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Issac Brock

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^you need meds dude? I got some. damn cheer up, the apocolypse is coming soon!!!

cart said finna! you are way to fucking smart to be using the word finna! the old dale earhardt #3

probe is highly fucking missed. there is a good chance that I am fixing my whip after all

on monday, and if I do, I might just have to get all redneck again and put a big ass number

on the hood and roof again. I kinda like 17. hey white kids, who drives the number 17 car?

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the goal for 2010; lets see if we can piss off more people than the previous year. and just to get my two cents, that enuf aarf roller in the market got rolled out because they went over people that don't paint any more. first lesson of the new year for you kiddies; respect those who came before you and try to find your own spots.

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the goal for 2010; lets see if we can piss off more people than the previous year.


Great, that sounds super productive.



certain person from my crew to another: "yo deth's on the phone, talk to him"


other person: "Nah, fuck that nigga..."


does pissing people off include crew members? If so, from the sounds of it, i'm in the lead.

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the goal for 2010; lets see if we can piss off more people than the previous year. and just to get my two cents, that enuf aarf roller in the market got rolled out because they went over people that don't paint any more. first lesson of the new year for you kiddies; respect those who came before you and try to find your own spots.


kinda like the swl roller off of 94?

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I find it funny when people say I talk shit and don't paint. Fuhfuhfuhfuhfuhfuh lawlz rly?


for 2010, i'm going to make a ton of money with my Sally Struthers degree and then blow it on a whole bunch of purple cocaineee rock from OUTAH SPAAACE and go on a michigan excursion where i don't sleep and paint all around Michigan, like Sister Wendy and shit. Be a celibate monk art aficionado with bad teeth from the space crack.


also bump that menos throwy, havent seen one around here ever, but used to see em all the time out east. weird-duh.


i would not say "talks a lot of shit," but I would say you do a whole lotta of self promo on the net, with very little ups in reality. like some kind of internet networking self proclaimed head....jumpin on dudes jocks to hit a day spot with em. :confused: hmmm. just corny. and lots and lots of internet lingo.

though by all means, paint the whole state with galactic rocks as fuel;)

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Okay, so you're making fun of me for being a nerd? And for being an out-of-towner? You're completely right! So, you mad because I'm good at the internets? That's okay by me. I like painting because it's fun. Not really trying to prove anything, just like knowing other peoplez in the knitting circle, because we're all just trying to not be artfags.





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i would not say "talks a lot of shit," but I would say you do a whole lotta of self promo on the net, with very little ups in reality. like some kind of internet networking self proclaimed head....jumpin on dudes jocks to hit a day spot with em. :confused: hmmm. just corny. and lots and lots of internet lingo.

though by all means, paint the whole state with galactic rocks as fuel;)


first and foremost, you have been negapropped.


second, who are you anyway? this is not the first time you've decided to blab your "truth" here, and with an awe-inspiring 9 posts, your opinion means zip.


produce/post flicks, or shut up, simple as that... honestly, truthfully.




bump the fuck outta eufoe.


and one last note:



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yall gay. I see the 6-4 skinny homie got drunk and used tokes name. you got the internet

kid, just make a fucking name and talk mad shit like I do already. fuck I still manage to piss at least one of these fucks off a day and I am doing it from a landline. you know how long it takes to load a bunch of big titted lesbians porn on a landline? it aint 1997. but in my house it is. happy new year. my whip officially died today. so taking flicks is no longer for me for a while, which is ok, my people don't like the cold, and I don't like most of you people. that said, everyone be safe tonight. don't be fucking retarded and get drunk and drive. enjoy the new year. peace to the usual cats out there, fbs, ktc, mlb homies. yall be safe tonight.


thats exactly what happened! he talks more shit than the sewer!... so he gets kicked off 12oz. but he s the man around this mother fucker, hes so hott youll prolly catch a tan around that mother fucker

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