paper or whom the reporter is writing the story- it’s a story if a Muslim did it. That’s all it takes. If the story has a negative connotation and it just happens to be a Muslim who did it- that’s the only time a Muslim will make the front page- and it will be mentioned about 23- to 42 times in the article that the person was a Muslim.


As a journalist- and this is my opinion only- I feel most of the diabolical situations in the world right now happen because of interpretations or translations of Holy Books. Note: I did not say MISinterpretations because who really knows- what the correct interpretation is? Of course I am now being “Captain Obvious.� Whether you are a Rabbi or a Mullah or a Priest – the peeps who follow what you preach- respect and admire the words that come out of your mouth. That right there is ----power.


One other thing I wanted to bring up - which too is obvious- Does anyone take into consideration that many of the unfortunate diabolical activities we read or hear about involving Muslims and acts of terror- don’t explain the MAIN fact that I feel is missing from most all of these stories and here is where I will seriously piss off a lot of people. A certain number of Muslims- NOT ALL- but some of the Muslims who commit acts of terror- wherever it may unfortunately happen around the globe- have grown up in Madrasahs. . Madrasah (مدرسه in Arabic) means "Islamic institution of higher learning."


I am by no means creating excuses for acts of terror. I just wanted to simply point out the fact that when you have a family full of kids- and you live in contions that make squaller conditions look good- and your malnurished kids don’t go to school because there is no school to go to- and then suddenly you notice that a school is being built in your village- and you find out that not only can your child go there- but he will be cothed and fed daily- in other words- your child will get everything you are not able to provide him with- is there really a question as to whether or not he should attend this school?. Your child will learn to read and write- which means that he will have a furture- something you don’t honestly see for yourself.


However- something that seems to good to be true usually is- “madrasahs nowadays are frequently deemed as ideological and political training grounds for hatred against the West.�


The point I wanted to make is when you have an environment of poverty and a non existent economy – and the world seems to be against you- and you suddenly hear a voice- a voice connected to words that lift you up- and make you believe – believe that there is definitely something better for you and your family- there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow- of course you are going to buy into it. Look- it worked for Hitler. He took an impoverished nation and made them believe in something- of course we all know the outcome of “all of that.� And that was an entire nation people- not a local small school in an impverished village.


Of course there are really too many reasons/points to list- and really you would have to take a walk in someone elses shoes that may inlighten you- surprise you- but most of all wake the sheep in you -up.


Do you think the average American who has never traveled outside the US to see and hear what “Them� are saying about “US�- other than what Bush tells us in another one of his shock and autism speeches- is going to take into consideration the fact that the latest roadside IED that took peoples lives may have come from someone who knew nothing else- but that. Again I am not trying to create excuses for IED’s or terror- I am just trying to point out that there is a whole psychology behind this “war on terror.�


There are so many more points I would like to make here- but I am afraid I lost too many people at “I thought I would jump in and give my 2 cents.�


Before y’all call me an anti-Semite- or a Muslim hater -I will let you know right now that I am Jewish- and guess what- I am married to a Muslim. So go figure.

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Originally posted by yum@Mar 20 2006, 04:59 PM

right on the ball as usual 2342, links to articles you've written on the arab israeli conflict would be much appreciated



I would really like to link you to my articles however- they are most all in Arabic. We can do one of two things- I could translate a few- or we could continue this debate in this forum- which I sincerely enjoy. I really appreciate the kind words though- thank you.

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I get your point about Murdoch controlling the universe, my thoughts, the tides, ect. But if I were to list all the mainstream US news outlets (and their subsidiaries like you did, instead of just writing the company name) the list would be about 15 pages. And if you read a local newspaper in most parts of my country, the main stories are usually reprinted from either the Washington post, the NY Times or LA Times. That’s a way of controlling the media to represent a very narrow viewpoint of specific issues that is usually never mentioned, because that viewpoint isn’t generally associated with anything conservative and therefore is perfectly fine. That is also not a double standard.


Originally posted by 2342@Mar 20 2006, 07:26 PM

As a journalist…..


