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I don't think Sofles was the first person to incorporate all this nonsense. Seems to me that the only people putting it out there, are people that can actually pull it off (MSK FECK BERST SOFLES) etc. I think we should all just be grateful that little weak toys haven't started trying it yet.


P.S: Yes, Goer bites an ENTIRE country.


P.P.S: Goer, did you used to write Aresk by any chance?


Aresk is a legal beagle art fag that lives over east somewhere and doesnt do ills... Heaps of people are after him supposedly or something like that last i heard.


Theres really not that much semblence between goer and all this stuff. Sure, there's a few things, but its not a big deal. The guy can paint, just like everybody. He's not the best, not the worst but i reckon he goes alright. Who fucking cares anyway, somebody post some flicks.

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you think people bite "sofles, berst, askew", revok, sever, saber, steel, MsK krew... etc. no one hear can paint half as good as these dudes. dont lash people trying to progressing there style, its just all about doing it and not spending days scoping rad flicks on your mums computer when you could be collecting your own. whip the shit from your chin boys and girls

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AN off-duty West Australian policeman has been beaten up, suffering a suspected broken nose, when he tried to stop a graffiti vandal in central Perth.

It was one of several assaults on police officers in Perth and Kalgoorlie over the weekend.


Just after midnight (WST) today, an off-duty officer saw a man spraying graffiti on a pole in Hay Street and advised him to stop.


But the vandal lashed out and became even more aggressive when the officer identified himself as a policeman, a police spokeswoman said.


She said three other men joined in the assault and pushed the off-duty officer's girlfriend around.


The officer, who suffered extensive bruising and a possible broken nose, would be off work for some time, the spokeswoman said.


Police have yet to make any arrests and are seeking witnesses to the incident.

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