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Originally posted by lurkingafter1@Mar 13 2006, 10:21 PM

Bombers are Gluttons, we don't care - repetition of shapes.... how many kneecapman's can you find in DownTown...































































hell ya someone flicked one of those freeway spots, heard that shit got buffed though, guess that can mean only one thing, gonna have to road trip it back to detroit this summer oh yea big ups to loaf and amoe, and whoever called amoe a biter can eat my 90 year old grandmas dingleberries from her ass

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Originally posted by lurkingafter1@Mar 14 2006, 03:21 AM

Bombers are Gluttons, we don't care - repetition of shapes.... how many kneecapman's can you find in DownTown...
































































you better flick them..cause im sure they wont be running for long.

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Originally posted by RecklessVandal@Mar 14 2006, 12:15 AM

alot of box cars i cant go to the yard without seeing at least 2or3 of them,on another subject when did it become cool to paint crap in detroit there is alot of shit i see i,i understand alot of you all are starting out but keep that shit in the books


oh yes you are too kool r.v. crew man rite?


keep it in the books why ?

1.thats not as fun as bombing BY FAR ...........

2.not everyone gives a fuck about how sweet they shit is they go do it and have fun doing it

3.for example if you were at a say .... a skatepark with eric koston

busting frontside 180 nollie flips to fakie 5-0 down a ten stair

(ya i no a little too crazy)point being

are you just going sit down, oh cant skate no more cause someone else is here thats better...YOU might ,i would say hell naw

4.you will never learn any can cantrol "sticking to the books"

5.anyways point is those fools just dont give a fuck period, and i with em

word ..........A.N.G nukkas :king:


that debo fr8 stole my bike damnnnnnnnnn

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Originally posted by sect ebc+Mar 14 2006, 05:26 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (sect ebc - Mar 14 2006, 05:26 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-RecklessVandal@Mar 14 2006, 12:15 AM

alot of box cars i cant go to the yard without seeing at least 2or3 of them,on another subject when did it become cool to paint crap in detroit there is alot of shit i see i,i understand alot of you all are starting out but keep that shit in the books


oh yes you are too kool r.v. crew man rite?


keep it in the books why ?

1.thats not as fun as bombing BY FAR ...........

2.not everyone gives a fuck about how sweet they shit is they go do it and have fun doing it

3.for example if you were at a say .... a skatepark with eric koston

busting frontside 180 nollie flips to fakie 5-0 down a ten stair

(ya i no a little too crazy)point being

are you just going sit down, oh cant skate no more cause someone else is here thats better...YOU might ,i would say hell naw

4.you will never learn any can cantrol "sticking to the books"

5.anyways point is those fools just dont give a fuck period, and i with em

word ..........A.N.G nukkas :king:


that debo fr8 stole my bike damnnnnnnnnn



i see the point that you are trying to make...but in the same breath...why would you try some crazy shit at the skate park..wether its to impress some pros or not...knowing that you cant land it? i remember seeing lil kids skate downtown and they will be just trying the same huge set of stairs..obviously not comming any where close to landing it. same shit with graffiti....kids go out and try to crush shit when they dont even have a decent handstyle ..let alone any concept of can control or letter form. i understand that the only way to get better is to get out there and do it...but people need to remember...you gotta crawl before you can walk...then you gotta walk before you can run.


in other words: put in work in your black books...hours ..endless hours.

then go paint some chill spots...low key spots..so that if it does turn out like shit..noone will see it. once you understand what can control and letter forms are...get your crush on. i am a detroiter before im a writer...and i..as a detroiter, i dont want to see your busted ass graffiti all over the place. do the math.

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Originally posted by detroit red+Mar 14 2006, 01:27 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (detroit red - Mar 14 2006, 01:27 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'>
Originally posted by sect ebc@Mar 14 2006, 05:26 PM

<!--QuoteBegin-RecklessVandal@Mar 14 2006, 12:15 AM

alot of box cars i cant go to the yard without seeing at least 2or3 of them,on another subject when did it become cool to paint crap in detroit there is alot of shit i see i,i understand alot of you all are starting out but keep that shit in the books


oh yes you are too kool r.v. crew man rite?


keep it in the books why ?