Look, I have a great scoop for you. I know you reporter types generally send Iraqis to film and report outside of the green zone instead of going yourselves because when they get killed, who cares, they don’t really count as full people anyway (for example, when some reporter from ABC got wounded by a roadside bomb the coverage was a lot more intense than the coverage of the 70 or so Iraqi journalists who have been killed, combined).


Anyways, I have an awesome scoop. The low down! We have all heard about the evils of the US military prison systems, but the prisoner treatment from the other side has been rarely mentioned in the media except to announce someone had been executed, treating it like an inevitability. I know that it has simply slipped you reporters’ minds, especially the Arab media, because having a bias and maybe even sympathy for the noble resistance fighters would violate your (and I mean the collective “your� here, of course) high level of journalist integrity. So here is your chance to break this story wide open! An inside look at the way the insurgency treats their prisoners, featuring you! Shouldn’t be too hard to get captured, just walk around Baghdad telling people you are a Christian missionary here to stop the injustices of the satanic coalition against the embattled Iraqi people. I can watch your report on ogrish in a few months when they get the footage of your beheading to their contacts at Al Jazeera (possibly your co-workers, now there is some irony huh?). Keep me in the loop!

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Originally posted by Stereotype V.001+Mar 21 2006, 03:17 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Stereotype V.001 - Mar 21 2006, 03:17 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'>I get your point about Murdoch controlling the universe, my thoughts, the tides, ect. But if I were to list all the mainstream US news outlets (and their subsidiaries like you did, instead of just writing the company name) the list would be about 15 pages. And if you read a local newspaper in most parts of my country, the main stories are usually reprinted from either the Washington post, the NY Times or LA Times. That’s a way of controlling the media to represent a very narrow viewpoint of specific issues that is usually never mentioned, because that viewpoint isn’t generally associated with anything conservative and therefore is perfectly fine. That is also not a double standard.


<!--QuoteBegin-2342@Mar 20 2006, 07:26 PM

As a journalist…..


Look, I have a great scoop for you. I know you reporter types generally send Iraqis to film and report outside of the green zone instead of going yourselves because when they get killed, who cares, they don’t really count as full people anyway (for example, when some reporter from ABC got wounded by a roadside bomb the coverage was a lot more intense than the coverage of the 70 or so Iraqi journalists who have been killed, combined).


Anyways, I have an awesome scoop. The low down! We have all heard about the evils of the US military prison systems, but the prisoner treatment from the other side has been rarely mentioned in the media except to announce someone had been executed, treating it like an inevitability. I know that it has simply slipped you reporters’ minds, especially the Arab media, because having a bias and maybe even sympathy for the noble resistance fighters would violate your (and I mean the collective “your� here, of course) high level of journalist integrity. So here is your chance to break this story wide open! An inside look at the way the insurgency treats their prisoners, featuring you! Shouldn’t be too hard to get captured, just walk around Baghdad telling people you are a Christian missionary here to stop the injustices of the satanic coalition against the embattled Iraqi people. I can watch your report on ogrish in a few months when they get the footage of your beheading to their contacts at Al Jazeera (possibly your co-workers, now there is some irony huh?). Keep me in the loop!



Stereotype v.001,


I used Murdoch as an example- but yes you are correct with everything else you said- I whole heartily agree regarding US news outlets.


Well, you are correct about what a lot of reporters do- by sending out Iraqis to get the footage they need- I wont deny that. The reasons they do this vary. And of course I will throw out my usual disclaimer that I do not support this way of doing journalism- because to me it really is deplorable.


1. Some reporters are in it for the money- and they don’t give a scheiss about who they manipulate so they get the best story- at any cost- even human cost. Unfortunately these journalists wind up making it really big and usually land a good stable job at the BBC or such- because they have built up their reputation “for getting the good inside story.� And of course- they way these fucks made it- will never be told- they are after all the media- they control what is news and what is not.


