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dude we all know your fuking ill know joke you just gotta work on preportions u narr meng??? if you skope that last sketch for a while you will notice that every bar in you letters excluding the K is relatively a similar fatness of the bars in other letters. my critz r to practice getting each letter to be closely the same as the other letters in terms of hight and width. do this by making the bars in those letters the same fatness. like i dunno about neone else but when you post a sketch they look so fresh untill i look at the K and i just wana die coz its so small compared to the other letters but yeh fresh work on that and ill work on my ugly little toy horizontal extension joinup letters steeze... word. these r drunken critz btw i hope they turned out readable they r in my best interests for u so u better read them y.jewhflkjrhflrjhvbrjkvhklvjhbark,vjbhar.jmvhcakrjvhadrjkvha.,vjhrvjksa PEACE....kjdsfhkldrjgh

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Fucking around with addons... Ehhh, I like simples better


My K and my E suck




Yay! Youve been reapeating the same old stuff, good to see something new.


Furhtormore, your ready to paint, so go paint stuff, itll help your style so much, seeing what works and what doesnt.

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