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Issac Brock

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...I also have the password, but I am currently only selling it on ebay, for 14,000,000 dollars. cash nigga, cash. pear dont get at me in a pm, passwords are easy to figure out, and I like to give mine out. but, thank you from the bottom of my heart, tom1rip, our friends and family. fuck all the dumb beef shit, tom looked up to you, soviet, arch, and purge, alot (rip). if that nigga could see that shit he would be fucking stoked, so good looks, keep smashing, peace to nsf niggas. ftmd. lds puttin in work, except elmer, puttin in homo. no homo. dism dfw gratiot street side with teck pack and swag, goes hard in the motherfuckin paint nigga. flick it. put that shit on instahipster, you might get some hoes. to all my "enemies" you're a fucking joke. you should never put anytime or effort into me, no homo. not a good look. flattering, but I dont like men, and I am trying to ride off in the sunset...so, with that said.


please, for the love of god, even though nobody actually ever goes on this or reads my shit, but elmer, and mince, I am politely asking you, to please go put tomrip back where he was. his birthday is coming up in 6 weeks. lets just say it is jan.15th. with all due respect, put yourself in my shoes. I went over your dead friend. Jue1. there is no excuses. it is not ok or any reason for any of us to disrespect the dead. this goes beyond us. I am not doing this out of ego, to talk shit, to fuck with you, bottom line, we are all human, we all make mistakes. I have made plenty. please put tom back where he was. if you refuse, I and 3 others, toys, non writers, whatever you want to call us, will unmercifully destroy all that associated with elmer and mince, guilty by association, and no matter what you say, death is going to happen regardless to us all one day, so save the family threats, and threats to us and ours. we dont care. tom was my best friend, my brother, and it hasnt even been 1 year since he left. now I realize nothing is forever, none of us, down from the toyest of toys, to name droppin og niggas like insert your name here is over dead niggas. I am asking as respectively as I know how. I honestly sincerely do not mean disrespect. but if this is not fixed by said date, it will not be just blow out hands. it will be 10 full fireboys on deck, and elmer wont be the only person. so please, can we do what is right because regardless of what you or I say, the nigga is dead and has no say. it was written. cosigned by some real good weed and hopefully restore karma. thank you.



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Coming to conclusions.....if yall niggas dont stand up for tom and especially if you were "boys" with him, fuck yourselves he in the end hated every one of you. he was apart of detroit graffiti. yall will freak out over the fact jaunt and other dead writers will get gone over at a fucking chill spot but a fool who fucking some how got into buildings to do roll downs you dont give two fucks for. i really see who were toms boys and who arent now. RIP TOM 1! IDC IF YOU DONT GO AND DISS A GOD DAMN ELMER STAND UP FOR YOUR DEAD FUCKING FRIEND OR SPIT IN HIS FACE SOME MORE JUST LIKE ELMER DID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank god that niggas a ghost and can see all of this. You kno what....imagine if your best fucking friend in the world died and he was a writer and i went over him and said i dont give a fuck i burned him he did a single streak roller how would yall fucking feel at that point put your feet in our shoes...I dont give two shits about my reputation i aint doing this to for my ego i am defintly not doing this for fucking fame...i could careless about everyone of those, im doing it for my dead fucking friend above who is looking down and seeing exactly whats going on. weather you loved him or hate him the niggas dead and most of you got at me when he fucking died to say your condolences. respect a writer who wrote on the same walls as you did.....RIP KING TOM FUCKING ONE

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I hate to even bring this up, but sway, mega fucking props man. tom, hez, and myself were planning a top to bottom BIA similar but across, spaced out, and of course really horribly done. we even ms painted the letters to see where they would fit. either way, holy fuck nigga. I am fucking speechless no homo. bump wah, bump that fucking giant fuck of destruction. oh, on another note...






I aint gotta pull up my pants I just stand there froze in my fuck you elmer stance. how's this for cheap fame you fuck. go get my spots. go get the rest of tom1atmrip, you already got one, and refuse to go put him back, cause, well, you're fud, and you're above dead niggas, plus tom and I already had a spot on that building, and it was an old shitty faded roller. should of just agreed to disagree that we all make mistakes. fuck it, cheap fame? toy shit? jue being jue? call it what you will, but 53 dissed elmers, and I aint counting, and I just farted on my first 2 last night. tonight, since I fucking hate you, but you got mad spots, and I dont, Ill give you a fucking hint, your rooftops are tonight. well, if I can find any on the west side. the east side is boring. seriously, go take my spots, because as far as I am concerned, I go back on what I said yesterday, dont go up there and put the dead nigga back, because I know you aint personally doing it even if someone in your crew did. so fuck you nigga. and fuck your graf till I die. period. I fucking hate you. you make me fucking sick. for a month straight I have been made a scapegoat from my own "crew" because they are to fucking pussy to stand up to anyone in this city. but you faggots forgot, I been punched one time in the jaw, by amo, nice combo follow up idiot. save the threats.