2. Then there’s the flip side of it- where reporters/journalists actually work freelance and spend years in whatever village- community they are covering and they work directly with the people outside the green zone- or the international zone- in Iraq and other countries as well -Chechnya, Kiev, Rwanda, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and they do not travel with British, Russian or American security forces who not only cost an arm and leg (no pun intended) they also draw unwanted attention- and they the journalists turn into a target. Instead these journalists travel by local car- that they themselves drive or example: they will drive with local Iraqis who they trust- and who trust you- because you have been there long enough to learn their language, culture, religions, habits etc. You don’t wear a helmet or body armor – you grow your hair out- and you wear a kaffiyeh which you feel actually more comfortable in anyway- and you blend. You blend not to invade their minds- not to steal their thoughts to profit from- you bloody well blend so you can be their voice- so they will be heard in a just and impartial manner. With the utmost respect to whomever you are covering.


I obviously can’t speak for Tom Fox-- one of four members of the Christian Peacemakers Team kidnapped in Iraq who was found murdered- other than I was disturbed and saddened to say the least. As for Jill Carroll- I don’t know what to say about all of that. All I can say is she is well versed in their culture/religion and language so lets hope this is working to her benefit.


As for myself I have no connection to Aljazeera- I never have- nor will I ever work with them. I have always been freelance/solo and satisfied working this way. I don’t depend on anyone and no one has to depend on me. Nor have I ever used any local person in any country I have been in or lived in as some sort of mule to go out and fetch footage or a story for me.


As for Aljazeera and their non-coverage of the treatment of journalists who have been released- well, speaking purely from a psychological point of view- I don’t think the released journalists stick around long enough to be tapped for information on what happened during their captivity. I will tell you though that I am more than 100% sure that many of these released journalists are debriefed by either military from their own countries (and of course in the pockets the US military) and are often times asked not to speak about their captivity. And other times depending on how long they have been held- do suffer from Stockholm syndrome- so they and their families are strickly adivesed to not speak to the media by whoever is doing the debreifing until they have sought psychological help for the journalist. Since I don’t frequent the Aljazeera website and I don’t have any connections with them -I can’t say if they have ever reported on “what their fellow man has done� to these captive journalists.


Here is a list of names- I did not have time right now to go in and do all the research on what they have or have not said.



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2342, my original post was a bit harsh, when you said you worked for “arab media� I assumed al Jazeera since they are the largest non state-run media outlet. I’m glad you agree about sending Iraqis in to get footage is fucking disgusting, and there is never any mention of it on the news. There is a lot of things about the news and journalists that piss me off to no end, but at the same time there are a few people doing an excellent job.


�Instead these journalists travel by local car- that they themselves drive or example: they will drive with local Iraqis who they trust- and who trust you- because you have been there long enough to learn their language, culture, religions, habits etc. You don’t wear a helmet or body armor – you grow your hair out- and you wear a kaffiyeh which you feel actually more comfortable in anyway- and you blend. You blend not to invade their minds- not to steal their thoughts to profit from- you bloody well blend so you can be their voice- so they will be heard in a just and impartial manner. With the utmost respect to whomever you are covering.�


That is a really bad idea in Iraq…even if you are of Arab descent and speak fluent Arabic. With the things going on recently, people are really tuned into whether you are Sunni, or Shiite, based on what town or province you are from. As far as the Tom Fox thing goes, I feel bad for his family but not so much for him or his buddies. They go into a place like Iraq in the most conspicuous way possible, get kidnapped, are freed by the very people they were there to protest, and don’t show a hint of gratitude. They actually blamed the US and British military for getting kidnapped, spoke about how much we fucked the country up, and about three days later after a dozen statements made to the AP they finally get around to giving a half assed thank you for saving their lives. As far as I’m concerned I would have been much happier to see some of the hundreds of Iraqi civilians who have gone missing recently turn up alive instead of dead and tortured.

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Originally posted by 2342@Mar 20 2006, 07:26 PM

My point is – when something bad happens to a Jewish individual – let me tell you- it makes the front page.  It doesn’t matter if it is in New York or Israel.  It doesn’t matter if the story is referring to a home invasion- or the fact that an orange was stolen from Noah’s fruit stand – or Abraham was mugged on 47th Street – in the heart of the New York Diamond District and 30K in Diamonds were stolen from him.