1.thats not as fun as bombing BY FAR ...........

2.not everyone gives a fuck about how sweet they shit is they go do it and have fun doing it

3.for example if you were at a say .... a skatepark with eric koston

busting frontside 180 nollie flips to fakie 5-0 down a ten stair

(ya i no a little too crazy)point being

are you just going sit down, oh cant skate no more cause someone else is here thats better...YOU might ,i would say hell naw

4.you will never learn any can cantrol "sticking to the books"

5.anyways point is those fools just dont give a fuck period, and i with em

word ..........A.N.G nukkas :king:


that debo fr8 stole my bike damnnnnnnnnn


i see the point that you are trying to make...but in the same breath...why would you try some crazy shit at the skate park..wether its to impress some pros or not...knowing that you cant land it? i remember seeing lil kids skate downtown and they will be just trying the same huge set of stairs..obviously not comming any where close to landing it. same shit with graffiti....kids go out and try to crush shit when they dont even have a decent handstyle ..let alone any concept of can control or letter form. i understand that the only way to get better is to get out there and do it...but people need to remember...you gotta crawl before you can walk...then you gotta walk before you can run.


in other words: put in work in your black books...hours ..endless hours.

then go paint some chill spots...low key spots..so that if it does turn out like shit..noone will see it. once you understand what can control and letter forms are...get your crush on. i am a detroiter before im a writer...and i..as a detroiter, i dont want to see your busted ass graffiti all over the place. do the math.







and when you got to other major cities theres hella busted graff

its cause graffitti is fun good or bad ..i guess its just opinions i guess


and are you saying you dont want to see MY "busted ass graff"

or theres? just wonderin, cause if ya talking to me put a stamp on it


dueces :king:

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i remember seeing lil kids skate downtown and they will be just trying the same huge set of stairs..obviously not comming any where close to landing it.


Hey red, you got footage of that? I'm always up for seeing kids eating cement.


And at least none of "busted stuff" was on freights. Freights are the last thing you should do if you're still shaky. Why? Thousands of people will get to see that you are whack instead of the same ten people that might frequent a small yard you can learn in.

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Originally posted by seeking@Mar 13 2006, 09:54 PM

what do you mean by 'repetition of shape, deep symbolism and political statement'?


which shapes are being repeated, which symbolsim is deep and what are the political statements it's making? this is a sincere question by the way.


Why I am so happy that you asked about it this is the best ways I guess I could put it so I hope you understand.


So in a since its is my silent protest agents services taping. I attempted this through visual ambiances collage in surrounding or associated matters that influence or modify a course of development. My surroundings and all of my images reflected that in a sense of visual ambiances, awareness, art that is enjoyable entertainment not for just a moment or that is just an Iconic image but to keep the viewers attention and draw them in to the story and myth that I have created. The power or capacity of causing an effect in indirect or intangible ways this is substantially real and was in existents threw my tangible art. This space being atmospheric when viewed. It is like sound threw visual silent with visual noises. Influencing subliminally to seek the attention of the viewer. Sincerely


Hidden connotations in the peace that infers to my political protest against the patriot acts that is agent the people. That is the political statements that the work is making it is a protest and awareness of surveillance in the name of safety. This is the contemporary repression imposed on are society. By allowing are right to privacy to be sprit from us and are amendment rights to be suspended we are allowing are self's to be imposed on. This is fuelled by negative capitalism owner ship of the earth and forcing us and government in to communism. I am committing in the art work on the notion that are government the united states of America is striping us of are right and in violation of are freedom to be an individual in the name of war.


This is where the deep symbolism is. The images that I chouses to us am a comment on this issue.


