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that DUMB BZ KKKATIE got wrapped. peep the game.



The Alley

24 Year Old SF Woman Accused Of Spray Painting "KKK," Swastikas On Buildings


by Bay City News


May 20, 2010 2:29 PM




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A 24-year-old San Francisco woman was arraigned this morning in San Francisco Superior Court on vandalism and hate crime charges after allegedly spray-painting racist and anarchist graffiti throughout the city.


Katherine Dunbar is suspected of defacing city buildings, storefronts and private homes with swastikas, the letters "KKK," and anarchist symbols between Jan. 18 and May 17, prosecutor Victor Hwang said.


Police cited Dunbar during Sunday's Bay to Breakers race after she was spotted spray-painting similar graffiti on portable toilets along the race route at Hayes and Buchanan streets, Hwang said.


She was arrested Monday after allegedly spray-painting more graffiti on the outside walls of the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium and the War Memorial Opera House, tagging a city vehicle outside City Hall with the words "smash the state," and "KKK" and then biting a police officer who attempted to detain her, Hwang said.


Hwang today argued before Judge Samuel Feng for Dunbar's bail to be set at $377,000 for what he called a "string of hate-crime related vandalism."


"She's caused thousands of dollars' worth of damage," Hwang said, adding that Dunbar allegedly admitted the acts to police.


Perhaps most disturbing, Hwang said, were felony charges of assault and dissuading a witness after Dunbar allegedly attempted to spray-paint an African-American man who tried to report the Bay to Breakers vandalism on Sunday and then allegedly made racial comments to him and threatened him with false claims of rape if he reported the incidents.


She is also accused of earlier crimes in which swastikas were spray-painted outside the home of a gay couple and outside two Arab-owned stores on Divisadero Street, according to Hwang.


Feng agreed the case was unusual.


"These are not ordinary charges," he said, adding that he was "quite concerned" about the hate crimes allegations.


In all, Dunbar is facing five felony vandalism counts with attached hate crimes allegations, four misdemeanor vandalism counts, and counts of felony assault, felony dissuading a witness, misdemeanor battery on a police officer and misdemeanor possession of graffiti instruments.


Dunbar's newly appointed attorney from the public defender's office, Sarah Hefling, noted her client has no prior criminal history. Hefling entered not-guilty pleas to all the charges on Dunbar's behalf.


Hefling is also requesting a mental health evaluation of her client.


Feng set bail at $250,000. Dunbar is due back in court Friday for a hearing.


Photo of defaced portable toilets from Bay To Breakers: Andrew Dalton/Aggressive Panhandler


If this is the chick I met, serves her right. Another hipster life lost to graffiti...Oh well..


Well actually she was pretty disturbed...put her in the nut house I say..

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My bad for this ridiculous rant with no pics, but these niggas are getting on my nerves. Just skip this if it doesn’t have to do with you, I realize that both crews and the battle are neither that relevant. Respond to me on the PM, ‘cause no one else here cares about this, let’s just keep the pics coming.


DGT won the battle, not a single person said otherwise, yall even said we won TO OUR FACE after the rumble at the skatepark got broke up by the pigs and we ended up at Dolores Park afterward, remember that? Yall admitted to losing and we even smoked a blunt together afterwards. The only aspect of the battle that was contested was who won on the buses, and yall eventually conceded that we won both the streets and the buses. And if we didn’t, then why did yall tell us we did? And then come on here and saying something else?


Dgt won every 1-on-1 fight at the skate park, had more than 5 heavy traffic-streetside extinguisher shots, we had tags, outlines, fills, straight letters, etc. Yall only had tags and outlines. I don’t remember if yall ever actually filled in any of those outlines, maybe a couple, but I think the closest yall came to fills was filling in the “G” in our fills to look like an “O”. Y’all tried to do 1 roller, but got shot at and then got caught.


We only had original DGT niggas, and the people that we did recruit for the battle were niggas that actually kicked it with us anyways, unlike yall who put on every random 14 year old bus hopper in sight. Funny, 2 of the people on your crew right now were actually DGT at first, and only became DOT after we rejected them (I‘d mention them, but I‘m not trynna name-drop). In the end, at least a couple of decent writers grew out of DGT, while the good writers on your crew got put on recently.


DGT didn’t play any corny “scene-self-promotion-graff politics” bullshit, while yall were busy clicking up with Valencia street hipsters and posting your own pics on flickr, 12oz, and who knows where else. I even remember a certain hipster calling us on the last night of the battle, like “We’re on our way back to the city right now with hella paint, we just pulled hella carts and we’re about a bomb hard as fuck and win”, trying to intimidate us or some shit, haha. Wonder whatever happened with that paint.


We actually tried to be honest and real and stick to the rules of this graff game. The conditions for the battle were that the loser had to give the winner hella paint (forgot how many cans) and permanently drop their crew. We actually sat down as a crew and made the decision that we were willing to risk dropping our crew, and even had the paint together ahead of time. Y’all lost and didn’t do either.


The battle was only with new-school DOT; I’m not an idiot, I know old-school DOT was dope. We even know a couple of old-school heads who said they didn’t consider the new cats part of their crew, that their legacy was separate.


