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Compared to that trash ass wildstyle practice I did yesterday, I'm liking this a lot more. I watched a few tutorials on youtube to get an idea of what I'm trying to do with wildstyle and went ahead and tried to make the flow from the middle out on this one. Let me know what you guys think so far, it's still in the works.



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Much better. Is that pencil? Anywho its obvious you watched some stuff on youtube. I mean i watched shit on youtube but not for style, more like how to make inks and just watch people sketch and paint. Theres nothing wrong with watching people, thats how you learn and you cant help but learn while watching. But zomb man dont perpously learn shit from you tube. Find some iowa cats at learn from them. Is there even any graff where your from? And although the new outline may look better, its just a simple with some extentions in four directions. If thats from your head, good, if you saw it and said cool, bad. Youtube is kinda looked down on imo, for tutorials anyway. The first outline looked worse but unlike some people that see the outline and just that i try to see where its going and that first one was def a good start. Post some pics of graff from your area, or pm it to me in case people are still sore in the ass from gaysex and bitch about bombin flicks in a sketch thread.

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Much better. Is that pencil? Anywho its obvious you watched some stuff on youtube. I mean i watched shit on youtube but not for style, more like how to make inks and just watch people sketch and paint. Theres nothing wrong with watching people, thats how you learn and you cant help but learn while watching. But zomb man dont perpously learn shit from you tube. Find some iowa cats at learn from them. Is there even any graff where your from? And although the new outline may look better, its just a simple with some extentions in four directions. If thats from your head, good, if you saw it and said cool, bad. Youtube is kinda looked down on imo, for tutorials anyway. The first outline looked worse but unlike some people that see the outline and just that i try to see where its going and that first one was def a good start. Post some pics of graff from your area, or pm it to me in case people are still sore in the ass from gaysex and bitch about bombin flicks in a sketch thread.


Nah the only idea I took from the video was to pretty much make it explode from the middle. What I did looks nothing like what he did. And honestly the graffiti scene in Des Moines (Not sure about other cities but this is the capital city) sucks bad. I got a friend who is a painter from Chicago who just opened up a graffiti shop here and I'm supposed to be kicking it with him soon and getting some pointers and stuff. But nah unfortunatly I've never been taught anything at all first hand. I've learned more on this site than anywhere else.

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that merk hand is the best thing on that wall, sadly. If theres some good guys around hang out in yards once in a while, ive ran into people here about four times in one yard outa the last uhhh say seven to nine times ive been there. Once was some homies, the other times were some really heavy hitters and im now friends with some of them.


This is a piece i did back in 09. I still remember doing it lol. As soon as i saw your first attempt it reminded of me period, i have a big thing for layering shit like you did. Then your direction was my exact thought when i was making this style "i wanna make it explode". Ive been meaning to go back to the shit i did as a toy starting out and fuck with those styles again. Zomb dawg i think you just motivated my lazy ass to do so, thanks man lol.

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Being bad at graffiti is kinda fun though, because you notice yourself getting better along with everyone else.


And yeah? I can probably hook YOU up then lol. I'm friends with Joel Eckman the original drummer of Stone Sour. So of course he knows all those dudes personally.

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I like the letter style a lot actually. I've wanted to create something similar but can't seem to do it. I'd go for a deeper 3d though. The letters are so wide yet the 3d is so shallow. With my 3D I generally try to make it atleast as deep as my letters are wide, if not deeper.

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darkiest: dope man really like your style but maybe open up the top of that R to go with the D


zomb you have improved so much makes me a little bit jealous hhaah i have so much other shit to do and no time for sketching so it sucks. keep it up


but those colors not to keen on need to add in another i think maybe a lighter or darker orange??? and your Z is lost and seems to heavy at the bottom bit. PROPS.

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Omg that vesta battle is amazing. Hony shit.

Thanks zomb, and youu lucky fuck for knowing him.

The colorings not bad, i like the green. Hang the piece up and take a few steps back and just pay attention to the color, your main spots for the lighter orange is in the z,o, and the m. Even tho you have the lighter lined in there ifs not as obvious and imo makes the color weigh more on the left if you get what im sayin. Unles i purposely put a color to one side i try to make it a nice even spread

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