Before y’all call me an anti-Semite- or a Muslim hater -I will let you know right now that I am Jewish- and guess what- I am married to a Muslim.  So go figure.


As usual parania gets the best of people.


Jews are covered in the media and not just in a positive light.

example1 <---Fox News


Example 2 <---Sky News



Just because someone runs a major news organisation does not mean they will censur it because of their faith.


Edit: And just because you are Jewish or married to a Muslim doesnt mean that you cant feel negitively towards one or the other. I dont think it would be too presumtious of me to say that niether of you are to attached to your said faiths.

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Originally posted by Dawood@Mar 4 2006, 11:19 PM

Does it seriously make you feel like more of a man knowing that you can say things to people through anonymity , hiding behind a screen that you would never say to them in person?

I always wonder about that because, I always try to keep in mind that what I say is recorded (by the angels) and I'll be held accountable on the day of judgement for what I say or type , so I try not to write things here or anywhere that i wouldn't say or write in person , face to face because to me , I figure, I'm a grown man who would pound the mess out of someone who spoke to me like half of the people on here do. (this is not a threat) I'm just saying, imagine someone you hardly know talking to you in person the way people talk to you on the internet. It's crazy. Seriously, You'd be dropkicking jokers all day long. Like, what!!?? you don't know me like that POW!! Seriously, I remember i saw a quote from a dude on here, Mero that said If PM stood for "punch Mutha#*^@ers I would press it mad more times"

I laughed at that hard because it's so true on 12oz.

Even though punching people in the face for talking trash is wrong acording to my religious beleifs, but, I'm human, I figure I get a few bolo punches a year for someone who really needs it , then I can ask Allah's forgiveness later.




dawood I think you miss the whole point of the internet. Here people can ACTUALLY EXPRESS ideas w/o worrying about being repsoned to by violence or intimidation.


If you say that you want to punch people who express ideas taht disagree or "dis" you, then your the shallow ignorant one. Me personally, I'd prefer someone had the right to say whatever they want and offend me tahn not be able to...



plus your garbage staement about angels writing shit down...does taht apply to thoughts as well...because on that basis you'll probably go to hell alot quicker tahn any of us...




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well, I was actually expressing my ideas too, Bill. It's just a trip how people will say things on the internet by way of insults and trashtalk that they would never say in real life to you. I mean, from a comedic standpoint, imagine all the conversations on 12 oz prophet taking place in person. that would be rediculously ludacris , don't you agree?


And as for the angels writing down everything we do, say and write, yes I absolutely beleive this. Obviously you don't.

My question is, on what basis do you ascertain that what I do , write and say will land me in hell quicker than you. (keeping in mind i've seen some of your channel zero posts, killah)

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how do I ascertain? hmmm..that is a good question...My thinking is that your full of anger. Perhaps you need to sing "I feel pretty". me? Yeah I talk alot of shit, but unless you know me and since I don't use emoticons, its hard to tell I'm being sartircal.


I'm actually a pretty nice person and whos very very very respectful to people. but I find its fun to talk mad shit...I find offensive humor funny...Maybe its my white trash Irish upbringing...who knows?



My intent is to point out the pretentiousness and hypocrisy of others...there is nothing that frustrates me more than people who are full of themselves.



All ideas are relative...no thing is better than another. Most people don't see that. They don't see the big picture. As long as people think that way there will be racism, sexism, violence, player hatred etc etc etc.



Last year though I told everyone where I come from philosphically. I mentioned R. Rorty's article "Private Irony and Liberal Hope". I bet you haven't been to your nearest college library to read it even though I've read the koran and alot of that islam stuff you mention...



oh well... but dawood, don't think we don't appreciate what you say on here...


theres nothing better than two scumbags from the northshore bickering... its pure entertainment for me because I don't take an ideas seriously. there all relative.