Yall laid low after the battle, waited until that shit was old, and are trynna come back now by putting on a couple of real bombers, lying about your recent history, bombing now that we ain’t active, and self-promoting like a motherfucker.


And honestly, you niggas need to quit being those hipster-white boy’s token minority “ghetto writers”; they’re trying to use you for street cred. Y’all have more in common with DGT than those yuppies. I don’t know why yall are talking shit if it aint even beef. We see each other all the time, DGT and DOT be smoking blunts together, one of you niggas is even the homey’s sister’s long-time boyfriend. I think some of us might even be related through family. Some of us were homies before we were rocking either crews.


We’re from the same hoods (some of us are neighbors), we’re all working class minority youth, and yall really choose to fuck with hipsters while THEIR same Valencia-graffiti scene if GENTRIFYING your families outta YOUR hoods. Step your intelligence game up; some of the people in that graffiti scene are culturally and economically ruining our communities, but they have white guilt, so they dress poor and act as if gentrification and police repression of our people AREN’T the only reason they’re able to move here in the first place.


And if you really peep what I’m saying I’m not just talking shit and being immature. I’ve only stated facts; if a single thing I’ve said ain’t true, prove it. I don’t even have a problem with you niggas; I‘LL EVEN GIVE YALL CREDIT, yall crush too, have potential, and are actual natives, which is rare nowadays.




I’ll be the bigger man, put my pride aside, and just say it: this shit is stupid as fuck. No one might care about what I’m saying, but really, the beef is stupid as fuck, and both sides would do better off if we stopped dissin each others shit, stopped smashing on each other on the streets every-other-day and started taking out all this outtatowner yuppie bullshit, holding it down for our city while we still have a chance.


I’m only being factual and I aint starting no shit; I aint hiding either, holla at me on the PM if you got something to say. But if yall respond do it like some decent, grown men and point out where I’m bullshiting; if you respond like “NaW Ma NiGgA YaLl Is HeLlA GaY”, I’m not even gonna respond.deuces.


i havent heard of either of you

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And when theres art shows like gift 2 gab and everybodys like "DUDE THE UNDER COVER COPS ARE HERE!!!" don't you guys wonder why they show up? because you put flyers on 12oz when its filled with them.

:( :(


:lol: :lol: :lol: hahahha..exactly..some of these writers are not goin to jail....there are some that are active but alot that are hiding in train yards alll day and think there on some vet shit..

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that DUMB BZ KKKATIE got wrapped. peep the game.



The Alley

24 Year Old SF Woman Accused Of Spray Painting "KKK," Swastikas On Buildings


by Bay City News


May 20, 2010 2:29 PM




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A 24-year-old San Francisco woman was arraigned this morning in San Francisco Superior Court on vandalism and hate crime charges after allegedly spray-painting racist and anarchist graffiti throughout the city.


Katherine Dunbar is suspected of defacing city buildings, storefronts and private homes with swastikas, the letters "KKK," and anarchist symbols between Jan. 18 and May 17, prosecutor Victor Hwang said.


Police cited Dunbar during Sunday's Bay to Breakers race after she was spotted spray-painting similar graffiti on portable toilets along the race route at Hayes and Buchanan streets, Hwang said.


She was arrested Monday after allegedly spray-painting more graffiti on the outside walls of the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium and the War Memorial Opera House, tagging a city vehicle outside City Hall with the words "smash the state," and "KKK" and then biting a police officer who attempted to detain her, Hwang said.


Hwang today argued before Judge Samuel Feng for Dunbar's bail to be set at $377,000 for what he called a "string of hate-crime related vandalism."


"She's caused thousands of dollars' worth of damage," Hwang said, adding that Dunbar allegedly admitted the acts to police.


Perhaps most disturbing, Hwang said, were felony charges of assault and dissuading a witness after Dunbar allegedly attempted to spray-paint an African-American man who tried to report the Bay to Breakers vandalism on Sunday and then allegedly made racial comments to him and threatened him with false claims of rape if he reported the incidents.


She is also accused of earlier crimes in which swastikas were spray-painted outside the home of a gay couple and outside two Arab-owned stores on Divisadero Street, according to Hwang.


Feng agreed the case was unusual.


"These are not ordinary charges," he said, adding that he was "quite concerned" about the hate crimes allegations.


In all, Dunbar is facing five felony vandalism counts with attached hate crimes allegations, four misdemeanor vandalism counts, and counts of felony assault, felony dissuading a witness, misdemeanor battery on a police officer and misdemeanor possession of graffiti instruments.


Dunbar's newly appointed attorney from the public defender's office, Sarah Hefling, noted her client has no prior criminal history. Hefling entered not-guilty pleas to all the charges on Dunbar's behalf.


Hefling is also requesting a mental health evaluation of her client.


Feng set bail at $250,000. Dunbar is due back in court Friday for a hearing.


Photo of defaced portable toilets from Bay To Breakers: Andrew Dalton/Aggressive Panhandler


! this is exactly why selling grAFF supplies to the public and all these pop culture fuckheADS should not write...period.

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