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Hack I like them, the last one with the what I'm assuming are brass knuckles is cool. keep it up.



Alright now my sketch I just did this really quick b/c I wanted to try and get some different looking letters b/c mine are always the same. So what are your opinons on it? What should I work on. Don't mind the crappy coloring or w/e cuz as i said I did it quickly.

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@REMIK, I really like your sketch, though I think you need to tone it down a little. Its too busy and add some color. Still waaaay better than anything I can do. Props!


@idigheavymetal, good shit homie (the 2nd and 3rd sketchs), add some shades to it.


@Hitch14, good start, but clean up your lines, especially the "S."

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remik, not personally feelin the wiggly bits on the R and the K, but the overall piece is nice... could look good ainted reallyreally big lol.


idigheaevymetal not bad at all. i like the look of the second one but fuk nos i cant read it... i see alot of Ns... the last one is arite but fix the rlly little bit on the K and one side of the A is a little too wavy for my liking.. just my personal thoughts tho, feel free to ignore!

hitch i said sumit on pg


new outline...comments?


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they dont look particularly bad, assuming you havent been writing long, just keep working on them but sty simple till you get a style youre comfortable with.


the top of the 'm' kinda looks like an ass

keep your letters the same width the whole way through. the e gets fatter at the end and the s is just doing some crazy shit. when you're stying simple, remember that consistensy goes a long way.

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edogg i love that penguin. u managed the shadin completely. the eyes loook an odd shape to me, but its hot!

again, its OK hitch... the bit on the bottom right of the A doesnt work the top of the S is too big for the bottom, i dont like the fat bits on the bottom of the M legs. keep tryin man, its gettin there

zero that one looks arite, i think its let down where letter like the R are too fat for the others, like the Z is quite skinny...keep the letter width constant.


any thoughts on mine above?^^^^^^^^^

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jank mate looking good


zero im going with jank on this

constant same width throughout man


nice hand there by nerd


same your letters go from fat to thin like your S and your A i dont see why . best letter there is the E mate keep them like that


edogg that penguin is fresh

u hit the spot with that man

try this site mate dunno exaclty if they do shading but theres alot of character sketching help from here




420 id say maybe get your final black outline from letters sharper all over that could make it look a bit cleaner in my eyes.

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critique please, and im looking for advice to make it look cleaner, sharper, wtc. thank you.



oh and if you are looking for the letters, it says Pivot.



Originally posted by FourTwenty@Dec 21 2005, 12:20 AM

Just another unfinished sketch...



This time, i'm looking for any tips for my drawings to look cleaner, sharper, etc. Critique please. thank you.


(oh and sorry for the photo size, =\)




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