Hiltler's ideas are no better than mohammad's than is better than Gnadi's than is the drunk guy on the bus ideas.



my rant for today..24 is boring tonight

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to respond to the "full of anger" thing, half of the stories you probably heard about me beating up skater kids (before I was muslim) and all the funny stuff I hear about me are not true. So, if this opinion you formed of me is because of all the crazy rumors you heard , then let me be the first to tell you, I'm not full of anger. I'm a cool as a cucumber family man who runs a business (not to be full of myself or anything) but I don't do drugs, I don't beat my wife, I don't even beat my kids much. I hug them way more than I spank them. So, anyway,


I disagree with you, I've met too many drunk guys on the bus to agree with what you just said.

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You guys crack me up.


Take this thread- we went from having a somewhat good intellectual conversation regarding the media and their take- or not take on peoples religions and the bias of the media-


to tusifuku asking for pointers on how to pick up Muslim women-


and Dawood getting his freshly washed wudu’d body and under pants in a ruffle thinking I am some Jewish guy stealing his Muslim female peeps-


What is wrong with this picture? Other than the obvious- you people judging me and assuming I am a male- how do you know I am not a woman?


Why cant me go back to the real issue at hand- the world at large people………


Whether or not I am male or female- should play no part in what is being said regarding these political threads- am I wrong?

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Originally posted by tsuifuku@Mar 28 2006, 09:53 PM

Oh man 2342, how did you pull that whole marrige thing off?

Most Muslim girls I try to talk to are like "FIRST YOU MUST CONVERT, THEN WE CAN GET MARRIED, NO DATING" and i'm like wtf.

i need some insight pls.


Because intelligent, informed and loving people can find romance in the challenges their ideas and faith present. And than you have the junior high school you clearly dropped out of...

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You're right 2342, I am off topic, for that I apologize.


On topic:

Look at who controls the news media, its controlled by the ruling class, so it will show a bias that reflects their intentions. Are their intentions to sow divisions between the average non-Muslim working class american, and Muslim workers? Of course it is, just as they try to sow divisions between native born US workers and immigrant workers. "Those damn mexicans, they're stealing our jobs!" They want the average american to view muslisms with suspicion, "YOU NEVER KNOW, THEY COULD BE SLEEPER CELLS" in order to turn peoples attention away from real problems (ie police killing unarmed people, war, greedy mine bosses responsible for dozens of deaths this year alone).


They would rather have you in the breakroom at work talking about soap operas, or how "those damn somalis are so lazy" than "We need a union" or "How can we fight to gain decent health care"


I hope that was somewhat on topic.

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Originally posted by tsuifuku@Mar 30 2006, 05:42 AM

Man, I thought you were an allright dude until you said i have slimy paws. If there is no dating, how can you get to know someone well enough to marry them?



I consider myself an alright dude until you put your paws on one of my sisters (said with a smile a real firm handshake and a nudge)


And as far as getting to know eachother, traditionally, the way you go about getting married could go something like this in a muslim community.

Lets say where you grow up, theres a mosque and a school. Theres boys and girls that go to both of them, so theres this girl there that you see around. You think she looks fly in her hijab, but you werent clocking her too hard because you don't want her to see you looking, but she gives you the eye every once in a while and you know the deal. Dating is prohibited in Islam because fornication (premarital sex)

is out, forget it. Dating naturally leads to nookie, so girls and boys , once they hit a certain age are seperated socially so theres no hanky panky in the hallway of the maddrassa, you know what I'm sayin'?

Anyway, you think she's what's up, so might approach her father (or he might approach you) and say hey, are you looking to get married?

then, the proccess of getting to know one another starts (with family supervision) so you can't put your slimy paws all on my sister. It really protects the woman from low lifes and slick player types, because those guys will just go for the women on the street, but if you wan't a good one, a virgin who's been home learning how to cook and please her man under the supervision of her mother, then you do it the right way, Someone told me one time, If you want a good wife consider 2 things, look at her family and their character, if their character is good then, her character will most likely be good too , he said, because the fruits sweetness is directly linked to the type of tree you pluck it from. Also, he said, If you want a good wife, go through the front door , not through the side window.

