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Fuck This Shit Thread - no homo


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Hahaha. My Shepard got a cat the other day, and at first I was like whatever, nothing will happen (cause shes a really gentle dog) but then I guess her natural instinct kicked in and she started shaking it, to break its neck, you know? I got that cat out of her mouth with the quickness, alive too. Moral of the story Dogs will be Dogs.

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yeah, dogs (just like cats) have strong predatory instincts..with proper training they can be taught to supress these instincts and be good citizens or whatever..but some breeds without proper socialization will take down a cat, smaller dog or running or crying child with the quickness..

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Guest nutsonmychin!

he will still chase cats he doesnt know.i dont know what he'd do if he go tone tho. but i have been able to introduce him to any and all people and animals and if they're cool he is too.

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Originally posted by GrimeyLife1@Mar 8 2006, 07:29 PM

This chick at work grabbed my nuts today,out the blue,for no other reason than to just grab em,shit kinda caught me off guard


I remember in middle school I had this "girlfriend" [class whore] who asked if she could hold my shit..i let her...it led to other things..public schools in the south really need to up their shit..

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What percent of people in your age range do you consider date-able? 5%? 8%? tops (a more than generous estimate)? And what are the odds of meeting that small percentage? Slim. What are the odds that the person of interest isnt already romantically involved? Lets face it, the good ones get scooped up fast, and the single ones (no offense to singles out there) a lot of the time aren't relationship material. And you can forget about "fate" or "destiny" and all that jazz. Some people just never get a break.

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yeah I feel you..I've been down that route too often..whatever though dog..just get rich and famous and the ho's will flock..haha..actually theres a slim chance of that happening too..fuck the government..just makes me feel better saying that..

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