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Issac Brock

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so I woud never do this to any of you, any of you. I seriously should not do this and if I get banned from this site for this so be it. I don't care. I never liked you because not only did you post someones face on this thread, a hard hiter in this city at that, but you posted his friend on here that had passed away. you got no fucking class, and you truly are a punk bitch. my little brother, that only 2 people ever knew I had until now is half black. my sons little brother is half black. my best friend who happens to be in a local hip hop group usm who is the only person I have ever called my brother is black. my dads girl for over 12 years is black. most of of my family, on top of being mexican, and jewish, is black. so when I read this message my first thought was why did you never fucking tell me about this shit, and my 2nd thought was this motherfucker can get hit by a brick to the dome and I'd laugh at him dying. yo FET, feel free to meet me at the same spot you were suppose to meet my boy, or anywhere you fucking choose, you racist punk ass snitch motherfucker. and that whole my shit shouldn't get gone over because I am in a crew with him, fuck that. if you are boys with this cat, in my eyes you aint no fucking better. this message was in no way altered other than I put it in quotations. fuck you fet, you hoe ass bitch ass snitch.


"what? am i supposed to wait around all night to see if you show up. you guys are like fucking niggers....ignorant as fuck thinking someone is going to take time out there day drive to that shithole and fight someone they have never eevn exchanged words with?.....way to be a nigger"


I truly believe that pms are meant to be private. but this motherfucker just changes names and lurks around this bitch, and has no connection anymore to this city. he dont live in this "shithole" he dont paint here and I am sure 90 percent of you hated him already. I just wanted to show his true colors, seeing as if most of us are of some kind of ethnicity other then white. I apologize if you are offended that I would post a private message here no matter what the topic. I have posted more flicks here than anyone on this thread, and will contiue to do so till the day I die if this dont get me banned, and if it does, so be it. at least cats know that this motherfucker is a straight up mark. peace. jue/dsd.

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For those of you who are also ignorant like DSD here if the definition.


Slang: Extremely Disparaging and Offensive . a person of any race or origin regarded as contemptible, inferior, ignorant, etc.




Never once did I say anything about anyone being black.....I dated a black girl. I have friends that are black. I work with black people. See the ignorant part up there.....thats you and your boys. He says "meet me tomorrow nnight at the corner or so and so" Never once have I exchanged words with this dude, said anything about him, seen him, or have any sort of association with him....why would I take time out my life to go fight him? Give me a break kid....stop looking for some sort of drama like a little high school girl. Say we fight and I woop his ass....whats gonna change? Nothing. Say we fight and he woops my ass.....whats gonna change? nothing. You guys really need to get a fucking clue about what life is.....its not about proving yourself to others, its not a pissing contest. Grow the fuck up.

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make this short and "ignorant." you can pull the definition bullshit out all you want. my boy pulled your card. you asked him where to meet. just so happens he lives in the fucking hood. you didn't show up. the last thing I ever say to you dude, it aint about drama, it's about you using the word nigger more than once, being a snitch, and being a straight up bitch. real cats stand up when their card gets pulled. and them real cats know who they are. you aint one of them. period. fuck you. end of conversation.

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