One more thing, the western version of marriage and love is backwards I think. In the west people "fall" in love. Like head over heels, all giddy and butterflies lovey dovey until he gets that booty and then he looses interest slowly and the relationship fades. By the time she wants to get married she's old news to you.

(not every time but this is common)

In eastern cultures (Islamic cultures particularly) people don't fall in love. They don't really know eachother inside and out before they get married, they grow to love eachother. And if you look at the divorce rates between the two cultures it's like night and day. Divorce is rare among muslims (except among muslims living in the west)

huh, thats weird. anyway. All in all, I think it's a better system.

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Originally posted by tsuifuku@Mar 30 2006, 04:59 PM

You're right 2342, I am off topic, for that I apologize.


On topic:

Look at who controls the news media, its controlled by the ruling class, so it will show a bias that reflects their intentions. Are their intentions to sow divisions between the average non-Muslim working class american, and Muslim workers? Of course it is, just as they try to sow divisions between native born US workers and immigrant workers. "Those damn mexicans, they're stealing our jobs!" They want the average american to view muslisms with suspicion, "YOU NEVER KNOW, THEY COULD BE SLEEPER CELLS" in order to turn peoples attention away from real problems (ie police killing unarmed people, war, greedy mine bosses responsible for dozens of deaths this year alone).


They would rather have you in the breakroom at work talking about soap operas, or how "those damn somalis are so lazy" than "We need a union" or "How can we fight to gain decent health care"


I hope that was somewhat on topic.


ha,ha It's hard to tell what the topic is in here

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Originally posted by Dawood+Mar 30 2006, 11:59 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Dawood - Mar 30 2006, 11:59 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-tsuifuku@Mar 30 2006, 05:42 AM

Man, I thought you were an allright dude until you said i have slimy paws. If there is no dating, how can you get to know someone well enough to marry them?



I consider myself an alright dude until you put your paws on one of my sisters (said with a smile a real firm handshake and a nudge)


And as far as getting to know eachother, traditionally, the way you go about getting married could go something like this in a muslim community.

Lets say where you grow up, theres a mosque and a school. Theres boys and girls that go to both of them, so theres this girl there that you see around. You think she looks fly in her hijab, but you werent clocking her too hard because you don't want her to see you looking, but she gives you the eye every once in a while and you know the deal. Dating is prohibited in Islam because fornication (premarital sex)

is out, forget it. Dating naturally leads to nookie, so girls and boys , once they hit a certain age are seperated socially so theres no hanky panky in the hallway of the maddrassa, you know what I'm sayin'?

Anyway, you think she's what's up, so might approach her father (or he might approach you) and say hey, are you looking to get married?

then, the proccess of getting to know one another starts (with family supervision) so you can't put your slimy paws all on my sister. It really protects the woman from low lifes and slick player types, because those guys will just go for the women on the street, but if you wan't a good one, a virgin who's been home learning how to cook and please her man under the supervision of her mother, then you do it the right way, Someone told me one time, If you want a good wife consider 2 things, look at her family and their character, if their character is good then, her character will most likely be good too , he said, because the fruits sweetness is directly linked to the type of tree you pluck it from. Also, he said, If you want a good wife, go through the front door , not through the side window.

One more thing, the western version of marriage and love is backwards I think. In the west people "fall" in love. Like head over heels, all giddy and butterflies lovey dovey until he gets that booty and then he looses interest slowly and the relationship fades. By the time she wants to get married she's old news to you.

(not every time but this is common)

In eastern cultures (Islamic cultures particularly) people don't fall in love. They don't really know eachother inside and out before they get married, they grow to love eachother. And if you look at the divorce rates between the two cultures it's like night and day. Divorce is rare among muslims (except among muslims living in the west)

huh, thats weird. anyway. All in all, I think it's a better system.





wait a minute, don't you have like 5 illegitmate kids with 3 diffrent women?