Cosset Tapes- repeated

Phone booths


Paper labels



Discussion of property


R-is for revolution

Spray paint


Some of the photos also comments on my own life my paranoia problems love and detonation my influences and my paintings also how spray panting is the most important thing in my life and work it is really all that I have that is constant and never is boring or hearts me. The taps may be looked at as music hip hop past tens or even out dated my work is personal to me and I am trying to bring awareness to others and give as much as I can wall I am still alive


1.So don't do heroin it makes you fell like you want to die.

2.Taps representative of surveillance recordings

3.Sound threw visual silent repetition of simple shapes such cercal rectangles in taps

4.Musical information influences

5.Excessive amount of taps in the work is to connect with the pointless information the government obtains by surveillance

6.Repetition of taps- paranoia- spaying

7.Visual ambiances


If we are all being recording than we no longer have free speech they are instilling fear in us so this is what my art is pushed by this is another reason to make contemporary work peace.


Think what you want to think art is what it is and every one reads things differently I am sentient of my sores and why I make the decisions to do work like this.


I hate you too

And Fuck you I am not selfish you abusive fuck.


Much love to you too the all night crew.

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Originally posted by justin case@Mar 14 2006, 04:38 PM

painting is painting, and its fun, but you know how many kids have and cherish their flicks of that Beta piece? With busted shit especially..why? shit was still fresher than ya life even if it was three shades lighter sunken into that sweet westside concrete...

fuckin a rite homie THREE shades lighter


bump for ol beta :king:

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I thought maybe the phone booth was to call and hear the tape stencil.


Which I thought was a demo of your new single "I can't spell but I can do installations", and you were promoting on that wall because TRL was booked?


Now that I read your stupid ass explination that looks like it was typed by a foreigner who just finished "english101", I see the direction you are taking it in and I still hate you.


Talk some more shit and I will add the essence of urine, which to me, politically, states that your shit is dumb as hell and should be pissed on.


Just keep doing what you're doing then I will never have to feel stupid when you come up.



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Just to let you kiddies know - I didn't personally have anything to do with the Beta thing (which is now buffed). I loved that piece and will always cherrish my photos of it. It was definately one of the old school bombs that inspired me to street bomb and use only black and white back in the late 90's when I was living in NY. When we made kneecapman shirts in 98, all of them were hand painted black and white only.

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so was that the artist statement that accompanied your installation? were you graded on this project? if so, did your professor give you a critique? what kind of things did he/she say? how do they feel about your desire to overthrow the system, but your inability to spell 'our'?


i won't bother to mock you, that would be far too easy and serve absolutely no ends. i do believe you genuinely think you're saying all the things you claim, but i'll be honest, your talk is much larger than [although just as incoherent as] your walk and ultimately just makes you look ridiculous. you're very sincere, which i can respect, but your 'vision' needs a whole lot of revision. to anyone with even an iota of familiarity with art, politics or current events, your work reads pretty much like the ramblings of a spoiled, misguided 14 year old kid punk rock kid. you're unhappy with your life, probably feel a bit neglected at home, don't really fit in or feel like anyone understands you, low self image, etc. you have this giant hole in your 'soul' that needs filling, so you gravitate to 'hip hop' and graffiti and politics because it gives you a sense of self and something to belong to.... sound at all familiar? problem is, you care a whole lot more about belonging than you do about really understanding any of these things. your deep symbolism is about as deep as an upside down spoon, and your 'repetition of form' is simply reposting the same image over and over. that's not what 'repetition of form' means. i'm sure it was a landmark experience when you realized you could set some tapes on an undeveloped sheet of photo paper and turn on the enlarger, but to the rest of us, it's not much of an accomplishment, and your piece as a whole conveys none of the things you intended it to. if you want to create art that moves people, you need to be far more in tune with the viewing public, and unfortunately for you, while most of us are ignorant sheep, virtually all of us can spell 'sense', and again, know that the word is 'our', not 'are'.


i'm really not saying this to be rude. if there was something positive i could focus on, i would have, but (as i'm sure your instructors have told you) it's just not there. again, i respect your sincerity and your drive to do things, i just really wish you'd put a whole lot more thought and energy into understanding the things you represent and present them in a way that will actually convey their message, not make a cliche mockery of it.

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