I also declared war on all affiliated yesterday with elmer, and I take that back. just like the tom hands stopped through elmers because it is not fair, it isnt fair to ld and dfw niggas to still have to deal with me, and shit that doesnt apply. your spots are good. sorry. but when you dead best friend gets gone over by a white kid from 32 mile, a lot of fucking anger runs. yall niggas didnt go over tom, or myself, so I apoligize.


elmer, your spots are just fucked forever, sorry nigga. mince, we talked, if you dont mind, please throw my boy back where he was, I dont care if it is faded and 3 feet, and you cant see it, we will notice, and that is about the size of what has caused all this to begin with, oh, and the niggas dead. thanks.


peace. JUES90000000000000000000......<---------------- numbers represent my net worth, in another dimension.

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You and I CLEARLY have different opinions about what our dead homie would have wanted and how he may or may not have handled the situation if he were still here, but the fact is he's not. So you honor him how you see fit, and I'll do it by not putting words in a dead man's mouth who cant correct you if you're wrong, especially for something that is CLEARLY 50% personal vendetta on your part. I'll take being called a pussy any day of the week over doing some shit I dont think our dead homie would even really want and most likely consider poorly thought out and ignorant as fuck. And that's general consensus not one man's opinion.


I'm not gonna air out crew shit on here about how or why things went the way they did (because everyone who needs to know already does), so I wont even get into it, but that's my piece for what it's worth on the situation.

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uh, nigga, you werent part of the conversation, you really barely knew tom, I have spoke to tom many times in life about how he felt about his spots, if anyone goes over them, he takes them back, if it is more than one spot, he smashes. he didnt have to deal with it in life... fuck. it's niggas like you and sloe that are riding fucking high horses and letting someone hold the rest of toms spots over your heads, and for the record, he really did hate most of you, sincerely, and not like the hatred we had. see when you spend most waking moments with with someone, in the streets, in person, daily, you get to know them pretty fucking well. you know me well nigga. fact is, you're right, tom is not here to say anything, but if me, ME, JUE1 dissing elmer spots with my own fucking name because he went over "our" dead best friend, is wrong, oh fucking well. you stick to chill spots and sucking off sloe, the little bitch elmer and I ran up on personally street side when we met him for the first time, gave elmer a can of flat white, and was put down in a historic crew DFW and just out of respect to gray and dism and pak, ie, og dfw niggas from the other side of town, with the same acronym, with no fucking spots, or even deserving it, other than I thought that he was my brother for life. I am sure WISH and FOHR are really happy I ran their DFW into the ground by putting pussies like yall down in certain crews....



it is on here somewhere, when I made fun of mince and aires getting put down in dfw. but in my heart I knew they still fucking deserved that honor way more than sloe or A7 ever have. the fact that you niggas, ie, my old friends are to pussy to defend your fallen brother, and do it for the world to see, is enough for me to tell you, sloe, and any of your other boys that claim to be "writers" to go eat a fat dick. what makes you more right, than I wrong? asshole. nothing you stupid fuck.


caps for my retarded slow crew that cannot grasp this, I NEVER WROTE ON TOM HAND THROUGH AN ELMER, I HAVE NO PERSONAL AGENDA. ELMER AND MINCE WENT OVER TOM. MINCE SAID HE WOULD FIX IT BECAUSE NO MATTER HOW YOU SLICE IT, THE NIGGA IS DEAD, AND IT IS WRONG. now, I am personally fucking elmers spots up, and no thanks or help to any of you faggots, keep preaching amongst yourselves how fucking righteous you are. regardless, I will continue to defend my fallen brothers honor. you dont fucking disrespect the dead. I am not doing that by going over elmer myself. was it in bad taste to do toms through elmers? maybe, but at least 1 of toms brothers had the fucking balls to do something. and in case you didnt fucking know, mr. know it all fuck your 2 cents, all elmer or mince had to do, is put tom back where he was, cause tom cannot make that choice. elmer refused in the most fucking vile, disrespectful, egotistical way a fucking piece of shit like him knows how. mince didnt. so there you go world. that is why mince rides out nightly, and elmer gets capped when I smoke to many blunts and decide my dick been sucked long enough good lookin out girl. save your fucking reply. I was dead to you last week when I sent you the last message. ELMER, OVER A DEAD WRITER. go ahead, give me 1 fucking reason it was ok, and give me one more on why I shouldn't shit on elmer for the rest of my days on earth. thought so. there is no reason, HE IS FUCKING DEAD.


so fuck ALL you motherfuckers that somehow feel it is ok to disrespect dead writers, and somehow justify it, well, eat a dick. I will spare this bullshit from the public, I have said all I needed and much more. if you dont understand why elmer is getting capped, you're fucking retarded, and if you think I am doing this out of fun, boredom, or vendetta, you're fucking double retarded. dead niggas. how many times can I say it? the nigga died. way to throw me under the bus though know it all. you and fohr sure know a fucking lot late at night drinking.fuck you seks. fuck you sloe. fuck you elmer. and fuck you if you seriously justify in anyway I am responsible for this whole situation.

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