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really not trying to be a hater man because as much as i contribute to this shitty ass states site with flicks and commentary i would hate to get kicked off but... when the fuck have you ever posted flicks or even painted? you hop on here and post your little photobucket tehehe flicks that kids in halo would laugh at and dick ride whos getting bumped and not. do you have alot of Efame that you have to rep for orrrr? once again not trying to be a hater but everyones always bitching about keeping this site smooth and no bullshit fighting and only flicks and you always seam to refule the fire.

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going over people who put in work while you were suckin on your moms tit is always a sure way to catch instant efame!


going over people who were sucking on your moms tits also. bump those old rollers that ran for so fucking long and never got touched untill some MMA mixed martial artists did a judo kick into a bucket of paint and splashed it on the wall.

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