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  1. got into a car chase recently and it wasnt with the police
  2. new page, new flicks happy halloween yall
  3. toro and pemex im over it atleast they killed the whole wall. just wasnt happy i was taken out in the process. shit happens i guess
  4. yo PEMEX, TORO OR CHAOS one of yall needs to hit me up ASAP not too excited about seeing my shit gone over...
  5. bump the homie yogurt, seen that the other day HUGE
  6. if this "outta towner" shit dont motivate you to get better, go bigger n paint more than youre just a fucking hater bump that risk joint on the last page
  7. condolences to all my homies who lost a friend/brother today RIP TOM1
  8. did he get paid do that that? fuck that shit hurts my eyes
  9. your outta town ass must be half blind then. go back to where you came from
  10. i come here to see some detroit shit and what do i see, the same msk related pieces over and over again. what the fuck. i know for a fact my homies are smahing the city and yall are still caught up in the hype. really sucks since i dont live near the city anymore and id like to see DETROIT shit but once again, same out of towners over and over and over and over. take the blinders off, shits getting really annoying....
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