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Originally posted by Lonesome Cowboy Bill@Mar 31 2006, 07:22 AM


wait a minute, don't you have like 5 illegitmate kids with 3 diffrent women?



LOL, no way. See how rumors spread. I have 4 kids with the same woman who I am still married to. We've been together for 10 years and have been married (islamically) for about 6 years now.

Even if I did have 5 illegitiamate kids with 3 different women, I'd still be wrong for it. No doubt.

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You are correct- neither of us are attached to our religions. We are more spiritual than anything.




I bloody freelance I do not work for the “Arab media�- I work for myself and choose what I will and will not cover- just as people choose to read my words- my thoughts- or not.


My reasoning for the above statement is because: and I am NOT trying to be sarcastic at all- but it is seriously hard to define the smell of death- and reduce it to a few simple adjectives. There are no adjectives or words- or even pictures that can make a person understand absolute insane and unnecessary carnage unless they themselves have been in the situation- or walked in someone else’s shoes. Eventually if you are a good journalist the shoes of course indivertibly become your own.


Back to the reason this thread started in the first place. I feel that most all of the media never report on any situation from the psychological stand point.


Seeing, smelling, witnessing, screaming with fear, huddled in a corner of a room- with a mattress pulled over your head for protection- being blindfolded and taken to an interview with a Mujahedeen or مجاهدين member so their voices are heard- or being blindfolded in car- @ 3 am going to interview with groups such as The Kach or in Hebrew ×›"ך, founded by radical Israeli-American Rabbi Meir Kahane, and the Kahane Chai or ×›×”× ×? לכנסת, which means "Kahane Lives," founded by Kahane's son, Binyamin, following his father's assassination in the United States- most journalists report on the interview they had with “their sourceâ€?- simply put its more outlets for both sides to continuously spread their outlandish agenda and/or propaganda or the usual verbal cest pool.


However they don’t go any further by asking how these Mujahedeen or the Kahane Chai just how they got to where they are in their lives- i.e. the environment they grew up in. And I am not referring to such things as- did they look at their poo before they flushed- or did they stick M80’s in frogs and watch them blow- then laugh- or did they commits acts arson as teenagers?


When was the last time you saw an interview take place from anyone in the American media or the British media where they have sat down with either of the two groups mentioned above- and asked directly to their face- “do you know, do you care, do you have any concept of what your ridiculously violent actions do to your own people- psychologically?� “Or is this all about your self imploding narcissism?� It would be highly interesting to see this done- on main stream news to see if either party answers the question. I have asked these questions with varying results- one result was me spending 3 weeks in a Middle Eastern prison- not fun. That was the end of that trip and those questions for a while at least.


It is not easy to witness death and destruction and not question- the Mujahedeen or the Kahane Chai – or authority- or the heavens above, at least for me anyway.


The reason I bring this up is because having seen and been involved in all of the above- and much more- I can’t help but question the big picture. Why are we here- and more over why do these people do the things they do?


To simplify any act of terror and blame it on religion is bullshit and to me- is the easy way out. There are deeper reasons that have nothing to do with the Torah- or the Quran.


Before anyone gets their panties in an unnecessary ruffle with the above statement- speaking from the point of a journalist- and I am only speaking for myself- I have removed myself from judging others for the actions they have committed based on their beliefs.


Whether I am in Israel and I choose to cover a situation that involves a Muslim who has chosen to blow him or herself up on a bus- to make a statement to the peoples of Israel- or the Jewish population- I don’t see it as a Muslim who committed this act against the Jewish population. Or a Jewish terrorist decides to assassinate the Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin- again I don’t see it as a Jew with a religious statement.


I will be honest and blunt here- I see it as more from a psychological point of view. I am fascinated by what provokes violence.


Of course we have the obvious- lack of education- on both sides- Muslims and Jews- depending on the parents- and the environment the child is growing up in- that child no matter the religion–is going to be fed a daily dose of exactly what the parents see-and more importantly these children hear at the table side dinner discussions. Which intern leads to the child being a witness to their first lesson on “reactions to acts of violence� which takes us back to the education dilemma and what these parents are intentionally or unintentionally psychosomatically feeding their kids.


