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Spray safe!

Guest Ouija

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Seriously the vapors fuck you up man. There has been multiple stories on people affected by the vapors from Aerosol cans. Dont think for a minute that nothing will happen to you or that you look cool with a fuckin bandana on, buy a respirator and you wont piss blood or wet the bed every night. Dont believe me go to google and look up the effects. DONT BE AN IDIOT-

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yep. more than multiple accounts aswell. It's a fact about what the vapours can do to you. By all means, if you dont care, then dont get one, but having one means you'll be most likely able to get up for many more years than if you didnt wear one and now have kidney stones and piss blood

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i just spilled a shit load of doemdirty on my hands, i managed to get most of it off but i can still see it . I know shit can be absorbed through the skin and i want to know if this will affect anything at all, its not the first time its happened. I think i would need a lot more to have it damage me but i dont know for sure, anyone know the dangers of getting this shit on my hands? And the reason was i ran out of latex gloves and while making a homemade marker i fucked up and it like exploded on me.

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When i started a 4ish years ago no one told me to use a respirator so for about a year did a few pieces and never had anykind of protection. My mucus would be silver or harbor blue or what ever my fill was. I wasn't severly affected by it to the point where i have no bladder control or anything like that but i find that im just a little slower in my head sometimes. And now i sometimes i can't properly prononce words that need a lot of articulation. So im lucky i dont have it to bad, but just get a damn 3M respirator its money well spent.

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Wow! ^^^ and thats only 1 year of peicing and painting...then the other 3 of just general graff i imagine.....thats amazing....just imagine these people who paint there whole lives with no respirator. You can definately tell why some of them are fucked up

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i just spilled a shit load of doemdirty on my hands, i managed to get most of it off but i can still see it . I know shit can be absorbed through the skin and i want to know if this will affect anything at all, its not the first time its happened. I think i would need a lot more to have it damage me but i dont know for sure, anyone know the dangers of getting this shit on my hands? And the reason was i ran out of latex gloves and while making a homemade marker i fucked up and it like exploded on me.



ive never refilled a marker without covering my hands with ink, it happens, use gloves if you want but i dont think your in too much trouble

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  • 2 weeks later...

all well and gravy with the mask, but yeahh if your street bombing tagging, on main roads etc, its gona look a bit like !!!!???? if authoritys see you wearing that shit, plus its something extra to carry around , i guess it is worth it though considering health problems that can occur, its a plus for health but not really for stealth. ive maybe worn a mask once or twice and even that was just because its in an enclosed area i find the cartridge ones -you know the ones with two detatchable cartridge things on either side, work mean but as i say , if your going illegal its not always the least obvious thing to be wearing or carrying round with you

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow this thread really sketched me out. I remember this one time when I was making some stickers with my buddy and were were using the Uni paint pens in his room. We didn't notice there was a huge odor until we went to get something to eat and then came back and we couldn't even go back in there. That night I had the worst headache of my life. Luckily I haven't done too many big pieces or anything yet and haven't had chrome snot haha. I'm glad I read this thread early in the game so I can take precautions! I didn't think painting outdoors was that bad but this really opened my eyes thanks guys.

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vile not to be a ccock, but you're a complete toy yourself. Don't take the piss out of others who've just started.


Oh and you lot, for protection against gangstas and shit i usually bring something small.

12 guage maybe.




im glad you think you know me jeiser. and im not taking the piss out of him, im making his piss doesnt turn to blood

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vile not to be a ccock, but you're a complete toy yourself. Don't take the piss out of others who've just started.


Oh and you lot, for protection against gangstas and shit i usually bring something small.

12 guage maybe.


what? how is vile a toy? and the idiot vivre is the one who's going to kill himself, so if you want people to die, go ahead, dont tell them they need protection.

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i recently moved and in the new crib there was a slick basement wall-- i wasted no time in priming it and putting my scrap cans to good use-- i thought i had good ventilation cause i had two fans blowing air into the garage where i had opened the main door... after a month of about 20 min a day i started to feel genuinly stupider-- less articulate, more forgetful, tireder and all that-- another few days ant i started having these pains in my stomach /kidney area- it got so bad that i would be sitting in class bent over in pain trying not to scream......i went to the doctor and they gave me one of those joints they use to look at unborn babies-- they saw all kinds of shit starting to get irritated------ i stopped painting inside but even if im outside or in the yard for a while, or just have a long night out, the pains come back-- like a stupid motherfucker i dont have a respirator, but you know im about to get one.

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