What a child hears then interprets from their parents at the moment of a violent act will undoubtedly have an obvious psychological or subconscious affect on their future emotions regarding violence perpetrated by whatever “religion� – against “their religion.�


I use Israel as an example because there are no words to describe the environment that a Muslim child grows up in- nor are there words or adjectives to describe what a Jewish child grows up in.


I am not speaking of the palpable daily quandaries either child (a Muslim or a Jewish child) goes through simply waking up and going to school- on a bus- not knowing if they will ever reach their destination or not. I am referring to the anger that the parents of these children harbor towards the “auxiliary� or “differing� or the “divergent� religion that keeps BOTH sides living in fear.


I think – and this is simply my personal opinion that nothing will ever be solved in the Middle East until the entire entity is roped off with yellow crime scene tape- and handled as just that- a gigantic crime scene. Let the Germans handle the crime scene – we know for a fact it will get done correctly- because of their past experience with colossal crimes scenes. <smirk>


Anyway- I don’t know if anything I have ranted about has made any sense what-so-ever.


Stick a fork in me – and call me done.

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Originally posted by 2342@Apr 1 2006, 03:20 PM



You are correct- neither of us are attached to our religions.  We are more spiritual than anything.



I want to appoligize I shouldnt have said that. It was wrong of me. Who you are is not reflected in what you believe in, it is how you act.


I dont nessisarily agree with most of what you post but I can see that your ideas are formed by what you have seen not what you read like most of the people I meet and I respect that.

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dawood i dont suppose the divorce rate in muslim countrys could have anything to do with the lack of freedom given to women and the reprisals people would face if they got divorced would it?

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possibly, but divorce is not forbidden in Islam, It's just not encouraged either.

Nowadays muslim societies are more secular and cultural than they are following Islam, so I know that middle eastern culture places certain stigmas on divorce, but, Is that such a bad thing?

I don't think so unless there is some sort of abuse going on.

people go through ups and downs, westerners are so hasty.

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no i dont htink its a bad thing for divorce to be stigmatised but thats just so people will think about marriage a lot mroe seriously before they jump into it, i was just pointing out that the reason divorce is rarer in islamic coutnrys isnt necesarilly because they are in happier marriages

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Actually, I think religious people are generally more happy. I know this from experience.

studies seem to reflect it time and time again. All of the muslim families I know are generally happier and less attracted to materialistic things than most of the non muslim families I know.

In my humble opinion (and I might be biased) but I think it's safe to say that one of the reasons why the divorce rate among muslims is drastically lower IS EXACTLY because they are in happier marriages, but again, I might be biased and I might know a few more muslims than most of you to judge by.

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Actually, I think religious people are generally more happy. I know this from experience.

studies seem to reflect it time and time again. All of the muslim families I know are generally happier and less attracted to materialistic things than most of the non muslim families I know.

In my humble opinion (and I might be biased) but I think it's safe to say that one of the reasons why the divorce rate among muslims is drastically lower IS EXACTLY because they are in happier marriages, but again, I might be biased and I might know a few more muslims than most of you to judge by.


Who are you comparing in these 'divorce rates'? Muslims? I assume you mean 'devout muslims' because nobody else counts, right? So, devout muslims -vs- WHo? Everyone else? Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Zoroastrians, Agnostics, Athiests?

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Who are you comparing in these 'divorce rates'? Muslims? I assume you mean 'devout muslims' because nobody else counts' date=' right? So, devout muslims -vs- WHo? Everyone else? Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Zoroastrians, Agnostics, Athiests?[/quote']



basically, I was comparing divorce rates between Islamic countries in general and western countries in general. they seem to be much lower in muslim countries than in places like lets say....America.

The debate was over why, my take was that people with a religious guideline to live by were generally happier than non religious people for many many reasons. We can go into the psychology of those reasons another time , though, I don't have a lot of time tonight.

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